
Discuss this animated film.

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So pretty much everybody saw the Bellwether plot twist coming, right?

I did not.

Reminder that we have a Discord


Threadly reminder


Can't blame them that Moana is going back to the classical villain archtype, I think everyone even casuals was sick and tired of the obvious plot twist that only manage to work in Wreck-It Ralph because Turbo was such a great villain.

This next song goes out to the jannies, hope you're listening

.. Well I won't back down, no I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won't back down

....Gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground and I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey I will stand my ground and I won't back down

Well I know what's right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I stand my ground and I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey I will stand my ground and I won't, back, down
....No, I won't.... back... down.....

All hands to the Discord evac

What.. what is it that are you reminding us?

... I prefer to go down with the ship..

The bun is real. Judy is real.

And.. and the fox..??


I didn't, i did suspected the mayor to be bad, but I was wrong thinking he was the principal villain

No. The fox will never be real.


Well then let me end this fucking clown train that I call life right now! See you on the other side.

Goddamned name field keeps resetting....

Well, are there any requests before I get banned or should I work on this drawing?

Work on that senpai

I honestly didn't.

It's this year's Inside Out

Cmon, thread... I know you've got it in you...

I haven't seen you do Offiicer McHorn so there's a challenge

Mostly because it was spoiled on Sup Forums back in January.

Bleh.... maybe eventually I'll do one with McHorn and bogo, but not tonight....

Fair enough Mr. Mechanic man

>Finnick and Mrs. Otterton have the same first name

what do we do with this information

Explain yourself. What do you mean they have the same name?


.... please? Please what....

I didn't but then again the only other Disney movie I watched with the villain twist was Wreck-it-Ralph years back so I guess that helps a bit.

>tfw you can't greentext. post anonymously, or do any other fun things on Discord

I have become too used to the posting style of Sup Forums that I can't get accustomed to any place else

>caring about a random name used in a public chat
Get a random name every time you go in, obviously not the same as being completly user but good enough for most cases.
>caring about the color of the text in a chat
Just use the arrow and you will get the message across

I didn't.


Was alright. Stripping away the fact everyone is an animal leaves a really mediocre buddy cop movie though.

Well, you can't post here at all for the majority of the day

Stripping away that kinda of destroys most of the movie's setting and story and characters because they're all designed with the knowledge that they're different animals.

>kinda of
Yeah I've been up way too long.
Rest in peace thread.

what are they saying??

right click -> save

good night guys. Have been a nice thread. i am away now

I can't tell if that's fluff or a six pack

>what are they saying??

지금 들어갈거야,닉.
자, 쟁반...


doing a bump

Fucking moon runes lad, what does it mean


Fresh OC in SFM




Made me chuckle


Judy, pls. Your parents will never let you.



Anyone have more pics of the best milf?

Mechanic, m8 what's with all the ellipses you use in your syntax?

not trying to be a dick, just curious.

She had a cute reaction when weaslton rolled in.