Is it any good?

Is it any good?

Not really.

Depends on who you ask. It's not bad - meh at best in my book, MJfags think it's Lucifer's literal shit.

It is worth a read if you can read it for free and have nothing better to read
otherwise it should be ignored

Yeah the story times were filled with people who just shitting on her the moment she said anything or hell if she was just on that panel. When people here get mad at something its hilarious how much they demonize everything.


Choose one and only one

Slott wan't always bad, but he seems to have lost his mind a couple of years ago from now

Nope, just "hey remember OMD happened?" crap.

Slotts time is almost up, editorial is mandating that he remind us about OMD because the next writer will be undoing it

When was this mythical 'good Slott' time?
Could you story-time it?

I only got in around Spider-island

>he didn't like Spider-Island

>ditorial is mandating that he remind us about OMD because the next writer will be undoing it

I want to believe that's the case about OMD being undone.

But I just can't.

>he believes this

Tell me more.

In the latest issue, Spidey, MJ and Regent all had deja vu related to Renew Your Vows even if the characters aren't even the same
To balance this, later Slott got sure to make the fans of SpideyxMJ angry by having one of those situation where two characters look like they are talking to each other and revealing their feeling only to find out soon after that they were actually talking to different people in different places

Not that user, and I know that hoping is the first step toward disappointment, but the way it was put in the chapter really looked like something Slott was forced to do, with him later taking his "revenge"

His DC work, Mighty Avengers, Spider-Man/Human Torch mini are all good
ASM is just shit under him and Superior was dumb as fuck

I don't get it, how does them having memories of Secret Wars imply a reunion?

>inb4 wedding anniversary

It didn't imply a reunion, it's to remind people of RYV and that they were married

Not that user, i guess because it was a world where they were an happily married couple with a kid?

The Spider-Man/Human Torch crossover comic he wrote was actually really good. It actually felt like a Spider-Man comic. I don't know why he doesn't just apply that to the normal comics, but still.
