Tfw we didn't get Bruce Campbell as Mysterio because Sony is shit

>tfw we didn't get Bruce Campbell as Mysterio because Sony is shit
Any other Sup Forums roles you guys think would've been cool?

Bruce Campbell as Wildcat.

Bruce Campbell as Carnage

Bruce Campbell as Green Lantern.

Bruce Campbell as Vandal Savage.

Holy shit, I LOVE Green Lantern!

Bruce Campbell as Sid and he squid.

Bruce Campbell as Plastic Man

Bruce Campbell as Michael Morbius

Bruce Campbell as Bruce Campbell in Bruce Campell: The Evil Dead legacy documentary

we got that though

Holy fuck this


Bruce Campbell as Catman.

Bruce Campbell as E3 Owlman.

Bruce Campbell as JJJ

Speaking more seriously, they had BJ Novak cameo as Smythe, which was the future villain namedrop I was most interested in.

Bruce Campbell as Ash in a Blade movie.

Tim Roth as the Leader.

Bruce Campbell as scarface. The puppet I mean. Make it look like a little wooden Bruce and give it the lip scar he has in evil dead and have him voice it. Ted raimi could be Arnold the ventriloquist.

Holy shit this could be great.

That actually sounds really great.

Oh my god, I had no idea how much I wanted this.

Motherfucker Im mad we'll never get to see either of these

>Reading this in their voices
Fuck you, I want this now

Green Arrow

Bruce Campbell as Ash in Army of Darkness vs Marvel Zombies