How right is this guy about the show?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's right: it was made by a Jewish woman and people who enjoy it will never agree that it is unenjoyable.

>people who enjoy it will never agree that it is unenjoyable
Whenever I think I've seen the height of stupidity on this damn site you people always manage to surprise and "impress" me.

Dude from the Internet! He's here to tell you what to think of cartoons, so you won't have to create opinions yourselves: You're welcome.

he sounds like he has a lot of baggage

Try not to put much thought into it. They don't logic well.

dont take it too seriously, keep poes law in mind

guy sounds mad as fuck.

I am not sure if this satire. Some of this is valid criticism but, then goes further.

oh hey a youtuber pandering to Sup Forums

haven't seen that before

I don't like Steven Universe either...

But I didn't watch the entire series and make a youtube video about it...

I... I just stopped watching.

>he starts talking about David Reimer because Sugar said she didn't want to make a show specifically for boys or girls

holy shit this is amazing

all that awful editing


this guy has so much time on their hands

>28 minutes
seriously, nigger?

I hate how the show pushes an anti-human agenda.

>omg magical alien rock lesbians are so cool! you should breed with them because they're cool and awesome!

It's exactly the kind of propaganda that aliens want you to see. next thing you know, you've got a mix of Aliens + Independence Day happening, all because we were brainwashed by pro-extra terrestrial propaganda.

Humans come first. Aliens go home.


why does it seem like more threads are started about hating any given comic or cartoon than about actually liking comics and cartoons anymore?

Honestly don't know if this is satire being taken a bit too far or if I'm actually watching a Neo Nazi, I feel like a satire wouldn't go on for like 30 minutes but I also feel like a Neo Nazi wouldn't actually care enough about a cartoon to make this video

I really liked that it was half an hour and he does that fucking whole... um... muttering... and... um... rambling... streamofconcious... ah... thing... the whole time so we know he's a very smart man and this is all beneath him (unlike quality children's cartoons like Avatar) and that he's an actual earnest Sup Forumslack (or is he? haven't you guys ever heard of disingenuousne... I mean irony!? Sorry, I meant irony. He told some jokes so the fact that he wasted a significant chunk of it to blow our minds by telling us that maybe gender isn't just a social construct guys was funny and not just some dude shoehorning his politics into fucking everything cause otherwise internet randos might accuse him of being a cuck)

To the extent that there was any actual criticism it seemed like it was all pretty much bog standard Sup Forums type affected cynicism where you pretend you're a learned authority on fucking everything and just dismiss stuff out of hand in a pseudo-professional critique sort of way. Hey guys the music is all Disney rip-offs and hipster bullshit and the animation is "unremarkable" - thanks

Please ignore this post. Aliens are our friends. They even have big eyes like human anime cartoons.

>the show has no overarching plot
>there's no character development
>Steven never stops being dumb and useless

holy shit mysides

I mean even if we ever do meet other intelligent life out there, cross breeding is pretty much an unrealistic impossibility

we can't even breed with other species of primate, it would be insane if we could breed with species that come from entirely different evolutionary paths

it won't stop us from trying to put our dicks in their mouths

Not very. Four minutes in and almost everything he's said is wrong.
>it's not clear why the gems are fighting their own kind
>Steven doesn't learn things
>the Crystal Gems' esteem for Steven doesn't grow
>almost every episode follows the formula he describes (I can think of many that don't just off the top of my head)
Also he seems to have some weird political message. Like when he plays the bit of Connie's parents saying the Gems are good guardians and superimposes a news article about a lesbian couple abusing their adopted child. I mean, is that supposed to prove something? I don't think I need to watch any further.

The editing seems alright to me.

for those who don't want to watch this for half an hour, please just watch this ending bit, the build-up and payoff is fucking gold

I don't think the guy watched the show more than the first few episodes.
>Also he seems to have some weird political message.

>video review

>People who enjoy it will never admit the show has flaws or is imperfect or might not be "the best cartoon ever made"

Sorry you have such trouble non-literal interpreting things.

I mean if this is actually satire I feel sorry for the guy who made this, he really needs a life

there is more to the show than gays from space

stevidot is cute, taking stevidot requests

Either this guy is mocking the shit out of Sup Forums and Stormfags or he's a retard.

Either way this is funny a hell.

I watched the whole thing and laughed more than I have at any video in the last 3 months.

Sup Forums was right again

just because you didn't get enough attention the first time doesn't mean you should make a whole thread about it


seriously, when will Sup Forums stay in their fucking containment board

Sup Forums is always right, and It's not even up for debate anymore. These days It's pretty obvious, yet people still try to deny it.