With the creator dead is there any actual chance of RWBY having good fights in the next volumes? Some stuff got better, but everything seems less flashy and more like it was all set to a corporate schedule.
With the creator dead is there any actual chance of RWBY having good fights in the next volumes? Some stuff got better...
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Fight animation will suffer but RT seems like it actually wants to invest in the show now.
It could impouve or it could flop.
All I know is, Shane is a little bitch and Monty's death gave the show more of a chance to be good.
>Shane is a little bitch
I think everyone can agree to that. The creepy hero worship he showed in the letter was disturbing.
The girls are cute so I'll still watch but I don't know about fight animation quality
I had to re-read the thing just because I couldn't believe it.
Never mind the fact the guy committed career suicide by simply publishing the letter.
/trash/ thread is shit now, I coming here now
Third time I've seen this.
What's happening there?
Sup Forums shitposting.
Guy who would post about how bad greentexts were got mad because people still didn't like him, so he's dumping Sup Forums shit.
>Casey didn't dress up this year
>Didn't go as her favorite character Neon
main hero sucks and rest of cast are more interesting
shit I meant Neo
Time to stay away.
I hope the transition to Maya helps them improve animation. I still cringe when I see those walk cycles.
Is ruby still going to act like a kid next Volume?
This volume no, but two volumes from now and everything will be back to normal so it'll be time for some antics again.
The transition to Maya at least gives something more visually impressive to look at over fucking poser.
When she isn't fighting for her life, I assume so.
She's like sixteen or nearly sixteen.
I wanna watch this show but holy shit all the glowing pale white girls are hurting my eyes
Who the fuck though adding a slight bloom to already pale characters was a good idea?
You mean like well animated stuff? I know one of the other animators did this crazy mega man 3d fight so there are at least people as good as him.
You should see the models when they take off the bloom and add proper lighting
He quit.
Then months later he put out a letter saying Roosterteeth was shitting all over Monty's memory and that he was the only one who truly understood what Monty wanted.
She's a 15 going on 16 year old grill senpai.
how old is he?
Old enough.
On the flipside you have Jeff Williams, who apparently knew enough to be foreshadowing shit all over the place and made contributions to the story, who openly said when they were gearing up for a volume without Monty he was worried that they'd undo the relevance of his music, but was satisfied that they did a decent job of maintaining Monty's vision in the end.
Even from the potato quality video we've seen, the RAW animation quality is about a thousand times better than the previous seasons. They just need someone good to help them step up their fight choreography game (which isn't bad, but it's not nearly as good/fun as Monty's).
>Jeff tearing up during the RWBY music panel
>then precedes to say he and Matt have gay sex all the time
I like Jeff
34. It's one thing to get fired, but after the letter he posted he's fucked.
Hey, Janitor or mod or whatever. Do you think you could do something about ?
Was chibi actually bareable is any way?
Yes, it's actually pretty funny and a good replacement for the humor we're probably not going to get in volume 4.
better version
It has better animation and plot.
I don't think 4 will be devoid of humour. Because of the timeskip, the main characters have had time to move on a little. And there are still side characters who are often comic relief.
I'm honestly worried it'll either be devoid of humor, or completely ignore the gravity of Pyrrha's death. She was a close personal friend to every main character, but so far all we've gotten is a teary-eyed Ruby and Jaune looking a little down. If we don't at least get a flashback to Jaune learning Ruby was too late, I'm going to be pretty annoyed.
I doubt Nora is gonna be depressing shes gonna be a comedy outlet as well as other upbeat characters.
There's a few ways that goes
>Episode one has a recap segment showing what people are up to/were up to in the gaps of time
>They don't put it in episode one and mid season Ruby and Jaune argue about something causing him to snap at her about it
Are you kidding? Nora shipped Jaune and Pyrrha harder than anybody but Pyrrha herself.
Nora will keep Jaune pure for Pyrrha!
>celibate life, always pining over the one that got away
>flash of red and gold on his deathbed
>together in the end after all
I could get behind this.
Nah, she's gonna jump ship to Lancaster like many other Arkosfags did.
Why is it called Lancaster, again?
Something to do do wit the War of the Roses or something like that.
Lancaster was a house of knights(Jaune) who's symbol was a red rose(Ruby).
>Abandoning the boat
Part of the crew, part of the ship.
What do you think Jaune's Semblance is gonna be?
English history.
House of knights of the red rose fighting against White Rose.
That's also why OT3 Weiss/Ruby/Jaune is called War of the Roses.
There were some other names for this ship, like Leadership, but this one somehow caught on.
Attracting red heads
A "fuck you" wave that either dmashes everything in its radius backwards, or he doesn't even use it having gotten good.
Ruby will never touch your gun
He's a tank among nothing but dps classes, so reflecting enemy attacks back at them would be a decent power.
feels bad
Semblance is so strong that it can raise the dead, as long as they are a red head
>Jaune's semblance is a deus ex machina
You know what's weird? Shane says he was more invested in Monty's original vision than Rooster Teeth but isn't Monty's brother still working with them? You'd think he would have left if they were being truly disrespectful of his dead brother.
>He actually threw up but Barb has a great gag tolerance
Well, Monty's brother to my knowledge wasn't in the project much. He doesn't have in depth insider info from Monty. Know who does?
>Miles & Kerry, the people Monty picked to write the fucking thing from the start who had made dramatic changes before the final trailer had even hit
>Jeff "FORESHADOWING MUSIC" Williams, who apparently got a lot of input from and with Monty to make sure his music would actually fit into the story
Shane for all his talk about being Monty's right hand man was an animator, not a story guy, not a plot guy.
I dont understand how Shane and people can accuse M&K of disrespecting and ruining Monty's vision.
From what I can understand, Monty made some plot points, characters, a unique setting, a map made from ketchup on a napkin, and told them to make a consistent story. He just wanted to animate cool fights and shit, and let actual skilled(in comparison) writers take over because he knew his faults and wasnt a good story writer.
Monty wanted the show to be one thing.
M&K want to tell a narrative.
RT wants money.
People that complain about anybody not respecting Monty's vision are not aware of his vision and naturally assume it aligns with their own.
The more insulting thing to Monty's vision would be to drop the project.
They didn't do that.
Bottom line is that it's something to hide behind when people feel that the show doesn't meet their expectation because it somehow got to the point that the fans believe Monty was exactly the same as them in taste.
For all Shane's big talk about being Monty's #2 and star apprentice and whatever, his role as an Animator meant that all he knew outside the same basic facts everyone else had was "This is how things are supposed to LOOK" rather than "This is how things are supposed to BE".
And besides, he calls everyone out for changing things around, but that's not something new that started when Monty died. Monty himself said that Ruby was supposed to be more "wolf-like", but they had to change it because of animation constraints. Shane just doesn't seem to grasp that sometimes, the story has to change a bit in order to make more sense.
Add to that, Shane droned on about his personal problems as if it's anyone's fault but his. I don't understand how anyone can take his side.
Link to that podcast? I can't find shit on their site.
I want Yang to touch my gun. Just too bad I'm right handed.
I think the real issue is that Shane's self-destructive tendencies have, ultimately, likely robbed Emerald of her VA.
Poor Emmy. I can only hope that a worthy VA comes in to voice her. She deserves it.
I dunno.
Will the catgirl have bigger tits?
Kill yourself
> wanting top-heavy
It's a legitimate question.
>Wanting a little boy's chest.
And Boco should legitimately commit suicide
That's namefags in general, but the question is still legit. Will Blake get boobs?
around 39:37
No because it's a catboy with pads. Stop oppressing xhitzahr with your binary social constructs.
>wanting a shit memecat
I still miss Roman
we all do user, we all do.
And trips confirm it.
I'll miss Roman, Penny, and fun time Yang.
As do we all.
I can only hope that Neo continues his legacy.
>a yellow hand seemingly not attached to anyone
But, that's the wrong hand...
>Neo is Yang's personal antagonist next season.
>Tai takes her out to get her back in the game.
>A visit to Juniors bar turns into a three mile spree of property damage.
Are you blind? It's a right hand.
To me, Neo can never compare with Roman.
Yang has more beef with Merc and Adam than Neo.
Apparently yes, yes I am blind. Would explain where the random wall came from. Now I am about to cross a
Yeah but I just wanna see Tai and Yang trash all the bars in Vale.
But, user, Yang isn't old enough to drink.
It didn't stop her last time.
She's never drank, just ordered a Strawberry Sunrise.
Yes, I do.
She is cute and funny and I like her.
Why would Neo care about Yang when she should be after the one she most likely blames for Romans death
Because Yang would really like to stop Neo killing Ruby.
Look I wanna see a catfight is that so wrong?
I dont get why anons are so hung up on Neo vs Yang, when Yang has a more interesting antagonists in Merc and Neo should be more intersted in trying to kill Ruby
What did shane even do in RWBY? Like what parts were his work? the only thing I ever cared about from him was the megaman x animations
He handled all of Neptune's animation.
He helped Monty on the Black and Yellow trailers and some of the V1 and V2 fights, solo'd the Merc vs Pyrrha and Yang vs Merc fights and did work on various other V3 fights.
Credit where it's due, he was one of the best animators working on the show. Shame he's retarded outside of animation
>No more kickass Mercury fights