Only REAL Rick & Morty fans with the show in Japanese.
Only REAL Rick & Morty fans with the show in Japanese
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Rick and Morty is dubbed? Listening to someone recite Dan Harmon's improvisations must be shitty.
Lel meant Justin Roiland. Getting the creators mixed up again.
kawaii mo-ti desu ne
Do people in Japan like the show?
full spanish dub
Are there people in Japan that prefer subs so they can hear Justin Roiland belch?
Does this mean
were getting more porn of summer and amber
They just got that show over there a few months ago, give it time.
>Only real filthy weebs like me watch american cartoons dubbed in japanese
Lol, Roiland's voice takes some getting used to.
>that mr meeseeks voice
oh god, i need quality rips of this japanese dub
First race war, huh?
Did you hear that El Chapo escaped prison for a third time as well?
I'm kind of curious how they'll dub the interdimensional cable episodes. I can't imagine them making much sense without the original voiceover.
Japanese is a cute sounding language. :3
lol, i love how Japanese girls are jerks and assholes.
Because the entire joke is that they animated whatever bullshit the voice actors could come up with on the spot. They made it obvious that it was nothing but an animated improv routine. They'll either have to somehow get voice actors who can do a convincing imitation of western improv comedy or just dub it straight. It's going to be interesting either way.
You know Japan does wacky improv too, right?
Mr. Meeseeks voice is less strident than any child character in any anime.
Yeah, but they can't actually do improv like the original, since the animation is already there. They'll have do some kind of pseudo-improv.
She's not wrong, the Japanese version definitely has a much cuter voice.
Whoever did the dub understood the target market very well. The Japanese love cutesy shit.
It doesn't work the same. Rick's belches sound more like he's gagging.
any place where those can be watched in jap dub?
i just need to know how they all sound
So what you're saying is
dubs > subs?
Wubba dub a sub bub
They're not going to remake an episode. They have to dub over the original improve with similar lines.
German and Dutch versions are always the funniest.
No, if that crazy white supremacist shooting up that black church didn't start one this won't
>Watashi wa Mr.Meeseeks
>Mitte Mitte!
>Timotei! Timotei! Timoteeeeeeeeeeeei
Summer-chan カワイイイイイイイ!!
rick's japanese drunkard voice isn't quite on the spot, no belching
Shame they didn't get the actual Japanese voice of Doc Brown but Rick sounds great. Morty doesn't sound anywhere near as much as a pussy as he should, he just sounds like Harem anime MC tier faggot when he should sound like Squeaky Voiced Teen from The Simpsons tier faggot.
Are all japanese girls autistic?
>they remake interdimensional cable 1 and 2 with an anime style
>all new jokes and gags based on japanese culture
i would watch it with subtitles
The Tesagure Bukatsumono series would have the same problem if anyone ever tried to dub it.
Yeah he sounds more like he's about to hurl.
GET OUT /jp/
Japan loves both cutesy shit as well as gross out humor shit.
So basically the series should hit all their points if they do a good job with the dub.
Morty sounds too normal and bishi. If anything he should have had a more shonen voice.
who's this fluid druid?
Typically the Japanese subtitles don't match the spoken Japanese very closely. In Japan, you just don't put colloquialisms into print for some reason.
I bet Morty says "Ano/etou...." like every 30 seconds.
More like waburabudabudabu
>No constant burping.
That's why Tomodachi Wa Mahou is doing pretty well...
>Only REAL Rick & Morty fans with the show in Japanese.
Why can't anyone form a proper sentence on this board? Why? And everyone just lets this go.
>with the show in Japanese
What did he mean by this?
By american standards, SOMETHING'S wrong with them. Some of them are ok until you're alone with them, then they start showing some weird-ass quirks. Some annoying, some that make you wonder "Is it safe to fall asleep around this person?".
>By american standards
Terrible standards, then.
And people wonder why their birth rate is plummeting with shit like that.
I see Morty, but all I hear is Shinji
Phoneposting era is upon us. Autocorrect will make your sentences an undecipherable facebook tier mess and no one will care.
That don't sound nothing like Megumi Ogata.
Could you give an example? I'm having a hard time picturing what you mean.
pretty meh
It's like Eva in reverse. In Japan, Shinji/Morty sounds like a cute boy voiced by a woman, in America they have a whiny, puberty voice. Both sound fine, but change your perception of the character.
I think it makes sense, I think Japanese people, as a whole, have less tolerance for ugliness. And Morty's voice is pretty ugly.
I wish they didn't give Rick such a generic old man voice, his whole shtick is he's a grandpa who doesn't behave like a grandpa.
Morty's voice aint ugly, it's super expressive and cute.
Nobody wants to hear about your erotic fanfiction
But it's true though.
what do you mean by that last part?
wow, just noticed that chick only has 4 fingers in that pic.
>Rick sounds mexican somehow
>meseeks is kawaii
>i'd let summer call me onii-chan all day every day
Well shit.
Grey confirmed.
Or they dub their own original jokes over it
Holy fuck
Is there more of Summer in Japanese?
Original is clearly better, but if your surprised about a dub being inferior idk whats wrong with you.
Still it kinda works. Rick sounds like a drunken asshole grandpa and that's good enough. The language seems to fit the fast pace of events. Not bad.
It's just hidden behind the middle finger
Morty's dub voice doesnt really translate his distress and panic very well i think, which is a pretty key component to his character.
Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill. Unlike the cosplay pic, she's got the biggest honkers in the series, you'll love watching it.
This sounds... No. I just don't like it.
Do we have any full episodes so we can here how panicky dub Morty gets?
I havent seen any other than the clips we got. Which only shows him really freaking out in Ricks ship. Which isnt even the loudest and panic-y he's gotten.
Probably because Japanese people really hate belching. That's why the nurses in Silent Hill make belching noises - funny to us, grating to Japanese people.
>imagining Mr. Jellybean scene in Japanese
Just like in my hentai about ugly old men