I'm bored, drunk, and not stoned enough. and listening to Hamilton and tears. Let's read some MAN THING

this is meant as advice though it sounds horrible, but don't be scared. that makes it worse.

Other urls found in this thread:

Helpless/Satisfied. jfc how do you even compete

what's fun about when it was a feature story is that it's not 22 pages!

Bobby was exposed to Man-Thing in early childhood. Guess that's what Jean sensed in him.

So the Swamp Thing/Man Thing similarity. Apparently Gerber and Wein were roommates and Gerber made him tell all of his Swamp Thing plans so that Gerber could not do the same shit.





oh so i didn't do that start the thread with your phone bullshit so bumps are loved


oh shit wait for it


Shine on you crazy diamond...

these scans are shit, lol

Tom King's Batman fucking rocks.
I wanna preorder trades to support it

You can't tell me what to do!

indeed they are. but uh something about how it build's character

yeah uh build is possessive because reasons

you know what sucks about being a drunk lonely nerd. no one to ramble at about things




Kids these days. Completely spoiled by digital scans.

In my day we walked uphill both ways, in the snow, to the library to look at microfiche, and we liked it!








You ever wonder if the narrator for these things was Uatu, and he was adding a commentary track for other Watchers?


>trump bullshit with 200+ posts



this one is accidentally current events.

1 tragedy and then farce

Think of it as a containment thread.

~look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now~

~i relish being your wife~
~look at where you are, look at where you started~

i try. also generally mad at the internet/Sup Forums's tendency to rage about what they hate instead of promote what they love.

~as long as you come home at the end of the day. that would be enough~





~get your right hand man back~



you have no control

who lives

who dies

who tells your stooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy


We get the job done

we got a giant fucking statue saying "give us your tired, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free"


If this is the end of me at least i have a friend with me my weapon in my head and commend of my men with me

doing Yorktown but without changing lyrics and removing the guns at the tonys made me cry

we had a spy on the inside that's right


i kinda wanna copy paste an essay about how great hamilton is bc it makes kids of color realize they can be a Washington or Jefferson or Hamilton

i also have a huge weakness for founding fathers, that shit is amazing.

look no one else is fucking talking!


dealer got robbed, no wy for weed, and now cant smoke without roommates because so frugal


yall liking pokemon go?



my various image getting software is goofying so this might be it!

my favorite part is in Non-Stop with "it's full of contradictions! So is independence!"

everything is fucked. issue 13 page 16
issue 12 page 16 is here

asi no one is reading

I'm reading. I read everything. But I am forbidden to interfere

Fuck it tho

also listened to non stop like 5 times now

mother fucker talked for 6 hours

Uatu you fucker





thomas jefferson is my problematic fav

actually all the presidents are

like Nixon, that is a character

watching HBO's John Adams and Stannis is playing Thomas Jefferson and i can't get ove r how perfect that is



there's a Rachel summers thread and i'm scared to enter




>they don't have a plan they just hate mine!

>convince them otherwise

my favorite part is probably the Macbeth joke desu

We full issue now

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

actually pausing hamilton to see Magneto give that macbeth speech




and watching PStew to it




now youtube is making me watch other Magneto do it!



Love a good Atlantis is responsible everything plot.



Don't give in to peer pressure, just do what people who say don't give in to peer pressure tell you.