>Gareth Edwards: An Era where there is no Jedi, or they are all but extinct. And it's about the fact that God's not coming to save us, we're on our own and we'll have to do this ourselves, we have to turn this around. The absence of the Jedi is omnipresent in the film...and it comes down to a group of individuals who don't have magical powers that have to somehow help bring hope to the galaxy.
That was a year ago, from the Rogue One Panel at Celebration 2015. What do you think /swco/, are we still on course for that vision?
Landon Ramirez
Reminder that Rex will die being told of Ahsoka's survival as Vader bisects him.
Angel Moore
>What do you think /swco/, are we still on course for that vision? I guess. It's hard to say what kind of movie it's going to be after TFA.
Luke Morris
And then he'll be retconned into being alive and given a mechanical half.
Andrew Miller
Sure, although Darth Vader will appear, he must not have a lot of screen time if they are still going with that vision.
Kayden Bennett
Is this loss?
Jonathan Jenkins
I think he'll have a sizeable amount of screentime, they just won't have much to fight him with. He'll probably be that kind of insurmountable enemy that people have to run the fuck away from, as we've seen him in other places in the new canon.
Mason Cook
Christian Jones
Pablo is canon.
Anthony Russell
Potentialy touchy question. Why is Rex/Ahsoka an accepted ship on swco but Anakin/Ahsoka gets berated. Not that I really have a dog in the fight but they're both as equally valid in terms of canon (ie. Not at all) so why is one okay and the other isn't? The only person Ahsoka has ever been romantically interested in is Lux, so the different reactions to her with Rex or Anakin come across as a bizarre and arbitrary case of double standards.
Andrew Gutierrez
>Sure, although Darth Vader will appear
Except he's not a Jedi, or part of the group of protagonists the movie's about.
>he must not have a lot of screen time
According to testscreening rumors, he doesn't. He's pretty much a plot device for the main antagonist.
Camden Ortiz
Robert Reyes
Rexsoka is "more okay" because Rex isn't bound by a code of no relationships like Ahsoka is. Some people think that just because Anakin went full retard and broke the rules he lived by by being with Padme, that any other character would morally do the same to be with him. Ahsoka also saw Anakin more as a big brother and a mentor, not anything that she could be romantic with. Most of the Anakin/Ahsoka shippers are just projecting anyway, thinking that Anakin should have done what they want to do (Ahsoka).
Carter Gonzalez
>>Why is Rex/Ahsoka an accepted ship on swco but Anakin/Ahsoka gets berated. Because Anakin already has a wife he dearly loves and destroyed the entire Jedi Order for >>Not that I really have a dog in the fight but they're both as equally valid in terms of canon (ie. Not at all) so why is one okay and the other isn't? She sees Anakin as a big brother meanwhile she sees Rex as a very dear friend >>The only person Ahsoka has ever been romantically interested in is Lux Except that was a forced romance on two people that barely know each other
Michael Jones
Josiah Phillips
>i don't like this canon romance, this fanship is much better!
Ayden Barnes
Benjamin Wilson
Oh fuck
Nolan Rogers
Just because it's canon doesn't make it any less shitty.
Lincoln King
Eh, I'd barely call Ahsoka and Lux a romance. It was more of a crush that never went anywhere.
Joshua Butler
What is this pic even from?
Jonathan Nelson
>Rexsoka is "more okay" because Rex isn't bound by a code of no relationships like Ahsoka is That doesn't really explain it on Ahsoka's part though
>that any other character would morally do the same to be with him. But she would do it do be with Rex? Like, I get what your saying, but that applies more as a criticism of any Ahsoka ship, not specifically Anakin/Ahsoka.
>big brother and a mentor, not anything that she could be romantic with And that doesn't apply to Rex to a smaller degree?
>Anakin/Ahsoka shippers are just projecting He said, projectingly.
>Anakin already has a wife he dearly loves and destroyed the entire Jedi Order for And Rex doesn't. Okay, this makes sense.
>sees Anakin as a big brother meanwhile she sees Rex as a very dear friend Eh... less sold on that. I don't buy that she sees either of them as romantically viable. Again, I'm not arguing that Anakin/Ahsoka is the better ship, just that I think both are kind of bullshitty and I don't really get why /swco/ has a preference for Rex/Ahsoka.
>that was a forced romance Doesn't matter, it's the most concrete thing we have
Also, that pic. What's the context of it? That excerpt doesn't seem explicitly romantic to me. Plus, it seems odd that a throwaway line in a book nobody read would convince so many people that a ship was worth supporting, rather than the six seasons of TV where nothing really happened between them.
Jason Morris
Yeah, you're right.
I think it's the Clone Wars Gambit: Siege book
Thomas Fisher
I don't know how to feel about this. I kek'd but it was a sad kek.
Dominic Cruz
>I think it's the Clone Wars Gambit: Siege book So it's not canon?
Aiden Sanchez
They're both dumb ships, but they're harmless until someone tries to argue why they're realistic and why they should be canon.
You see more of that from the Anakin/Ahsoka pairing, with people legitimately believing there was romantic tension between them.
Hunter Mitchell
>with people legitimately believing there was romantic tension between I'm guessing that's simply a symptom having way more scenes together, so more "evidence" for shippers.
Adam Garcia
In the midst of watching Marvel being consumed alive by cancer, this is not something I needed to see without strong drink close at hand.
Samuel Lee
>In the midst of watching Marvel being consumed alive by cancer There's already like four threads about that, don't bring that here
Cooper Wright
>>Doesn't matter, it's the most concrete thing we have Except the other user did say that it was a crush that would ultimately lead nowhere. As seen in the Onderon arc where Ahsoka felt jealous of Steela, and Jedi aren't supposed to feel jealous because it leads to the dark side. She must have realized this after her death.
Luke Ortiz
Lincoln Flores
What's happening? Point me in the direction, I love a good shitstorm.
Colton Murphy
Christopher Carter
this apparently
Colton Gutierrez
Jeremiah Evans
Aren't most comic readers... white?
Julian Cox
I dunno, are they?
Gavin Morales
Oh yikes
Dylan Harris
In a world where a self-destructive, alcoholic rich white guy with daddy issues isn't progressive enough to portray as a superhero, Tony Stark is being turned into a black woman.
In other news, Star Wars: The Clone Wars writers seem to go to extremes when deciding what the "best" episode was, since they picked the first and last (aired) respectively when the question's brought up, while casually ignoring everything in-between.
>>The Clone Wars movie is the best episode, says Jamie. You can't be serious
Mason Gonzalez
What's the problem?
Nathaniel Ortiz
They are but Marcuck still wants to pander to dindus because they've been taken over by SJWs so now Iron Man has to be a nigress to appeal to tumble EBEN THOUGH THEY DON'T READ COMICS
Di$ney is doing the same to Star Wars and every new character is female or colored because they're ashamed of having an all white cast
Adam Rodriguez
I dunno, despite being a clone with half the lifespan of a normal human, he has still - as far as he knows - outlived pretty much every Jedi he knew and lived a full life and if he is beard-rebel in RotJ saw the fall of the Empire. Full life user. Glass half full.
Brody Price
Thread's gone to shit.
Post Droids
Dylan Thomas
Eli Cooper
OP here. I don't know and I don't give a shit about "le superhero comixx" can't wait for the r34 tho.
Hunter Thomas
Reminds me that early in the war Rex considered himself and other clones expendable because they needed to protect the Republic at all costs. He was made to die for the Republic and the Jedi and he outlived them both. It's gotta be hard.
Jack Myers
Lincoln Evans
Here's a droid! Do you guys like this droid?
Oliver Perez
>Post Droids Aye!
Sebastian Peterson
What's in the bowl?
Sebastian Sanders
Just kidding I love you
Isaac Lopez
Kayden Ortiz
>alright guys, how do we have a more diverse cast in a world where there are a thousand different alien species? >ooh, lets make everyone black and/or female!
Isaiah Anderson
Wyatt Parker
Are treadwells good droids?
Kayden Wilson
So, when are we getting a black Luke Skywalker?
Luke Nguyen
I'm glad it will be streamed.
Leo Williams
At this point, he is actually more admirable than any of the 'Fett' line, clone or not. He lived a full life, and despite the intent of his creators, rose above it. He was the master of his own destiny in a way even Boba never was, trapped by the ghost of his father. He lost a lot, but thus far has followed the ideals he learned from Obi-Wan and Anakin and a lifetime of war.
I would be fucking terrified if Chopper became human.
Jordan Baker
Treadwells are qt droids
Ethan Butler
Star Wars ded til Rogue One? After all, comics can be caught up with weeks/months/years later.
Joshua Jones
I like him crispy
Logan Adams
Landon Gray
delet this
Matthew Morris
Yeah, but it should still be the Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors story.
Carson Mitchell
This is why it bugs me so much in sci-fi. They're all human anyway. You get that in literally every other genre.
Justin King
>lightsaber lessons >just spinning good tricks
Christian Hughes
Rogue One or S3, whichever comes first.
Actually, do we know when S3 is?
Charles Reyes
Matthew Taylor
>pizza with a fork and knife Keanu... You're dead to me now
Jack King
Nathan Flores
I believe the first few episodes will be shown at Celebration, along with a trailer. It will most likely air in the fall.
Lucas Jones
Adam King
b-but user, humans can only sympathize w-with other h-humans!-!
Nolan Gomez
The irony is that sci-fi has been the genre of nondiversity since forever, and now it's being demanded despite it making no sense to focus on in a universe bigger than one planet's dominant species and its breed squabbles.
Hudson Jenkins
Eh, looks like it's just for serving. You know, if people don't want hot grease all over themselves, which may be a perfectly good way to liven up an otherwise ho-hum evening, but not for everyone I guess.
Levi Garcia
wtf I hate Keanu now Just kidding. He's been through so much shit
John Flores
Brody Martinez
Yeah but it's odd, isn't it? You see cartoon rabbits make like a billion dollars but you never see any alien protagonists. Why? In weeb cartoons you see animals that doesn't exist and boom, that franchise made what? >The Pokémon Company International managed to generated $2.1 billion in revenue last year. What the fuck, man. Seriously, if the protagonist is always human then what's the point? It's like having the standard outlook you've seen billions of times before. Anything with aliens would be more cool in my opinion.
Robert White
Colton Barnes
Yup, but black women aren't really an issue if they are sexy. Degeneracy? Certainly an issue, but not today.
Samuel Flores
>Yup, but black women aren't really an issue if they are sexy. Contradiction
John Wright
Nolan Mitchell
Yeah, the diversity conversation make little sense when it comes to science-fiction set in our galaxy or an alternate one with other life than humans. I had a discussion about this with an user a few threads ago.
Basically, I think it comes down to average joes not being as familiar with this sort of media, making it hard for them to see the difference between fiction and reality. That's why they think "human diversity" is important when there already is huge diversity with different kinds of aliens.
But to them an alien don't matter "because they don't exist", while we find them interesting because we embrace fiction in a different way than they do.
Henry Cooper
I want Sup Forums to leave
Benjamin Wright
I just realize how great Grievous' death is. He spends his whole cyborg existence training to kill Jedi by using their weapons. He is extremely skilled in lightsaber combat and doesn't even give a fuck about clones (or his own droids for that matter) because to him, he is above them all. Why would you need blasters when you have lightsabers, right? When he finally goes up against his arch nemesis Obi Wan, he is so close to killing him, despite the fact that both parties have lost their lightsabers. Just a few more steps to the dangling Obi Wan and BOOM, shot by a blaster from the hand of a man who would never even think to use one as his primary weapon. All of Grievous' flaws are exposed. His metal body that he once thought was so powerful turns out to be vulnerable as just one shot lights up all of his scrunched-together organs and the machinery explodes with what remains of him inside of it. His fighting style that could kill Jedi fails him because not only was he unused to fighting with a blaster, but because he was always too arrogant. When he reaches down to pick up the scraps of his organs dripping from his suit, he's in shock and can not even grasp how the mighty general could have fallen so easily. He looks at Obi Wan with utter confusion as he is shot again and again, finally seeing that he was always doomed to fail.