Watch the first episode of wander over yander

>watch the first episode of wander over yander
>its fucking shit
>annoying maru sue character
>incredibly incompetent villian that doesn't just kill the defenseless main character despite having unlimited oppurtunity and motive
>despite this, the villian has an entire army and control planets somehow
>every problem is solved through stupid as fuck dues ex machina
you faggots said this was good.

Same post from yesterday dude.

doesn't change the fact that the show is still shit.

Wander was annoying. I'll give you that. But the show was okay, nothing spectacular or groundbreaking.

Apparently it gets better in season two or something. I dunno. I watched an episode myself and though it was just alright.

I wonder if this would be how Sup Forumsntrarianism would react to classic Looney Tunes shorts if they were being released today.

People who post that .gif (not even animated this time) in reaction to things always have the worst taste

The only reason why I like to watch that show is LORD HATER!! DAMN! Someone must recreate the alternative battle between Him and Emperor Awesome.

> (OP)
>I wonder if this would be how Sup Forumsntrarianism would react to classic Looney Tunes shorts if they were being released today.

No, because those were well done.

First season WOY was competent, had an interesting set of characters, but Wander was frankly unlikeable.

Hater was much more interesting and fun, and I wound up actively rooting for him in a lot of shows.

And then Wander would pull out that FUCKING BANJO.


Second season was much better, but by then the well was poisoned.

They made a great job in that episode! The fight between the eyes and the hands is da best. But I still want a Hater v Awesome in that animation style! Maybe if I request it in a thread about animations... Someone ...maybe someone will make it!


Goddamn, Brainstorm was such a perfect episode.

Keep dreaming faggot.

The first is probably the weakest; he show reveals that Wander is still a character with flaws

Nice of you to shitpost the same opinion. Post it 100+ Times and I'll give ya a loli.

I don't like Wander Over Yonder. I don't like Uncle Grandpa. I don't like Clarence. I don't like Flapjack.

All of these shows are for stoners and morons.

Are you sure you watched the first episode the place I watched them got the first and second mixed up

Wander best waifu.

Kill yourself, OP.

>my nigga.

I don't think it's fair to decide your opinion on any show after only having watched the pilot.

That said, I've been working my way through it and all I can say so far is it is aggressively average. It's visually very nice, kinda reminds me of Dr. Seuss a little bit. But as far as the story goes it's about as mediocre as it gets. I don't care at all about what's going on and the jokes aren't great. Also it's very predictable. The fucking episode where Wander has to get some soda from a convenience store is unbearable. It's a kids show so I don't expect Emmy shit but dang dude I wanted to kill myself.

I'm still watching it though. I'm glad to hear it gets better in season 2.

>dealer told me he was watching clarence

How is Wander unlikable? He's just a genuinely good person that tries his best to help others, you might as well say you hate Wilt from Foster's while you're at it.

Fuck off, samefag.


Oh user.

Hell no! He is awful most of the time!
Chill out! Those shows are better than that gravity shit

I want to fuck that... W8... Is that a trap? Oh no...

idk, flapjack could be okay at times, but all the others are shit 100% of the time.

i only watch mature shows with LEEPEST DORE
like steven universe and MLP