What are your hopes and your thoughts about what will happen in s3?
I don't see how can Bojack be happy with himself.
What are your hopes and your thoughts about what will happen in s3?
He will actually be moderately happy, people around him will drag him down because they don't believe him, donwer ep 11, ending in a more hopeful note
I just want to know who wants him in the play in new york.
Also will he meet Penny or Charlotte again?
why would he suddenly learn how to be happy after literally five decades of sabotaging himself whenever he gets close to it
I want Mr. Peanutbutter to kill himself already.
>What are your hopes and your thoughts about what will happen in s3?
the same bohoo life sucks shit from the 2 previous ones
Have they explained what the "other show" is yet?
Gonna have to rewatch both seasons
That's the only thing I'm worried about, S1 and S2 had such great continuity between episodes and did a good job of establishing characters and ideas well before they were brought up again later. Everything about charlotte and kazazz and the movie and what it meant to him all brought up pretty early on.
By the end of S2 pretty much all those threads are tightly wrapped up and our only hook is this new idea we got three seconds before the credits rolled. Its going to be more like that rabbit guy again, the "who the hell are you" feeling when he starts talking to caroline like he was always there. Imagine how less satisfying it would have been if charlotte or secretariat were only mentioned in S2 as well.
Plus they went to such a great deal to specify so many times that Horsin' Around was bojacks first and only show and that he never worked again and boom here's the "other show"
It's never stated IIRC that Horsin Around is his only show, it's just what BoJack remembers as his hayday. He obviously has pushed this show out of his memory and the people on the show he worked with, and we also know that his career declined in the 2,000s, which may have been caused by, at least in part, this tv show. It doesn't break continuity at all that BoJack would be in multiple shows and he wouldn't want to reminisce on the shittier points of his life.
It could be a British sitcom. They're usually pretty short and obscure to Americans.
Do many americans know of Le Blanc in Episodes?
The production crew dies in a freak accident
It gets blitzcancelled.
Top edgy
No, I think that ship has finally sailed... literally.
People are throwing this word around a lot these days.
Actually, it went out of fashion a couple years ago from people misusing it. It fits perfectly well in this scenario, though.
Figures as well that you'd also be a drakeposter and soulsfag :^)
Kill yourself.
It's just a meme lad
I thought that was just a knight. The fuck, I never played one of the Souls games if that's what you mean.
I hope all drakeposters die in a freak accident.
I hope all Soulsfags die in a freak accident.
At least we finally agree.
I'd recommend you go back to Sup Forums, most outside of that board won't give out free (You)s to those that are new.
>go back to Sup Forums
That's a typical Sup Forums line. Maybe you should go back to your own board?
>reddit likes it so I HATE IT
I wish I had that pic with Sup Forums embracing trash because reddit liked the movies they liked
No it isn't, but I'll be happy to see what other nonsense you come up with to save your newfag face :^)
Plus anything that helps bump bojack threads is fine by me
Not him, but does reddit really like bojack?
Then again, reddit is such a large site it probably covers all bases by now, so it's increasingly a moot-point to draw parallels of liking something, and said something being reddit-tier.
>reddit likes it so I hate it
Again, typical Sup Forums line. Maybe I just hate it because of my own reasons? Is that too far-fetched?
So me shitting up the thread with irrelevant nonsense is fine if it bumps BH?
...OK then
Bojack threads barely last and I don't like the mods on this board so yeah, whatever. You may get banned but like that ever stopped anyone.
>This could of been a decent Bojack thread.
>could of
Also you're obviously mr drakeposter still.
>could of
Is this a new maymay?
Anyway, no, it couldn't, I stepped in and shit on it.
I don't actually care about the show, just wanted to rustle jimmies.
Oh, I see. I think you mistook my shitflinging as someone who's rustled, when I'm just trying to kill some time as you presumably are. You need to step up your bait game to rustle anons
How autistic do you have to be to h8 a fucking reaction pic? Jesus Christ lad.
And no, that's not me, I am actually able to speak pwopuh English.
Refer to the post above you
I'm installing LoL right now, have to kill some time one way or another.
Is BH genuinely good? I've only seen 2 episodes and the humor was too predictable.
Everyone is in agreement that early S1 paints a poor picture of the show, with a lot of it being visual gags based in 'lol dey look like teh animals'. Later in season 1, though, it picks up - becoming more of a social commentary on celebrity culture and depression. It's pretty good, but nothing amazing; worth sitting through if you have time to kill right now.
>Avatar faging
Worse than Drakeposting desu
>I don't see how can Bojack be happy with himself.
That's funny, because a lot of the start of the show was full of people in Bojack's world who didn't understand how he could not be happy. He's rich, famous, has a good group of real friends who seem to genuinely love him, and if he really improved himself between seasons 2 and 3 and continues to improve the way season 2 implied he might, then he can pick himself up from his bootstraps and discover he has real talent, self worth, and compassion. Now I'm not saying someone can't have all the things Bojack has and not be unhappy, but he sure does have a lot of blessing to count, and his only real problems were his internal hatred of himself and other and his depression keeping him down, which he has the ability to fix.
God dammit.
>avatar fagging
...what? Lad are you trying to rustle me or is your autism reaching critical levels?
I suppose I'll give it another shot. Does it have an overarching plot or can I just skip episodes?
There's probably a few you could safely skip on, but having only watched through it once (I was going to watch through again starting tonight in anticipation of S3) I don't know which episodes are safe to skip. Yes, though, it has an overarching plot - from what I recall that only surfaces by the last 3rd of season 1 (but as I said I'm not sure specifically what episode, so you may as well just watch the whole thing)
So I guess I will. If this thread's still up I will post my reaction to it.
This. Remember in episode one where they had that brief fakeout gag with the cast of Horsin Around in the hospital crying because Bojack had died, and them being older than the clips we'd seen of the show to that point implied it was the real them, only for us to find out later that of course the real grown up child stars were nothing like that?
Or the episode when it showed Sarah Lynn's past and it flashed forward like 10 years after her Horsin Around days to show she was a successful pop idol and for a brief moment leads you to think that's her current self, only to flash forward 10 more years to today when she's a washed up has been?
Or the way Bojack (and the audience) heard that Charlotte had moved to Maine and we all built up the idea that she was still living (hopefully alone) in Maine, only to get suckerpunched when we find out she's been living in New Mexico with a family and was only in Maine for like a month or two?
The show has been pretty good at establishing that the characters have lives outside of the narrow view of the audience, and that we don't really see all the details until they happen to brush up against Bojack's current story. It's not always coming out of left field as much as it's building a bigger world that doesn't always work exactly like a sitcom.
When will Mr. Peanutbutter and Bojack have sex?
The more important question is will he ride bojack doggy-style?
Will they compete in a tightest anus contest and let a judge test their ass with his dick?
Guys stop
that's racist.
clearly he'd give him a French Press
Meme ship desu
I wouldn't be surprised to see Penny turn up on his door step.