Cartoons that were way better then they had any business being

Cartoons that were way better then they had any business being.

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Now THIS is how you do a Ghostbusters reboot. Not that obnoxious feminist bullshit.


>Had an ending with actual consequences
MM really was better than it had any right to be. I'm still gutted the movie never got made however.

Holy shit. Thanks this was in part of my brain that i had lost.

It is quite surprising that a male version of Polly Pocket turned out to be such an epic adventure show.

So what's this show like then?

Would've been much better if the show wasn't about Batman constantly hogging the spotlight. Hell, it's his fault the show had all that "hurr Batman shouldn't be goofy" shit.

The Mighty Max video game sucked though

>Batman: The Brave and the Bold
>It's mainly about Batman
Well I'll be.

The episode where they gather all the warriors and they sacrifice themselves was way heavy for a children's show

Turbo FAST. It was done by the same crew that did Motor City, so I guess it makes sense, but man for such a terrible boring movie they actually made a pretty funny cartoon. Except for any Skid Mark episode. Comedy relief sidekicks should never ever get their own episodes.

Just how mighty WAS Max, anyway?

Confession time: I always thought it was silly that one of his sidekick friends was a birdperson. Now, I haven't watched this show since I was a little kid and I'm sure they probably had a perfectly reasonable explanation for him being a bird, but even as a kid I found it a little distracting and thought it made the show look a tad more ridiculous and babyish. Though I'm probably forgetting a lot of other outlandish shit it had that never bothered me for some reason.

>intresting setting
>no one would watch it because lego advertisement
>only kids

You totally are.
The whole thing was fucking nuts and I loved every minute of it as a kid.

As a little girl, I was jealous that my Polly toys never got a story or show as cool as my brother's Max toys. I still played with both, though.

You should have just stuck with the Max toys then.

But I liked Polly Pocket too.

It's a Batman show were luck that it was such a good love letter to the Batman mythos

i was pretty bummed out when i found out it was cancelled

Holy shit i knew i wasnt the only one who saw how good this show was, and it really shouldnt have been

Heck i wish it didnt even have that dumb lego style

Third movie completely stole its plot from the cartoon but the cartoon did it better. A human causing the collapse of MIB cause he didnt like the aliens on earth was so good, better than her-der space assassin

i remember seeing t-shirts with endless amounts of parodies with MIB in it but with cartoons and even muppets

Exo-Squad hasn't been mentioned yet?

At least the show got an actual ending

That hot mess is still there in my mind to this day...


>At least the show got an actual ending

Awesome finale. Alpha finally, FINALLY dying was epic.

...But then at the last second they neutralize all of Earth and return everything to the status quo. Why bother doing that if it was the series finale? Who cares if it goes back to the status quo at that point?

Alpha was never even mentioned in any movie...

Starring all women doesn't equal feminism. They cast women just to get attention; nothing to do with promoting a feminist agenda.

>Made to sell toys.

>Actually a great space opera.

The intro music was top tier. Really like the art style too.

Take away the lego style and more people would watch it. But the lego style is easy to get used to.

Talespin. They just took characters from the jungle book, shoved them into the setting, and called it a show. And it was pretty damned good. It should have been just a bad spinoff, but managed to be fantastic in it's own right.

Earthworm Jim. Yet another video-game licensed show following in the footsteps of all the SMB and Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons. Should have been as bad as the others, but instead was probably the best video-game licensed show of the bunch. Having a pretty good voice cast didn't hurt.

MIB feels like it could spam a couple of films with an on going plot. I always thought the movies would end with a massive alien invasion too.

The Big Guy And Rusty
Code Lyoko

Awesome taste user. I would buy you a drink for mentioning one of my favorite shows.

>Man creates Neo Sapiens to be slaves
>Neo Sapiens cause a revolution
>War all along the solar system
>Death and disease

Fuck man, I just wanted to watch a cartoon about the cool toys I got for my birthday.

Young man has to stop Undying Skeleton Wizard King Tim Curry from enslaving the world, with the help of a sagacious birdman and an immortal viking warrior.

Side quests involving horrifying side villains are also common.

For a show designed to sell Polly Pocket for boys, it was impressively hard core.

It amazed me that people actually died in it. It blew my mind as a kid that some of those monster of the week episodes kicked off with the monster actually killing someone before the cast had to deal with it.

Well, that was really great, but really everything about it was good. I still remember the episode where K is dealing with his alien ex with blue skin that likes orange juice.

>western cartoon
>girl power protagonist
>early 90s action

this shows like if Big o and batman tas had a baby and raised it on john wayne movies

Personally I like Ninjago the best of the recent Lego TV series. Legends of Chima wasn't horrible but it seemed like a Thundercats homage more than anything else.

It felt like a homage to the old horror movies...Space aliens, giant bugs, zombies. A lot of mind control, corruption, mutation....You actually forget the time travel gimmick thing.

To this day I still tell people about the haggis running gag from Earthworm Jim, when involved with a new food I've never experienced before, or when someone mentions haggis.


It was a straight ripoff of BTAS, there was no gender politics at all.


Youre so fucking right

Dat Cyclops episode in the prison.

Seeing that guy get dragged screaming from his cell was pretty brutal.

Everything about the intro is fantastic.


The movies from the era while this show was playing were really good too.

Virgil was an evolved lifeform. In one episode (Zygote's Music) Zygote was hit with an evolver ray and turns into the same species as Virgil while evolving into a being of pure thought.

And he's a fowl, actually

And pretty every good toy-based cartoon

>having a femal protag
>a selling point

You shot yourself in the foot partner.

Some kid told me they aired this show but I never heard of it because it was really really early on the morning or something and I thought it was a load of bullshit

I never knew for sure if it actually existed until I googled it last years

Sup Forums pls leave.

>Code Lyoko
The others I can agree with, but I'm going to have to stop you on this one. This show SHOULD have been good, but wasn't very

SWAT Kats was cash.

It's still pandering, which isn't really any better the way I see it

Oh come on, Callie! We know you secretly like it.

I really wonder how SWAT Kats Revolution is going to be when they finally go and start making it.

From what I've heard it's going to be like this:
>Megakat City is on the brink of being torn apart due to T-Bone and Razor being absent for years.
>The reason they are absent was because their tech is old and they cannot catch up to the villains.
>Callie is holding the city (barely) and Manx is even more corrupted than ever (probably he cut the Enforcers budget and thus no new junk appears for Chance and Jake to salvage).
>Dark Kat managed to create a villain alliance over the years and is slowly putting his plans into fruition.
>SWAT Kats are going to meet a hacker girl that will help them get back into the vigilante business and save Megakat City by supplying them with tech to upgrade their gear and the Turbo Kat.
>The duo will also go to Viper's creepy murder swamp to find an old acquaintance who stood up to them when Feral wanted to bash them. Said acquaintance mutated due to being too long in the swamp and at first he's a mindless mutant. He gets better but he's still mutated and becomes their ally.
>Show will go deeper into the setting and characters (there will be a Dark Kat origin story).
>There will be new villains appearing (the kids of the Metallikats...even though how the two would have kids is something of a mystery).
>The radical levels and crazy action remains.


Watching those two crooks being pushed into a clockwork demon's flaming mouth, and having to listen to their screams.

Or the old man dropping a blood-spattered lantern in the opening of the wolf episode.

Mein negro.

DINOBOT SUPERIOR. SOUNDWAVE INFERIOR. - Soundwave when he found out that Dinobot was one of the first bots to be elected into the first voting into the Hall of Fame in 2010.

Two-fold, the Legend of Zelda cartoon, and the Captain N cartoon along with the comics.

Neither of these shows had any right to be as great as they actually were.

The Captain N comics had the best rendition of Samus, a badass bounty hunter who takes what she wants, even if it's love.

Way better than any rendition of her in recent years anyway.


This show was like a magic trick.

>Token black guy
>Token woman
>Token cripple
>Token dumbass
>Show carries itself well and the characters don't come off as token personalities

How? It's like someone who actually gave a fuck was on the writing team.

Well, it helps there was a token black guy in the original

Then MIB2 came out and movie K had an alien ex too. Then It's uncanny.


>a hacker girl that will help them get back into the vigilante business




Its not even the fact that its female pandering. They ruined what made the original great. Its too different, its just plain stupid.


Remember when "k" lost his memory, and while flying in a spacecraft he almost crashed into the wtc twin towers

I like the movie too honestly


Yeah, I know. But think of the concept behind it and the many ways it could have gone wrong.

>they go to blue girl's home planet
>no doors because they can phase through walls
>buzz and red guy cant get in
Holy shit kek

Simply along with the Extreme Ghostbusters it was too good for this sinful earth.

Still better than the movie. In fact it was much closer to what the movie was supposed to be.

Yeah. Originally it was supposed to be sickeningly family friendly. Good thing we got it how it is now.

Muh mutant.

Ben stops acting like an annoying dumbass and actually grows as a character, an ongoing plot, aliens going full Xcom aliens and acting like terrorists, Gwen is hot, some characters die.

Jesus this is the Mystery Inc. of Ben 10, too bad they ruined it with a horrible sequel series.

would have enjoyed it more if he fought classic godzilla monsters but at least they tried with their own monsters. I'm sure there was some license thing where they couldn't use the other toho monsters but damn if I'm still salty

Fucking Alpha

>appearance progressively gets more disturbing as the show goes on

love that shit

>but at least they tried

>Maybe I'll come back as a butterfly.


Some of the monsters were somewhat expies of the TOHO monsters.

That orange nanite blob that ate everything that was inorganic? It was a expy of Hedorah.

i loved this show as a kid, and by kid i mean i was 13 and all. But the show had a great plot and great characters. It was a lot like robotech in plot but better because it didn't have hokey plot points like singers saving the universe and shit.

Maximus kekitus

Muh nigga, I loved Mighty Max.

Skullmaster was such a great villain

The token dumbass was also latino, IIRC.

Any sort of licencing deal related to Godzilla is a big barrel of money-sucking complicatedness.

Which is why this cartoon, the Hanna-Barbera show, the 2014 American movie, the proposed 1994 American movie and the canceled sequel to the 1998 American movie all had to make up their own monsters.

I'd kill to see a movie get made where Max, starting from the beginning again, uses his knowledge of past events to make better decisions. He convinces villains who could have had a second chance to rethink their lives, prevents some of the many deaths from happening, all the while Virgil has to warn him that his knowledge of the previous timeline can have dire consequences, however Max is counting on this as a means of finally vanquishing Skullmaster once and for all.

The remake isn't feminist, it's just Rule 63: The Movie.