What is currently going on in Part 6? Maybe I can help.
Thomas Cooper
Did we finished the psych ward section?
Connor Anderson
We're still plotting that out.
So far I think the psych ward goes something like: >Dora meets with Bobby, has a chat about how he got her out of solitary and wants to help her with her aggression problems >Gets sent to Von Drake in the ward who sets up the tests? >Dora meets the padded cell inmates, notices many of them have stands >Von Drake believes stands are a mental illness and is trying to treat these hallucinations >Membrane is also in the ward doing maintenance on RoboDale, meet Wall-E here? >While Dora is being tested and assessed, she gets chores to do (meet Pericles here?) >Suzie comes in to get her meds (I assume she has meds for depression), goes through several emotions about seeing Dora alive again, explains most who are sent to solitary don't come back alive >That bit about Suzie speculating that Dora's stand power is just the power to see stands can probably go here after Dora reveals she still hasn't manifested one >Suzie gets roped into helping Dora gain access to a computer (possibly a device Penny gave her to create a backdoor?), needs to create a distraction while Von Drake is hooking Dora up to some big laser cat scan Frankenstein bed thing >Dora gets the flashbacks of whatever happened to her before she started messing with jawbreaker trafficking here until someone does something to kill the machine >??? >Dora manifests [Boots] finally, tricks Von Drake into talking with it in-depth about something before he realizes it's a stand and locks himself in a padded room >Pericles gets freed from his cage, Pericles gets shot out of the sky by Dredd and vanishes (into PI he went), Dora thinks he's dead >??? Still being worked on, so subject to much revision/addition.
Then we're in the excavation bit.
Nathan Campbell
I think Sticks also shows up here, or she will show up in PI?
Gabriel Foster
Depends on how dangerous she is.
The really dangerous ones get sent to PI sooner rather than later.
But like I said, psych ward is still very much a work in progress and that's just whatever I gathered that we discussed about it.
Ian Lopez
Sticks doesn't seem dangerous enough to be in PI, just off. She's probably just a way to establish that Ludwig's treatments don't actually work that great and a way to foreshadow later events thanks to her seeing bad futures or what have you.
Aaron Thompson
Does anyone have a good ideia to make the restaurant have Sup Forumsco/ related stuff? Here's what I have for now.
Could you guys be more specific? I didn't really like the heads resembling the characters desu.
Jeremiah Moore
Another thing to bring up is Ludwig has to have a stand to be able to see stands.
We can bullshit that RoboDale can see them because of electromagnetic waves or some other science-y sounding stock words, but Ludwig von Drake will need to have one. It could be the get him to commit himself by forcing him to summon it, then damage it with another stand.
He comes to the conclusion that he is inflecting self-harm to himself before these stands cannot possibly be real.
Zachary Turner
It's a bit difficult since we're limited to part 1 for references on the restaurant.
Or do you mean just Sup Forums stuff in general?
Luke Taylor
>Von Drake takes a break from his current patient and shows Membrane some of the drawings made by Sticks during her therapy >One of them is seven crude figures arranged in four panels
I think they referred to that episode where Jean Bon was making busts of his patrons with meat (and Courage believed Jean turned the patrons into ground beaf)
He has a Stand suggestion in the previous thread and, just like the rest of the Stands, he believes is a delusion
Liam Cook
Sup Forums stuff that couldn't get in is priority in my opinion.
Daniel Murphy
>One of them is seven crude figures arranged in four panels Damn, that would be amazing.
Thomas Lee
It should be made up of badly drawn Sonic Boom characters. >Orbot >Orbot and Comedy Chimp >Orbot and Dave >Orbot and a lying-down Cubot I thought we were going with "Suzie gets assigned to work on the psych ward because the Warden thinks Dora makes her more interesting", but having her show up initially to get meds makes sense. We still need more patients, really. I was thinking that the Tart Toter from Adventure Time might work, but since we're already using Me-Mow as a fairly prominent antagonist, that might be overdoing it.
Kayden Sanchez
I think Me-Mow is so far the only Adventure Time character we're using in this.
PB was original slated for part 6, but that's since been scrapped with most of part 6's first take.
Maybe Ace Ventura can be in one of the padded rooms. He gets zapped hard enough when the place is falling apart in the endgame that it makes him sane enough to re-enter society in whatever later part I think he's in.
Luis Edwards
Good point. I'm just wary about it because it's got a borderline-NEVER EVER-type fanbase.
Julian Nguyen
Maybe show an add for colonisation of Old Country or something? Like, "Learn and live the history of the Old Country!"
Jackson Jones
I think the watch tower in PI should have giant tube-like robot arms coming out of it, giant yellow eyes at the top of it that the Warden can see through, and a giant purple top hat to complete the look. It should look like someone out of the credits of Superjail.
What about that one weasel from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? who was always in a straitjacket?
Or that one dog from Road Rovers who was always in a straitjacket?
Or Yogi Bear? (OK, I know this is from the came episode of Mystery Inc that Pericles was introduced in, but it could work)
Zachary Russell
>that one weasel Dude's name was Psycho, he'd be perfect for a mental ward.
Zachary Hernandez
Maybe Membrane, despite being a genius, doesn't realize that Robo-Dale is actually a cyborg and he requested help from Von Drake because the robot guard has been suffering of constant delusions of humanity since he was transfered to the prison.
Parker Hall
Feels like a rather terrible oversight to make on Membrane's part since he'd made cyborgs before.
Penny knows who Dale is, I figure when she finds his exploded body and begins frantically repairing him, Membrane can be there and ask why only to get it shoved in his face that Dale was a real human being. That'd be enough of a shock to Membrane to cause him to take a step back and look at what he's been doing at the jail up until then (immediately before he was making robots who could consume stand jawbreakers for the Warden to leach STAR energy out of) and switch sides.
Wyatt Green
Does RoboDale still smoke?
Does Alamo beer help fuel his pillar propane power cells?
Should Wong catch on that Dale is powered by pillar propane or should we not make any connection there? If we're going to reveal that Wong is a pillarman, that might be the best opportunity to do it.
Michael Diaz
I wasn't aware that Ace Ventura was gonna appear in a later part
Well, they still haven't done any shitty move worthy of the banhammer yet
Damn, if that Yogi doesn't appear in the prison, he should be a Scopeman in part 8, with mask and all.
Blake Murphy
Well Ace Ventura kept getting talked about with his stand which is The Mask.
What was it called? Cuban Pete?
I have no idea what part he was supposed to show up in, but I know he was supposed to show up somewhere.
There was this thing about The Mask not being the one from part 1, instead it was one Nobody grabbed from another AU.
Nicholas Edwards
why not make it look like the SF diner place? We have crowd in back as if this was a street fight.
I'd imagine that Penny still manages to keep his brain intact. As it was properly protected.
Yes he smokes. But doesnt feel anything from it. It's habit.
It puts it into overdrive.
We make the connection. Wong recognizes the smell. Dale says the smell's only there for safety reasons.Wong gets surprised that someone else is clued into this secret. Dale says he learned from the best.
Adrian Taylor
Ace Ventura is a protector to the Mask like Shirley was. In his AU, he is Shirley's veterinarian and picked up the protector job when Shirley's insurance ran out and he found out how much cash she actually had. He decided protecting and selling ancient treasures made more money, so he switched to being protector of the mask/Pet Detective.
Carson Gomez
I don't remember that. Pretty sure that the part 7 Mask was meant to be the original; that's why we seeded it with it appearing, partially repaired, in part 5. There was one guy who thought it was an AU Mask, but I thought we were going with it being the original.
Landon Adams
>Doc, I keep telling you: I'M. NOT CRAZY! >Sure, you aren't. And next you'll tell me perfectly sane people ascend bell towers and try to assassinate presidential candidates. >Guhh... Ok, that LOOKS bad but trust me, the other Stickses have told me that that guy and his weird clipart head need to be stopped! >And these other..."Stickses" as you called them, where are they exactly? >In the other universes! We've been over this, you quack! >Temper, young lady. >[sighs] All right, look. You see that weird planetarium thing floating above me? >I told you, I'm not going to enable your mania. >Regardless, that lets me and the other mes talk and share whatever! >And these "other universes" of yours. You seem so convinced that they sync up with the reality you refuse to grab hold of, no? >It depends on how deep I look really. Some are either a few minutes ahead or behind and a few have these weird...I don't know, themes you could call 'em? >...Such as? >Well, there's this one universe that's nothing but black people. >,,,I see. [under his breath] Note to self: latent racist. >What? >Nothing.
Andrew Gutierrez
>Wong gets surprised that someone else is clued into this secret. Dale says he learned from the best. 10/10.
Christopher Anderson
With the direction that they seem to be taking (Fred Flintstone, Dinosaur Dan, Captain Caveman, Slag Brothers) I'd more or less say that the Scopemen should have a caveman theme now, considering that's all we have set for them.
Jaxon Price
>Well, there's this one universe that's nothing but black people. >,,,I see. [under his breath] Note to self: latent racist. Fuck, my sides hurt.
Ian Price
She builds him a new, much more dangerous body out of all the busted robots all over the place.
When would Wong and Dale meet? During the escape attempt after Dan is dead?
I don't think it should be the one from part 1, not after the ending we had in part 5.
Unless the corpse part somehow repaired the mask in the sunken Looniversity.
>I don't think it should be the one from part 1, not after the ending we had in part 5. I feel that if it's the same mask from part 1, all the shit Courage and co. went through would be meaningless if the damn thing will just regenerate everytime. And there is also the fact that at this point the Looniversity is still a sarlacc pit with the Hey Kids! Monster in the bottom, so I don't know how Nobody could retrieve the mask.
Jace Lewis
Yeah, if Ventura shows up anywhere in this with his yellow suited The Mask stand, it should be not the same as the one from part 1.
What role are our loonies playing?
Sticks at least has her prophet thing going, and Pericles has a role (still not a well defined role since we're working on it), but what do the other crazies do?
Benjamin Rodriguez
Pericles probably helps Dora against Von Drake. In the other threads there was the idea that the Stands of some of the patients went berserk thanks to Von Drake's therapies.
Lucas Martin
Alright, so we can have Psycho and Muzzle play that part rather easily. Do we need any others with unhinged stands?
Jace Powell
I don't know, I don't want to fill the psych ward to the brim with Stand users
Carter Harris
So should we keep it to just those four then? I'm fine with that.
Everyone else in the ward is just normal crazy since the ward is in normal jail.
Kayden Lewis
Well, people aren't really hyped for more gauntlets/group fights after part 5, and take into acount that Dora isn't able to fully manifest her Stand until Von Drake's fight, so even against one enraged Stand, she is in a disadvantage (unless she team up with Pericles earlier)
Grayson Russell
Who said anything about fighting them?
Sticks is there for foreshadowing and being crazy. Muzzle and Psycho are there for showing that on Drake's treatments should be avoided at all costs. Pericles is there so there's a way to fuck up Von Drake's shit without anyone being the wiser to Dora's part in the breaking of his mind.
Dora doesn't actually fight any of the ward characters, she just teams up with some of them to ruse Von Drake into putting himself in a padded cell.
Kevin Williams
I agree with this. Maybe have Psycho or Muzzle show up in PI or in the riot at the end, but the Psych Ward should be pretty low key. Pericles should obviously show up later so Dora can piece together what the Warden's real plan is.
Christian Clark
I don't think they'll be in PI until maybe near the end when the Warden starts sucking in all the sources of STAR energy he can find to sustain PI's expansion.
Psycho and Muzzle's role in the ward are just to hammer home that point that Dora shouldn't talk about stands with Von Drake.
Pericles probably has them both freed to create a diversion so Dora doesn't get fucked up by Von Drake's treatment. While that's happening, Sticks begins to act on one of her future visions to do something plot relevant, either to make sure Dora meets Wall-E or to get some kind of code. I'm not too sure what to do with Sticks here since she feels more like someone who could be a brojo than anyone else so far, but she's apparently not supposed to have that role.
Gabriel Young
Maybe after Von Drake goes nuts and Bobby reclaims the psych ward He keeps documenting Sticks visions and warns Penny and Dora when one of them looks pertinent to their current situation (since they seem to be hard to interpretate), for example: She foresees an army of mechanismos led by Gameboy, or Warden releasing the poison gas inside the prison
Lucas Bennett
We already have Gravity Falls characters, and they're in the same family.
Right now the NEVER EVER seems to be focused around series that got suggested to the point of exhaustion, and the regulars are still a bit put off towards their inclusion.
And of course the Sunday Funnies, which are excluded for obvious reasons.
Elijah Cooper
The new leader is the Harvey Toons guy though.
Cavemen should be the old guard. Yogi Bear and similar Hannah Barbera characters, plus Felix the Cat, maybe the Minnie the Moocher dancing ghost thing, Gertie the Dinosaur, and that sailor from the first ever animation should all be Scope Men.
That's... a fair point, actually. I don't think Ventura should have a Mask-based Stand, though, that just feels unnecessary.
Christian Russell
I think the idea was that the Wizard (or an alt-universe character) dons the Mask and his Stand turned into Cuban Pete to Mirror alt-Diego and The World.
Henry Carter
Yeah. Having Ventura with a Mask stand on top of that feels redundant, though I'm not opposed to him having a connection to the Mask in general. On that note:
User: Wizard Daffy Stand: [THE WIZARD] (Act 1) >Appearance: Wizard Daffy's staff. >Ability: [BEHOLD THE WIZARD]: The Stand can manipulate probability to cause events that aid him, such as causing traffic lights to remain red for his opponents longer than they do for him. These are always minor enough to be dismissed as coincidences. >Power: D >Speed: D >Range: B >Durability: D >Precision: A >Potential: A
Stand: [THE WIZARD] (Act 2) >Appearance: A crystal humanoid wearing an outfit resembling LeTerally's, but in the colors and style of Wizard Daffy's robes. >Ability: [BEWARE HIS POWER]: The Stand can transform unliving (and living, but non-sapient) material to resemble the fantasy world of his imagination; landscape and buildings will become fantasy landscape, while cars, animals and other "mobile" objects will become monsters under the Wizard's control. The effect will spread out steadily from the Wizard's position up to the maximum range of his Stand, and will revert when he moves away. >Power: A >Speed: B >Range: C >Durability: B >Precision: A >Potential: D
Owen Foster
Eh, to be fair, Knux was four acts ago and Tails is still technically up in the air.
Jeremiah Turner
>and Tails is still technically up in the air. Har.
Juan Bell
That's still a lot of a property that originated as Sup Forums. Plus Knuckles showed up again in Starduck Crusaders.
Sebastian Ward
Sebastian Mitchell
Sticks is a little of a weird case though. We first found out about her in the context of the cartoon, was only an NPC in the Wii U title, and barebones in the 3DS game. And yet Sega pushes her. But I digress. The meat of her lies in the Boom cartoon and I think that should stand to reason.
Jayden Long
That cat is cute.
Jaxson Jones
Maybe it doesn't regenerate naturally normally, and was only repaired through the WB's experiments, which are also why it has the ability to manifest [CUBAN PETE]? After part 7, it's destroyed for good.
Blake Ward
Do we make a reference to the universe where part 6 was filled entirely with waifus?
Brody Diaz
That's a good idea.
Maybe Sticks will trust Bobby since he's like a universal good wherein none of his alternates selves ever do anything heinous.
So Bobby is able to communicate with Dora through the same device Penny gave her to give her warnings?
Aaron Edwards
>he's like a universal good wherein none of his alternates selves ever do anything heinous I guess you could say that boy IS right.
David Garcia
So we'd be using her as Paisley Park essentially?
Elijah Smith
I think that will be damn useful to Dora's group when they have to navigate PI.
Asher Morris
Sebastian Phillips
Am fag who suggested Tails for Part 8 in the first place.
I really am considering the idea of dropping Tails if Sticks can hop aboard. She fills the lack of Brojos, and has an interesting Stand.
On the other hand. Not a lot of good battles are available to her, and having her would just make us more open to insults from other places. Also Im not sure who replaces Tails on Part 8, but Im sure we'll come up with something.
Dominic Adams
Aw shit, here comes Pac-Man!
>User: Pac-Man >Stand: [BLOODHOUND GANG] >Appearance: the four pixel Pac-Man ghosts >Ability: [I'M HIGH ON CRACK]: If someone makes contact with [BLOODHOUND GANG], they will immediately experience an intense high in which they hallucinate a black, neon-edged maze akin to the one from Pac-Man surrounding them, along with pounding electronic music. The maze is filled with floating pills, which victims of [BLOODHOUND GANG] will be driven to consume; doing so will extend the "trip". >Pac-Man can control the walls of the "maze", voluntarily invoke "bad trips" on victims, causing them to suffer anxiety, paranoia, or dissociation. Additionally, the longer victims remain under the Stand's effects, the higher their heart rate will get; this can eventually cause their hearts to give out. (Though Pac-Man experiences the effects of his own Stand, his heart is not affected.) Role: Stand user in [Pure Imagination], determined to make as many people as possible feel the effects of his Stand like he does.
Adrian Scott
Sticks works as a minor ally for the Penny's crew. We're going to struggle to find useful things for Penny and Giffany to do in fights as it is; no need to add another one with a "useless" Stand.
Kayden Evans
>snap future reading >useless
Did you forget how broken Epitaph made King Crimson?
Grayson Torres
But that's not her power. She's got a vague future sense, yes, but there's a huge degree of variance because she's looking at alternate universes, and she needs to focus to actually be able to make sense of what she's picking up. It wouldn't be snap prescience like Epitaph gave at all.
Eli Ross
I have an idea.
Sticks doesn't join the brojo squad, but uses Wall-E to convey prophecies to them. That way Sticks is still "there" and we have a reason for Wall-E to be following them around now that the previous reason (Courage's Computer trying to get some help) has become tentative.
Alexander Ortiz
Huh. I like that. That works pretty well.
Blake Jones
And after Ludwig Von Drake is in a padded cell, the psych ward becomes much more peaceful with Bobby having to take control there.
The Warden should be brooding about this since he finds the new situation very boring. The Warden finds Bobby very boring, which is an odd similarity between Bobby and Hank if you think about it.
When Bobby is commanding a propane nightmare and doing shit near the ending, the Warden asks "Where was THIS guy during his whole tenure here?" with a crazy excited smile.
Alexander Gray
>Just before the final fight, we get a Bobby vs Warden fight >Warden's controlling a bunch of Superjail monsters and machines, while Bobby has an army of hijacked robots and Propane Nightmares Maybe Bobby dies but manages to damage the Warden's plans somehow.
Brody Williams
That's actually super useful. She could keep them out of the way of the super murderous ones or lead them to future allies.
David Reed
I was actually thinking Bobby survives and is instrumental to reuniting/clearing the charges on the heroes of part 6.
The final episode of Superjail was called "The Superjail Six". It refers to the only 6 inmates who escaped Superjail during its first year of operation.
It might be neat if Dora and her crew become known as "the Superjail Six" after it's all done and over, but only if we end up with a party of 6.
Bentley Anderson
I'd be ok with scrapping Tails too. I'm sure we can come up with someone else. We're dropping the references to Tails Gets Trolled anyway, aren't we?
Jacob Ward
I'd rather see Bobby survive too. I like that idea as well.
Anthony Gray
If we're dropping them anyway, there's literally no value in keeping Tails, so...
William Torres
So we need to figure out Pericles role in the psych ward.
I think he should be like a rival to Von Drake. Someone he's been trying to analyze for years who has been able to resist him without fail no matter what method he takes. He should also mock/antagonize Von Drake at any chance he gets.
Charles Phillips
The only noteworthy thing I can think is having a background connection with Chris-chan, but yeah, he isn't irreplaceable.
Yeah, he is tough nut to crack, that's why he is kept in a cell like Magneto
Leo Roberts
He gets Dora to work against Von Drake mostly for the sake of pissing him off. He doesn't actually expect her to get rid of him.
Anthony Brooks
Wait, does this mean Sticks ends up playing the mastermind role here where she sees a possible future (of Von Drake finally buzzing off) and tries her best to actualize it?
Daniel Nguyen
Right, he should be our Lecter, brilliant, deranged, and just a touch silly.
Zachary Hughes
We need a motive then. What is Pericles' objective?
Is he trying to escape, or is he sticking around for some reason? How much does he know? Has he tried to get Sticks to help him only for her to be able to see through all his plans?
Sticks seems to be playing to role of least hostile entity in this part, but how much interaction does she have with Dora? Does she see futures involving Dora that make her try to avoid her at first?
Nolan Hernandez
And another thought.
Sticks' power opens up how Dora gets her map back.
After the psych ward is over, Sticks realizes she's not in a timeline where Dora murders everyone or whatever. So she helps Dora get her map back by taking control of Wall-E and using her power of foresight to guide the robot through all kinds of contrived security measures to get it into the evidence locker where it grabs Dora's map.
Wall-E is next assigned to go down with the excavation team, giving Dora yet another reason to join that excursion since she'll be able to get her map from Wall-E.
Dominic Sanchez
He's trying to escape, but doesn't seriously believe that Dora can help him. Mostly, he's just using her to get back at Von Drake. He eventually changes his mind and tries to escape, but is caught and Superjailed by Dredd.
Levi Peterson
I'd like to see Wizard Daffy as a character, is he going to be used for Sup Forumsrge Sup Forumsstar?
Mason Thompson
>She constantly had visions of Von Drake losing his shit >He dismissed them as mere childish insults >After Von Drake finally snaps, Bobby rummages through his notes and discover that the vision became true >This makes him contact Penny and share the whole archive with her
part 7, Corge has Duck Dodgers as an alt-LeTerally
James Smith
Is Plankton still going to be a fight in the part? He should go up against Giffany, seeing as they were both support to be FF references