>Grow up watching a cartoon
>The main character teaches you morals that you will forever know growing up
Let's take Popeye for example
>Eats vegetables in order to get Big and Strong
>Fights off rapists because raping is bad
>Because he is your hero and you want to be like him, you follow these good examples in his footsteps
>WB decides to make a movie of him
>Doesn't give a shit about Spinach, only cares about stopping rapists
>Eats a bunch of candy and junkfood, but is somehow still big and strong
>In the final fight against Bluto, he eats a metric shitton of candy so that he can defeat him
>Realizes that he's fighting a good guy. Eats McDonalds to take out the bad guy
>This is the icon that kids grow up with
NOW do you guys see the problem?
I don't care what Bob Kane did in the 30s, that Batman isn't my Batman
Grow up watching a cartoon
I don't even know what you're talking about right now. Movies or something?
Bob Kane did nothing in the 30s or any time after that
>NOW do you guys see the problem?
Not really. You're pretty shit at analogies.
Something about the new Popeye movie coming out?
Is Genndy Tartakovsky still on the project? I haven't heard much about it since it was announced.
This is true. OP should probably be ignored based on this mistake alone.
I personally find it interesting that the world has become so fucked up that even Batman felt the need to throw all his rules out the window.
The constrast between comic book Batman and Snyder's Batman, is what makes it interesting. What made the man go over the edge. That's what I like and that's what I'm looking forward to.
Popeye = Batman
Candy = Guns
am I close, OP?
Problem is that this is supposed to be the beginning of their movieverse. They decided to launch the second title in their decades long movie universe with a washed out Batman that no longer follows his moral code. We never get to see him at his height to really understand how he has fallen.
Snyder has this problem with movies based on other things like comics, he thinks because we are aware on a meta level that they existed before his movie that he can borrow from that credibility and shoehorn his movie without showing us important aspects in his film. In MoS he has man of murder not really helping anyone as Superman. He doesn't really have Superman in the film at any point, just an angry guy with superpowers that is fighting other angry people with superpowers. He is aware that Superman helps people, he knows that we are aware on a meta level that Superman helps people, and he thinks it is okay to steal that credibility and stitch it onto his film. He doesn't need to show us Superman actually giving a damn because we know he is supposed to care.
In MoS we needed to see Superman as the hero so that we can root for him when the army is thinking he is a danger, so we know that he IS a hero, and in BvS we needed to see Batman as a hero with morals and a code so that we could actually feel it when we see him breaking his code because he thinks the world is just too broken.
Batman isn't a hero in BvS because we read the Batman comics or watch the Nolan films, but Snyder thinks it is okay to build his film on those other works.
Or maybe Snyder just hasn't read jack shit and has no idea how Batman or Superman are supposed to be.
At least for me it's clear from the movies that Superman's just starting out and finding his footing, and role in the modern world. And as for Batman, Alfred makes it clear that he has drastically changed his methods and Alfred (along with many fans) doesn't approve.
Of course, the way they're doing these things isn't working as well as it could if they actually established the character well before shoving them into the same movie, but still find all this small potatoes compared to some of the bigger problems in the movie(s).
Liked the movie, though, even with its flaws.
>In MoS he has man of murder not really helping anyone as Superman...
>Saves 7-8 Billion lives twice...
Your a mother fucking retard.
Well it is obvious that Snyder can't understand the idea of benevolent people doing things because they simply want to make the world better. That is one of the reasons there is so much Jesus imagery in his film. He doesn't understand Superman, a selfless hero, so he tries to create connections between Superman and someone he knows to be selfless and benevolent: Jesus. He thinks that if he draws enough connections between the two that people will understand that Superman is all those things that he is supposed to be, even if Snyder himself can't comprehend them or understand how to put them in his film.
>In MoS we needed to see Superman as the hero so that we can root for him when the army is thinking he is a danger, so we know that he IS a hero
>Him saving people all thru out his life in secret didn't show this to you?
>Him surrendering to Zod for humanitiy's sake didn't show this to you?
>Him refusing to go along with Zod's plan didn't show this to you?
Jesus Christ it must suck to be that fucking dense.
Why don't you cry about it you faggot. It's just a movie. And if you grew up getting your moral standards from cartoons your parents are fucking retarded.
Except (you fucking retard) Clark does help people for the sake of helping people.
Hence the bus, hence the oil rig.
Him being held back from fear of worldly consequences doesn't fucking mean he doesn't want to help people you stupid fuck.
The issue isn't Superman starting out or not, its his moral groundwork and his character isn't there. Clark Kent was a good person before he became Superman. Even at the beginning Superman was always a nice person and a good guy. The MoS isn't really that kind of person. I don't think Superman would ever say "If I wanted to, you would be dead already" as a threat like that.
As for Batman, again we never SEE that he had a moral code. Snyder expects us to have a meta awareness of all the things Batman has done in other people's movies and the comics into account. Imagine if Civil War was the first movie in a series, we have no idea what happened during the "Ultron Incident" or what happened to New York besides people talking about it in the movie.
You do realize that was a grappling gun he shot through the guys shoulder right?
Bad guys are getting badder. We can't just crack a few quips and punch them once or twice. Maybe the morals of squirrel girl are more your speed.
It's not a threat, just a fact.
>if superman wanted Batman dead than he would be
The difference is that most people are aware of Batman's history and moral code and before the MCU barely anyone could tell you anything about the avengers. It's not necessary to show Batmans past to establish that he's gone off his rocker.
I get where you're coming from but it's probably because we're both autists.
Should have stuck to batman and guns.
He's talking about how we don't eat enough spinach nowadays.
Also the analogy is fucking autistic op seek help
>Cartoons taught me how to be a man and now I'm chimping out because of a movie.
>I don't think Superman would ever say "If I wanted to, you would be dead already" as a threat like that.
For the love of fuck!!!
His mom's life is at stake and she has possibly been tortured.
He was trying to get it thru Bruce's head how pointless this is.
And main universe Superman absolutely has said such things.
I don't have the full page but in pic related he threatened to rip her head off after finding her with a line of bodies in the street.
>You do realize that was a grappling gun he shot through the guys shoulder right?
And? Is it ok for Batman to use Shotguns as long as they are loaded with pellets instead of slugs?
Guns are fine if they used compressed propellant over gunpowder?
Or how about this, (I know this is extreme) how about Batman NOT SHOOTING PEOPLE?
The fact you believe he is suppose to be jesus and not YET ANOTHER sun god (yes you dumbass, jesus was a sun god too) goes perfectly with your idiocy of saying "Well it is obvious that Snyder can't understand the idea of benevolent people doing things because they simply want to make the world better." when that's all what MOS was about.
For fucks sake there's a scene in BVS at the end of the "is superman god?" montage where one guy literally says "meaby he is not a demon or a god, meaby he is just a nice guy trying to do the right thing" and then it's cut to Clark calling him mom for advice.
Is not Snyder's fault that you are a retard that just wants superman to save cats.
Maybe because it looks, smells, and tastes gross and has a disgusting slimy consistency as well? There are superior vegetable choices.
>but a vicious beatdown that leads to broken bones and concussions is good
Where's the cutoff line?
While I'm not going to argue that Snyder draws parallels between Superman and Jesus, I will posit that he doesn't understand Jesus either. The miracles Jesus performs are secondary to his message, whereas Snyder's Superman has no message; he actively refuses to talk to people, and is not allowed to be the narrative besides.
Eat your spinach or you're not getting dessert
>wanting a preachy superman
This nigga
>how about Batman NOT SHOOTING PEOPLE?
He didnt in the movie.
Kek you are truly retarded if you dont think Batman should use a grappling gun. You are also retarded for saying that and posting a picture of the comic where he uses a grappling sniper.
Just put that shit on pizza yo
>doesn't that defeat the purpose of eating healthy
If you're going to base your characterization on a guy that goes around talking to people and telling them now to live, and your rip-off/homage/parody whatever symbolistic bullshit is anti-social, you've fucked up.
It's all shallow imagery. The only thing under the surface is more surface.
Superman doesn't going aroubd telling people to live their lives you casual.
That guns are a weapon for the weak, and batman isnt weak, bruce isnt afraid of guns, he is trained in their use, he just doesnt like them as weapons since he believes without a weapon his dad would had kicked Jeo's ass. Bruce has no problem with weapons that extend the human body and skills. is hard for a dumb 3 years old kid to kill his dad with a bow, but with a gun that isnt out of the picture, guns can't be trusted etc.
Bruce using the gun to fight Darkseid is important he is weaker and is using a weapon of cowards, but since he didnt want to kill (at least not the human host body) he could do it. For some reason autistic plebs think that the "rule" of not killing and the use of guns are the same shit when they are not.
Batman killing 5 people in BVS is fine, since Batman IS THE BAD GUY, bruce is lost, bruce isnt a detective anymore, bruce doesnt hear alfred, bruce thinks everything is already lost and wants a death by alien. Batman being lost and being Saved by Superman is one of the best things about the movie.
Jesus does.
Look. I'll break this down for you because you're clearly an idiot.
Snyder compares Superman to Jesus. Not the best decision, but it okay.
Except the comparison falls flat, because Snyder focused on the spectacle of Jesus and not the character. There is no depth to the comparison but the surface spectacle.
>It's all shallow imagery.
You are an ignorant idiot that doesnt understand what it means.
Doomsday. Darkseid isn't in this movie.
And when you flub up things like that it makes it kind of hard to believe you know what you're talking about with your interpretation of Batman as being a death seeker.
Does anyone remember back in the Post-Crisis 80's when Max Allan Collins, Mike Barr, and Jim Starlin wrote Batman? I do. I remember. And I remember a Batman that flat-out admitted to killing during those stories. A Batman that committed what would be called manslaughter in those stories.
I also remember a Pre-Crisis Barr Batman back during the days of Batman and the Outsiders that wasn't 'MUH ONE RULE', too.
For the record, I am not claiming that Batman was the fucking Punisher but he was more fucking realistic and lax in his approach to non-killing than what he's been depicted since the 90's.
Y'know, if we can blame any era for really trying to hammer in 'MUH ONE RULE' into the heads of these autistic fanboys it's the 90's. The 90's really fucked up the characterization of Batman.
Yeah. because someone that uses a tautology like that is clearly the more literate in the conversation.
I was talking about Final crisis
You realize that you're talking like Batman helped you grow up, but your autism about what the character as an adult show you're still a fucking child?
Protip: the "original" Batman is still around, and you really shoulnd't give a shit beyond that you're a fan of the series.
>but think of the children
We all know this is really about you, user.
>Synder compares Superman to jesus
Well no, Synder used messianic imagery with Superman but that doesn't he based Superman on jesus.
Are you high right now? You fucking wackjob
Have you even read TDKR?
I blame Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. These faggots who make these threads think BTAS/STAS/JL(U) are the absolute definitive versions of every character, which is just insulting.