There are people on Sup Forums, people who are doubtlessly reading this very thread...

There are people on Sup Forums, people who are doubtlessly reading this very thread, who think that Homer's Enemy is a bad episode of the Simpsons.

Why is this shit allowed?

Is not a bad episode.
Still isn't awesome though

Donnie Fatso is my favourite episode ever

That zombie simpsons episode where fat tony dies and gets replaced by someone similar to him? why?

Nobody thinks it´s a bad episode, they only feel bad while watching it because they are honest, hard working people.

were we supposed to feel bad for Frank. Yeah Homer had a good life, better than he should have, while Frank didn't. But it wasn't like Homer kept shitting on him for it.

He actually tried to be friends with Frank but he just couldn't get over it.

The guy invited him over to his house for a nice dinner and all Frank did was be a bitch about it

It was a good episode. Why do people dislike it?

Not that one. the one with fat tony's son

I didn't realize how dark this episode was until I got older. When I was younger it didn't occur to me.

A lot of people will debate and nitpick when the Simpsons went downhill, if Homer's enemy is "zombie simpsons", etc.

But for me, a constant will always be that the good seasons of the Simpsons are 1-9, while the shit ones are 10-now. Perhaps 8-9 had signs that the show was winding down but still, they were good.

End of story, debate averted

The only objective indicator of zombie simpsons pivots around the status at the time of the episode of Phil Hartman. If the episode was made while Phil Hartman was alive, it is not zombie simpsons (this does not however necessarily mean that it is good). If the episode was made after Phil Hartman was killed, it is zombie simpsons (this does not however necessarily mean that it the episode must be bad). Phil Hartman does not need to be present in the episode, but he does need to have existed when it was produced.

Frank was supposed to be a normal person interacting with Homer.

The guy doesn't do his job. Is bald, fat and ugly at a relatively young age. He's abusive to his kid and comes across as ignorant every time you speak to him.

But he's a Grammy winning astronaut who is friends with several ex presidents. Plus Homer is, as I have noted before, a writer of several top ten billboard songs, and basically a musical wunderkind. He also got hit house thanks to his dad buying it.

What makes you feel like we're supposed to take sides and we aren't just observers to this unfortunate if not humorous series of events?

The episode ends with a funeral. How did it not occur to you?

So what would be the last episode or season he was alive for? I'll humor you long enough to pretend this isn't completely asinine.

The only good part of this episode is the ending, beginning with the whole Grimey breakdown scene.

Everything before that is just a succession of weak "LOL HOMUR IS DUM" jokes to hammer the point of Grimes hating him in.


Hartman died May of '98. So that would be Season 9 going by airdate. Middle of the season if we go by production date and assume a 6 month production schedule (I'm not sure what it actually is for the Simpsons).

Well, that actually coincides with when a lot of people say the show stopped being good. I didn't get fed up until season 11 or so, personally.

This episode made Homer unlikable. I mean he did stupid shit before this, but it never ended up with somebody dead before.

Bullshit. Homer didn't murder the man, or even bully him with the intention of being mean. Frank went off his gourd on his own.

If Homer being stupid was a conscious decision, you might be on to something. But every explanation thus far has been about poor genetics or unfortunate accidents.


Homer's Enemy was only bad because it felt needlessly mean-spirited and tortured a character who didn't particularly deserve it.

I understand they wanted to demonstrate the Simpsons is nothing like reality and a "realistic" person could never survive in their universe, but that just makes it all the more off-putting when he dies horrifically and then has his corpse pissed on.

I lasted a lot longer than season 10. Probably because I was doing a lot of mushrooms at the time when I was catching up on 8ish through 15ish. It finally became laborious around 17 when even my feeble mind finally started to notice how tryhard it had become.

God, people talk about their most hated episode and they say "Homer's Enemy" or "The Principal and The Pauper", but for me it has to be "HOMЯ".

>"The Principal and The Pauper"
I give that a pass on account of it being one of the first to do major status quo changes only to basically bury it. It works because it's the joke.

Now every episode that followed and tried the same shit...

It's like the really incredibly funny thing your grandpa said that make you realize that his Alzheimers is terminal.

It's just "The Return Of Martin Guerre", but Simpsonsized.

I think it was pretty good.


For me "The Principal and The Pauper" is one of the best episodes ever. I can understand why people dislike it though.

>The guy invited him over to his house for a nice dinner and all Frank did was be a bitch about it

He tricked him into coming over by faking an emergency.

Honestly there are no bad episodes before Season 12. There are some that aren't great or ones that miss the mark but they aren't bad television by any means.
Kill the Alligator and Run was incredibly close to being a bad episode though

>Why is this shit allowed?

because Sup Forums doesn't filter users by their opinions before they enter
which is bad

There should be one, and all the people with shit taste get banned

I don't think people think its a bad episode it just that it shows that there are people who barely try at life who have it better than you. Frank literally has been shitted on his whole life and gave it his all just to have the status he had before his death and he mean a man who should be a failure but not only is he not one but he doesn't realize how lucky he is. No matter what Frank did he would never be Homer Simpson even when he tried acting like him.

It's mean-spirited.

Season 8 is overall one of my favorite seasons. Hank Scorpio ep, X-Files/Mr Burns is an alien, chili cookoff/homer tripping balls. I don't see how people can act like this was zombie simpsons. I even liked the Frank Grimes episode.

People that lack a viable sense of humor should not be watching the Simpsons.

Zapping through the tele, I just happened upon a more recent episode of Simpsons.

Short synopsis: Homer dies, but that geeky scientist clones him... Homer dies a fuckton more for 30 years until there are no longer clones and his conciousness is put on a flash drive. Marge divorces him. Lisa is married to Milhouse (cause that never gets old amirite?) Bart has 2 kids, an ex wife that lives with a xenomorph-looking thing ... and...
pic related.

Fuck all this shit. At around Season 12 or so, I stopped giving a fuck about Simpsons, so I have no clue what season this episode was from, but is there any reason to watch this drivel? The old episodes are so fucking good, but if this is the quality they are going for nowadays I just... I can't.

What are they doing to this show man?