The cast for this show... I'm so damn erect.
This is pandering to me so hard, you don't even understand.
The cast for this show... I'm so damn erect.
This is pandering to me so hard, you don't even understand.
>11 minutes
I have some concerns...
>Dana Snyder and Patrick Seitz
oh fuck, i wonder who they're playing.
Depends on what you do with it. Fleischer cartoons were that long and they're fine. Hell, DC Nation shorts were a minute and they were fine.
If Adventure Time has the length to build up a story, I'm sure JL Action will be able to.
>see plas
>get hyped
>see this
>get unhyped
But AT has a shit story due in part to it's 11 minute restriction
Because 30 minute action cartoons are too expensive.
you literally proved his point
even su has this problem
>Brent Spiner as The Riddler
I didn't know I wanted this until I did.
I don't understand why they're that short.
That's almost ridiculous.
If you watch him role play on the Holodeck and whatnot during TNG you get the feeling that he would be a dank Villian.
>John DiMaggio
no thanks
A highly experienced and versatile voice actor?
How terrible!
Kids respond well to the shorter format and their target audience is children, not 20-somethings stuck in their parent's house watching cartoons (you).
Get off Sup Forums, John.
He was pretty good as the Joker though
Given that he was also Puck on Gargoyles, I can really see it too.
user the difference between Joker and Jake the Dog is pretty pronounced
This seems like a real stretch. It's like saying kids 'respond well' to fun-size candy—I'm sure you could make up some stupid survey or something that makes it look like a good idea, but at the end of the day you're just getting less candy for a worse price.
He was great as Purple Man in EMH.
>This seems like a real stretch.
And yet so many catroons (all primarily aimed toward children) these days employ the 2-episodes per half hour format.
This. Probably the only time I wasn't bored by Purple Man.
>Lex Luthor - James Woods
What the fuck is this and how do I replace my blood with it?
It can't possibly be bad with this amazing casting!
Kids are extremely ADHD now and fat. So there's the answer to your original question and shit analogy
>Lacey Chabert
the cast is indeed GOAT but
>11 minute episodes
>James Woods
I never new how much I want that. While listening to his voice, I can totally picture it coming out of Lex's mouth.
>Michael Dorn as Atrocitus
>Brent Spiner as The Riddler
Patrick Stewart as Doctor Niles Caulder
I get it
Although Jonathan Frakes might actually work better than Stewart for it
Will Wheaton as Superboy Prime
LeVar Burton as Mr. Terrific
Already knew about Hamill and Conroy being back, and Woods as Luthor which I'm v. excited for, but now they're also voicing Swamp Thing and Plastic Man respectively !!?
And HOLY CRAP John DiMaggio as Darkseid and LOBO???!!!
I am STOKED for this show. STOKED!!
The 11-minute thing has never been an issue for me. SU and AT generally do just fine, and I think I'd prefer a super hero show that has less time for drama and story and is hopefully mostly punching anyway.
Marina Sirtis as Circe
>And HOLY CRAP John DiMaggio as Darkseid and LOBO???!!!
That actually hasn't been confirmed yet. Someone just wrote that in and nobody has deleted it.
I mean he's already played the villain in the best Superman movie
Jesus fuck, I just came.
Aww, fuck. That was such great casting too....
Oh well, at least Woods, Swamp Thing and Plastic Man are still true!
Patrick Stewart as Highfather
LeVar Burton as The Black Racer
Jonathan Frakes as Aquaman
Marina Sirtis as Mera
Wil Wheaton as Ray Palmer
Gates McFadden as Hippolyta
Denise Crosby as Power Girl
Whoopi Goldberg as Amanda Waller
Dwight Schultz as Desaad
But what about John de Lancie, I hear you cry? Well, it's technically typecasting buuuuuuuuut...
I hope they get Susan Eisenberg to come back as WW and Tim Daly or George Newbern as Superman.
> Lacy Chabert
I'm legit worried about Hamil now. He was supposed to quit after Killing Joke.
he's said he's going to quit after every project for last 6 years now
I'd go with George. I like him more.