Wacky Raceland #1

Sure why not

































I actually liked it for what it was. I don't get why most people didn't. Most people actually took it too seriously based on the redesigns and the settings, when it was just supposed to be over the top rather than an actual gritty Mad max version of wacky racers.
Hate to see it go after 6 issues.


I liked it too, but I ave to say the art and pacing was all over the place.

I liked it enough to keep buying it, but the art was a hard sell.

I think, with sillier art, this would have worked. Compared to the rest of the HB lineup, this probably should have skewed closer to its original art -- in large part because Wacky Racers is probably the least known HB property (compared to say, Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, or even the various Future Quest characters who've at least appeared in Adult Swim stuff).

As is, the art and the writing don't mesh well, and the book sticks out like a sore thumb in an already weird lineup of books.


Let's see...

what is the difference with New 52?
is it good?
also what do you think about the New 52 comics in general?


b-but is there any fun racing in it? o get excited looking at the carmageddon cars.

Rebirth undoes new52.
Overall, new52 was bad for me but has some good titles.

>godless abomination
fuck, this make me kek so hard

This was better than the main issue.