Gotham is not that bad

I don’t know why people complain so much about life at Gotham City, I’ve been living there for 6 months now, I love my job at Wayne Enterprises, and to this day I have never been mugged or anything.

Nor I have seen any proof of existence of that supposed “Batman” everyone talks so much about.

Fuck off, Joker, you're not fooling any of us.

user, don't be an ass! The OP is sharing good will...

On my side, I am tired of Metropolis, at least one a week I am late for my job because som nutjog with an agst against Superman.

I hope they get my application for Star Labs in Central city.



I keep begging mom to relocate to Fawcett City but she claims it's boring.


Come on, people, we all know the ideal city is Coast City. Yeah, Gotham's architecture is nice and all, but I really wish for a sunnier weather.

I disagree, Star City is the best city. Have you guys seen that hot secretary that works in Queen Industries?


Why would we be aware of a random hot lady at a major corporation like that? What are we, stalkers?

Naw if hot chicks are your thing Keystone is where it's at.

Do they have dental plan?

Look what just arrive by mail...

The best girls are from Gotham, everyone knows that... you just need to be careful with your wallet.

Hot dudes, too. That Dick guy, Bruce Wayne's adopted son or something? Fucking gorgeous.

>The best girls are from Gotham, everyone knows that... you just need to be careful with your wallet.
I really don't want to go home with a girl and then wake up with no money and being hunted by her psycho super-villain boyfriend, no sir
At least Central City villains would just beat me up

I just met this Selina Gale or something... she approached me one time at a bar, while I was talking to some friends about my work as a security guard at the Gotham Museum, I believe I scored some points that night.

Do you guys remember Cat Grant, in the early 90's?

My big bro has a poster of her, first boners and jerks offs!

You obviously must be one of those Smallville faggots who fall in love with the first Big City Girl they met.

Better sell off some cows and try going to college with something other than a sports scholarship.

Central City is a blast don't get me wrong, love my hometown to death, but we aren't allowed to have mirrors in our homes anymore. Some city-wide mandate, the feds are trying to stop some kind of mirror meister, or--shit, uh- Master, Mirror Master. Dumbass name if you ask me.

Coast City is the place to be, people. Great pizza, good job market, what's not to love? I count myself lu

Music Meister is the best Meister!

What I am really gonna miss is to get a pint at Bibbo's olde Pub

Not as dumb as Captain Boomerang... what kind of faggot expects respect with a name like that.

how the fuck do you not believe in Batman? they have his fucking symbol on a searchlight which you can see at night

Do you ever hear about "Scare Tactics"?

Not scare tactics man. Have you ever tried play rape with a girl there? I got my jaw, both legs, and an arm broken when I was role playing with my girl outside.


sure.. 3 "adopted" sons that all look like him and with dead parents...

The guy fucked the moms when he was younger and pay someone to kill their families.

For fucks sake he lived in ASIA, and the yougest kid and the half asian girl are made in asia.

Who here's from the greatest city in America, Midway City?

Dear faggots,

Suck my dick

Coast City, motherfucker

I don't care, I'd still fuck them.

Bludhaven is way worse than Gotham can ever be

The mutants are what ruins Gotham.

If anyone's tired of Gotham how about we switch cities?

Coast City? Wasn't it destroyed? Who would want to move there.

Metropolis has been hell the city gets damaged a lot when Superman fights these bad guys I mean my car got destroyed like seriously, I might consider moving to Gotham myself.

Central is great at this time of the year STAR Labs is gonna unveil their new experiment this month I heard it's some kind of super intelligent Gorilla.

Also Cost City you suck call me when you're allowed to have yellow lights again.

>first issue of new Batman
>people fly to Gotham
>immediately get shot down by fucking anti air missiles

Keystone City is best city. None of the big costumed faggots come to wipe us out but at the same time lots of flashes are ready to save us just in case.

Fuck Gotham man, I moved to Bludhaven and it's still the best decision of my entire life. The only supervillains we have are some petty assholes that for some reason only seem to appear whenever Nightwing is in town anyway.

Look at Mr. Important Guy here. Next you'll say you're on speaking terms with Queen.

Rebuilt ages ago. Did you miss Green vs Yellow Lightshow War?

Hah you city faggots are pathetic
Biggest danger here in amnesty bay is a superheros wife

>get job as Henchmen for The Riddler
>constantly have to stop working to listen to another fucking riddle
>forced to act like i dont know the answer or the boss will kill me
>but hey its a job right?
>few months go by with the usual fair
>plant bomb here
>leave riddle there
>same old same old
>scarecrow and some batman lookin guy take over the city for like a day
>suddenly the boss storms in and shows us a blueprint of this fucking underground racetrack he wants us to build
>i mean its like 10 miles long too, how the hell is there this much open space under Gotham?
>long ass hours and a lot of OT later its finished
>Batman then flys by in his car avoiding our stupid traps

>working for Riddler
That's where you went wrong. I mean, pay is pay, but really, ditch him.
Come to Steel Mill, I'll put good word for you and you'll get black mask.And for love of God, don't say he looks like BDSM reject.

Oh you mean those glowing Green and Yellow things in the sky yeah I stayed inside for that I hear a lot more people moved to Coast City at the end of that but still who knows it could be destroyed again for all we know.

Right. And all of sudden Coast City is CITY WITHOUT FEAR.
Luthor-tier marketing.

How the fuck do you know what Bruce Wayne did during his college years?
Get out fanboy stalker.

Sorry to break character, but Damian is half-arabic, not Asian.

Have you actually seen season 2? It's a trainwreck.

Have you? It was great.

Also read the thread.

Calender Man at it again?

I met Bruce Wayne in Asia once very firm handshake

What are you talking about?

Anyone else tired of how often the Joker breaks out of Arkham?

>tfw you will never touch Robin's boipussy

>Inb4 t. Joker

t. Batman

It's all one big scheme.
>Arkham gets money
>Joker escapes
>we need more money!
>Joker escapes
>we need even more money!
>they shut down Arkham
>madmen riot
>open Arkham
>give lots of money
I mean, come on, it's obvious that doctors and "patients" are in cahoots.

Hey Mr I-see-through-everything, my brother is an orderly at Arkham and the inmates that are 'in cahoots' with the staff killed 35 of his co-workers, 22 of his superiors, raped each 52 doctors of both genders and one guy's dog was killed. Fuck you.

>americans are THIS ignorant

Get the fuck out of this board and go to Sup Forums and /hist/, stop talking about cartoons and comics.