Haven't done a storytime in years. I like to share awesome shit with folk who might not see it. Hopefully some folk here like wacky violent shit.
Skipping "Vol 0" as it's a bit "too wacky" to start with for regular folk.
Haven't done a storytime in years. I like to share awesome shit with folk who might not see it. Hopefully some folk here like wacky violent shit.
Skipping "Vol 0" as it's a bit "too wacky" to start with for regular folk.
I loves me some dark humor.
Whooo likes macabre violence?!
Thank you based OP
i'm...slightly drunk.
Whoo! Phobias!
Is this just...how it opens?!
Well in the "Rough Stuff" self published stuff, there's a talking chainsaw...
To be completely honest when Dark Horse picked up the series (in 4 issues) it makes complete sense and becomes awesome.
Oh dem crazy gypsy wimmins...
You know what I like? Dem fake ads.
Dat Hovercraft full of eels.
...if you get that reference, I feel your age.
Oh deer...
YAY! Who doesn't love nightmare fuel!?
Lemmie "wut" for you
Yay violence!
Mustard rules all. I will fight anyone who says different.
Whoo! Drunk's warnings! Some shit I can relate to...
Also? More critters in comics need to wear Fezes...
Dem dirty secrets...ew
Dammit Spider!
Ahhh yeah. Dat voodoo.
Dat perversion!
For the 3 or 4 people watching this thread, sorry for the delay, reality related drama kicked me in the nuts.
For those who are still here:
"Never put your dick in crazy".
Even if you find it sexy like I do, it's not worth it.
Wise words.
Also for serious is this the first volume? I feel like its a bit out of order.
Sometimes it's worth it. Sometimes she's super rich and buys you shit.
And sometimes she gets in a skiing accident after you break up and largely forgets you dated.
There was a "Volume 0" but it was self published...madness..
It had a talking chainsaw, weirdness, references to Blue Velvet..
This is the volume pre Dark Horse. This is the volume some exec at Dark Horse saw and said "WHOA SHIT! WE SHOULD PRINT DIS SHIT!"
Aaaand my drunk ass forgets the page. Stoopid hooman brain...
Dem perverts, day save dah day.
Dat Goon, he metaphorically dropped dah mic
Raise thine hands if ye like cannibalism!
So...dis page pays off 5 volumes later...but volume 6 is the kinda epic shit I recommend to non-comic fans.
It's fuckin' win no matter who you are.
The Goon play shit close to dat vest.
That dude deserved that brick to the face.
Switching from inking to painting is something Powell does. He does it fucking awesomely and I'll suckerpunch anyone who disagrees.
You know how I know you're a villain....
Aww shit...
Protip: The Buzzard shows up in The Hillbilly, Eric's (new?) work.
Dat roaring rampage of revenge!
There just ain't no helpin' some folk...
Dude's hardcore in a way you normal's just can't comprehend.
I told you he was hardcore
Yay! holiday fun!
It really is a nice pig's head...
Dat Yule Log
Dem migity hands!