What does Sup Forums think of V for Vendetta? Specifically the movie

What does Sup Forums think of V for Vendetta? Specifically the movie.

>Sup Forums
>specifically the movie
Fuck off.

I identified with V a lot. Intelligent, anarchistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

I'd say it was a fairly good adaptation and I liked both the cast and the way they and the movie were directed.

Still, it's appeal to edgy teens and the way it's symbolism has been prostituted with all the masks flying around got it waaaaay more recognition that it probably deserved and because of it I'm now somewhat reluctant to regard it as something other than a stupid movie

I enjoyed it
Also This

Remember Remember OP is a faggot tbqh


The Wachowskis are highly underrated

this movie and The Matrix were both great

the movie didn't convey exactly what v tried to bring, especially what anarchy means. it's just a simple people's revolution movie. you can just swap v with quirky gandhi and no one will notice

The movie is just an ancient meme.

However, seeing Natalie Portman in those pajamas in that one scene really made me want to sniff her ass.

Ghandi got some sick fighting moves then

>sikh moves

Kind of falls apart in the third act and there's no real resolution as far as I can remember. It's been ages since I've seen it though

I haven't read the comic yet but the film was pretty good.

What's his face was wrong though Arabic is not an aesthetic pleasing language at all the alphabet looks stupid
Or was it in english and I'm misremembering

iirc he was praising the beauty of the verses and symbolism... Not necessarily the sound of it all but rather the poetic composition and it's meaning

>wachowsky sisters


>there's no real resolution
kinda the point isnt it. that even though V died it was regardless up to the people to move on to the next step what ever it was

I liked it.

Pretty balsy to make a an action movie where the emotional crux is about Homosexuality in 2004.

It would have benefited greatly from including the comic's scene that V as a prisoner became a gardener and began collecting chemicals in eccentric piles in his cell, not realizing he was building incendiaries to burn the camps down and escape. I felt that added a lot to his backstory that was missed in the film.

>there's no real resolution

But they killed Hitler and overthrew the government

Wasn't that the point

all the main government ruling party members and chancellor are killed/kill each other and the military stands down to the civilian's peaceful uprising & V destroying the parliment building that Guy Fawkes failed to. I'd say that's a significant ending, with Evie now having V's lair and resources.

I like it because Moore hated it.

You can count the things Moore likes on one hand, so that's a problematic standard.


At the end with all the people marching in the masks and watching the Parliament explode... what the fuck was supposed to happen next?

one of them went trans

They went from "The wachowski bros." to "The Wachowskis"

>what the fuck was supposed to happen next?

They get a new leader because they killed Hitler

and maybe because the people aren't afraid anymore now that they stood up for themselves, and that and Hitler dead, they probably demanded some change in government, and it probably got better progressively with the changes in power and with V having killed all those evil guys and everything

I assume

Actually, both of them are dressing like women know. It doesn't make them women.

both are trans now

No shit?

No shit.
That was the point of this joke