I could see Helga having a similar hairstyle as an adult, but the same one? Weak.
I could see Helga having a similar hairstyle as an adult, but the same one? Weak
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Dude, these fucking suck. How come I can't get a job as a commercial artist but people who make shit like this can?
>what Arnold and co would be doing today
I feel like he'd be a therapist or something related to helping people
Go stick a football up your shill ass.
Horse shit.
what's he looking at
Arnold is working in Silicon Valley, where he cycles to his job as a social media officer for a poorly-funded humanitarian charity.
He tries to bench in his spare time but is struggling to get the Instagram body he desires.
He still plays the harmonica, but now he does it ironically in a folk band called Sunset Arms.
Sadly Phil and Gertie have passed on, and he used the money they left him to fund a short-lived career touring his band round the States.
He has a girlfriend called May, who looks suspiciously like Lila Sawyer, who he met while studying social science at college.
In his free time Arnold plays Uncharted 4 against Gerald, while May watches Keeping Up With The Kardashians in their tiny house share.
He still isn’t sure about Helga.
Is this autism?
Is this the Autist who keeps posting those fake Jungle Movie articles and makes those cringy video?
>Harold not being a butcher
this may be the worst thing ever
What's your overall opinion on this Sup Forums
Sup Forums here
it stinks
>How come I can't get a job as a commercial artist but people who make shit like this can?
Because it's a sinking ship and this is just it's death throes. These are people who, ten years ago, were probably planning to draw political cartoons and write important news. Now they are doing Hey Arnold fanart and hoping for reblogs. They got 91 reblogs. They would've done better on Tumblr than on their own news site.
We already know what Helga would look like today.
>trust me goy, this car works
>the Jew ends up being a con-artist with a better name
Haah waaw
Hey Arnold was a fantastic show but how could this monstoricty of an article ruin this show
I hate what this article did to my favourite cartoon
This bothered me enough to try to quick-sketch an adult Arnold.
Now give him a biography.
>Harold not following his dream of being a butcher
>has a job that requires brainpower and charisma to swindle people
0/10 this guy never actually watched the show
where's the hat?
Muh 90s
He's like the Shyamalan of Metro news
I mean, it all depends on what happens in the Jungle Movie. But here goes..
> Arnold is currently a struggling writer, still living at the boarding house. While he was a smart student in school, he went to the local community college as to stay at the boarding house to help his aging grandparents take care of their apartment building. His Grandmother has passed on but his Grandpa has managed to make it so far, though he's still paranoid about turning 91 soon. Things are tough, but Arnold tries to stay optimistic, and that's what he tries to show in his writing; of course his long-time girlfriend, Helga, helps to keep his spirits up as well, and she's really good at keeping the boarding house tenants under control.
I guess he grew out of it? After getting to meet his parents, he wasn't so obsessive attached to it.
Bullshit, Arnold's the successful one and Gerald turns to crime. They grew apart during high school.
Really bad art. Pretty bad concepts
Check out Anytown guys
>After highschool, Harold began working full time at Green Meats. His parents didn't approve, especially his father, but his Mom was happy he was staying in town. After Mr. Green retired, Harold took over the business renaming it 'Fresh Cuts' re-branding the deli as all Kosher meat. He went on to marry Patty, though his mother thought he could have done much better for himself.
I see Gerald as going off to college, as a party kid, but keeping in touch with Arnold and the two hanging out during the Summer. After College, he became the show host at a local club, but Arnold keeps telling him he could go on to better things if he tried.
Don't you remember the episode where he got his aptitude test mixed up with Helga and actually became smart because he believed he could?