Just started Wakfu, it's already reeling me in with its delicious plots and wonderfully shaped character
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Yeah ok wow, youre a pervert
why announce that, my kid browses here ya know. keep it clean
>my kid browses here ya know. keep it clean
Your wife's son, right?
I cant wait to see more of m-muh waifu Evangelyne.
Is it possible to be banned for knowingly allowing underaged to browse here?
We all want to fuck evangelion
Any date for season three yet
I think you posted the wrong character
I could never get into Wakfu. So many of the episodes are just boring filler shit. Plus while the elf girl is sort of hot the brown girl is annoying as hell. Also all the male characters are pretty bland. There's nothing wrong with them, but there's nothing that interesting about them either. You've got the child hero, the loveable idiot and the wise but not really old man. It just feels like such a by the numbers party set up.
shut your mouth Amalia is the best
When is season 3 supposed to start? And is there going to be a Dofus Book 2?
I don't find Ruel that stereotypical, but I suppose that's subject to taste. I'd say he's more experienced than wise, and definitely old. And often the most interesting character to watch, along with Rubilax, IMO.
Though I'd agree it's mostly the villains that are interesting in Wakfu, and some of the secondary cast. The party is a pretty straightforward group of do-gooders, but the world exposition and original characters we get to see through them are nice. Kerub's Bazaar pushed that even further with really unique characters driving each episode's plot, but with the added bonus that Kerub himself was an interesting, multi-faceted character and didn't have to compete with other main characters for the spotlight.
>When is season 3 supposed to start?
Summer 2017.
>And is there going to be a Dofus Book 2?
Maybe in some form, but I don't expect to hear about it for a couple years.
I gotta wait a whole year for more Wakfu? Fuck
>my kid
thats what YOU think lol
You could try playing the MMO. The high level stuff's gone to complete shit, but the early level stuff is still great.
Best girl, worst episode
he's just a really old piece dude with way too many hobbies
suace nao
is it hatebit
I regret not watching Wakfu when the Kickstarter went up, the threads must have been hype as shit
>when the Kickstarter
Not really, there were nice threads, but we didn't get any new content, just a bad dub.
Yugo is so lucky that he gets to fuck her
He needs to not be a manlet first.
Yugo's still a virgin though.
nah, he needs to stop being a manlet so he can date her
but they have already dealt with the fucking part
you really think Yugo could resist with how much she flashes people, probably flashes him even more given his low angle
>tfw I'll never watch the Dofus movie because I'll probably never end up watching Dofus
I've been meaning to but it just doesn't happen
You can watch the movie without Dofus or if you like you can watch like the 5-6 episodes that are actually important to the plot.
Do you have 12 minutes? Here's episode 1. You're welcome.
Dofus episodes are only 10 minutes each, so it's pretty easy watching. Somebody made a list of the essential episodes for watching the movie but I wouldn't rush it.
I'm lucky that I'm in the minority who prefer Dofus, but I can see why it doesn't appeal to some people.
Sup Forums prefers wakfu, but most people iI've met prefer dofus.
Now if I only knew what they are saying.
>start it for the waifus
>stay in for the best boy
>Too skinny.
>Too small.
>Too country, too old, too blonde, too fat, too perfect, too bronze...
>Bah! Are there any more?
>You've seen them all, sir. They all returned home... some crying.
>Returned to their homes? While I'm still here? That's horribly rude!
Nobody makes hookers cry like Gaston.
Cool, thanks.
I hate this ugly piece of shit's mug so much
>Still thinking about your brother?
>I miss him so much, Badwa, you have no idea...
>It's been ten years and I still think about him every day...
>Magic is nice and all, I can create light thousands of degrees hot...
>It's pretty, it hits hard...
>But it won't give me my brother back!
>Huh? What's that?
>This is Pandawa magic!
>It's only room temperature, but it hits pretty hard too!
Isn't he just a kid that slows really slowly? At season 3 he looks like he has the size that Sadlygrove had at season 1.
>One stitch for Brakmar... One stitch for Bonta... One stitch for Brakmar... Okay, that doesn't seem too ha-
>Aaaaugh! Rushu's turd! I hate this!
>You should start with something easier than a tunic...
>I am Julith! Arch-Huppermage, General of Brakmar, Guardian of the Ebony Dofus! I terrorize the world, I make history!
>I don't do "easy"!
>... How hard is it to make briefs?
>Briiiefs! My wife made me briefs!
>La la! How good it feels to wear new underwear!
>Roomy enough for all your stuff...
>Pure virgin gobball wool, my wife knows what I like! Pom pom!
>I'm sexy and I know it!
>I'm glad to hear you like them...
>But couldn't you wait until we got home to try them on!
>tfw the well meant gesture of your pandawa bartender buddy turns you into a high-functioning alcoholic
>And the pitcher had a brown stain on his shorts...
>Oh, Khan! This is so romantic...
>The Masked Keruuuub!
>Is this ape bothering you, miss?
>Who is this clown?
>A clown? Watch your tongue, kid!
>This "kid" is busy with the lady here, so go play Captain Amakna elsewhere.
>Show some respect, carrot top! You were still in your father's trunk when I started scoring touchdowns on the field!
>Even in his trunk I was already better than you!
>Oh yeah!
>This is the gobball. The first to touchdown in the fountain wins. The other's a loser.
>You're in!
>Um... actually, that's my...
>That's my purse...
>Okay, I'll be going then...
And the story isn't bad either.
Stay away from Pandawas Bakara.
Ma'm, you do realize this website is +18 right. I have a right mind to call the internet police and have the CPS take away your child
>And why should I go to Bonta and not the other way around?
>Everything is too clean, here. It's not a city, it's a hospital!
>And Brakmar looks like an open-air slaughterhouse!
>Exactly! It's more lively!
>Lively? A slaughterhouse?
>You know very well it's easier to live in Bonta: this is where my family is...
>What about MY family?
>You never said anything about it! You have family?
>No... But that's no excuse!
>Oh, fine, whatever!
>Yes, I do...
>By the way, I also sell calendars...
>Oh, hell no! Get lost!
Every girl wants the panda dick.
Fuckin xelor man.
That's all with the shitty scans. It's from Les Dessous de DOFUS and I only scanned the pages with girls in it sorry. Thanks to translation user.
New volume of the b&w comic will be out in August.
Thank you for the scans based user!
Oh so that's where they're from? Thanks user, I've been wondering whether I should buy that. Don't think I have time for more translations now but I'll return tonight.
The flashback image of the 6 eliatropes did show a manlet yugo.
Thanks for bothering to scan all that. Really appreciate more stuff with the movie characters.
Best girl.
Well there's two I've not seen before, sauce?
On paheal
That brown pussy of hers is in dire need of some impregnating, she has to birth an heir after all
Since Yugo is finally pubertying he should be ready to penetrate her hymen
If not he can just create a teleport straight into her womb.
god eva is the fucking best girl.
i cant believe how fucking cucked my shit got with dally.
fuck that nigger, i hate him.
>Tfw Lindsay Small-Butera (co-creator of Baman Piderman) named her cat after Joris
Could she be any more perfect?
>>Oh, hell no! Get lost!
wait what? "merci bien" translates to "get lost"?
That's just a sarcastic thank you.
Ouste is the get lost part.
Is this semen demon from Wakfu?
Ah, so the literal translation is "Get out! Pretty please."
>he doesn't call dally dally
Rough translation:
"Do not worry, dear sister. I am sure there is a farm in need of a new cow."
jesus christ, i cant handle these threads. every episode, a new waifu, every thread, full of porn.
even the SFW fanart of wakfu EVEN THE FUCKING SCREENSHOTS of wakfu are lewd as fuck.
every woman in this series just screams "rape me".
Must suck to be a beta male in the wakfu world.
That's why it's a good show.
pervert, this is all perfect wholesome
>tfw even if you went to wakfu world, no one would fuck you cause everyone else there is more attractive.
just fucking kill me, senpai.
Its not rape if its consensual