Most underrated characters
>tfw overshadowed by your brother, his harem and his cybernetic time travel baby
Most underrated characters
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Fuck off, Alex.
What the hell happened to him?
I left him disfigured but with the possibility of having a daughter with Wasp if he fucked her in a precise day and hour
This. Rightclops is Rightclops for a reason.
Additionally here's my pick. Zemo's great and all but goddamn did he put up a good face front. I want him back either way ;__;
There is no dishonor in losing to panther god
I like how nobody except Reed cares
Super "I got cucked by Ms Martian" Boy
>You are now aware that Storm would beat Karnak in H2H
>that second panel
Obligatory: Snowflame
Best boy ;__;7
Still miss him.
one of the most powerful human magic users, cousin of Johnny Blaze and Daniel Ketch, friends with Man-Thing, Weirdworld warrior, overall badass and cute bitchy blonde magical mean girl
Go back to writing terrible self insert fanfic linkara.
Linkara, leave.
Hitman is a really underrated series but anyone who's read it gives it the appreciation it deserves
Not even memeing.
He's at least as powerful as magneto if not more. His powers are extremely dangerous.
Yet he gets the credit of a secondary.
Just imagine what you can do with his powers.
And Spiderman dodging his lightning is pure bullshit.
Another underrated character.
Deserving of a standalone graphic novel.
Like Captain America but without the cheese and righteoussness.
I'd love to see him killing people in shady ways on black ops ran by CIA's SAD
ITT: Most shit characters.
>want to create Midnight Sons in MAKE YOUR OWN TEAM thread
>can't find two decent pictures of Jennifer
This one deserves to be a famous secondary.
Cool concept but misrepresented.
Just like electro, his powers are incredibly dangerous and close to magneto's yet he's made to be a nobody.
His costume is also a cool concept.
Spider-sense, user
The other characters dodging the lightning is bullshit
Shit he's cute here.
The daughter of Nightmare and a succubus.
She's like a hot Freddy Krueger, but she really just wants to understand mortals to ease her loneliness and boredom. She's very dangerous and chaotic, but not necessarily evil. So much fun could be had with her but unfortunately she's an Alpha Flight character and I swear originating in Alpha Flight is a curse.
another one
I really really like her
being all timid and adorable
Ennis misses him too.
Just read ultimates.
I like her armor look.
Always thought she was pretty cool. I also enjoyed her and Angel being a thing.
You forget that the problem isn't his power set but his mindset. He wrecks everybody when he is thinking straight. Everybody except Thor who will send him into space again.
Get Toad'd waifufag.
Did he ever show up after Doxie fixed him?
Is there any good Hourman comics?
Captain Comet
>thinking a character is underrated and underutilized means they are waifu
Okay dude.
His introduction in Captain America: Sam Wilson 11, it's exactly what I want to see from this guy.
Avengers World, on Valeria's Axis team?
These imo
He was inverted during Axis and Remender released him to Bendis who, lo and behold, made his X-Men too decompressed to actually go about and use him.
Deathlok is pretty underused. From the little I read it seems his last series was a retread of the 90s one, which is rather disappointing, but since Deathlok is more of a title than a specific character I can only hope he returns someday.
He is nothing compared to the Absorbing Man.
But like other anons said, he is capped by his intelligence.
Fucking this, he is the best New God
He's the cutest.