ITT: Characters we'll never see again
ITT: Characters we'll never see again
good riddance
eat shit
I've always liked this costume, always dig a good full face mask.
I don't get it. Why is Marvel acting like he and Isaiah Bradley don't exist? They're minority characters with a connection to Captain America and other Avengers.
Gillen actually wanted to use him in his Young Avengers run, but Marvel said no for some reason.
On the one hand, that soft retcons away the Blacktain America Tuskegee Experiments, which I like because it really undermines Erskine's character that it happened (If it was a post-Rogers attempt to recreate the formula it probably wouldn't have bothered me)
On the other hand, I really did enjoy Young Avengers V1, before Heinberg decided finishing comic books wasn't important.
They already have Falcon for PoC Captain America.
But Patriot makes more sense so again.
Some author "reserved" him for something and then never used him. And he's still reserved, apparently.
I'm hoping Marvel says "fuck it, time's up" and puts him in USAvengers.
I've lost track of who owns the Milestone rights
I want to see him join the mainstream DCU.
Zod's son who's been living in Mexico for 25 years with his Kryptofuck powers latent?
Truth was unclear on that, It reads like that was the original intention but later it's implied Steve was already Cap.
It's like they don't remember that Patriot is the nephew of the original black captain america,WHO,for the record, is living in a small appartment in NY with super alzhaimer and nobody gives a shit. Why not him? He's some shit. Magneto gets a debuff of age every 15 years, why they can't give a shit about a character they introduced way before the PC era
It was clear that Isaiah came after Steve. You saw someone read Captain America Comics before Isaiah's experiments, and you saw Pearl Harbor (Steve became Cap BEFORE PH).
Some fans just didn't realize this and mistakenly thought that Isaiah was first, mostly because Patriot himself believes the in-universe urban legend that says so.
> original black captain america
AGAIN. Steve came first.
I didn't know Steve was black all this time. Black Cap Hydra confirmed
So did they
They announced a big milestone revival last year, literally nothing has come from it
Reminds me of how kamandi never gets used because morisson dibs
Isaiah's his grandfather, not his nephew, Josiah X is his uncle.
Reggie Hudlin Strikes Again!
Milestone owns the rights, the issue is who has the licenses.
>rereads the story
oh shit. Thanks for the reminder buddy
Given the sliding time-scale, I expect that if they ever use them again, in a couple of years they'll have to make Isaiah his great-grandfather.
That's how DC does all their OGNs. Eventually they'll show up on Amazon and then DC will have some interviews when they're properly solicited.
Well, that just goes with Sharon Carter's constantly shifting relationship to Peggy.
Yeah I really like Patriot and I think there's a ton you could do with him, but for reason he's been resigned to the fuck off bin.
Sorry, people so often say that Isaiah was the First Captain America that I got confused.
Did he ever encounter kryptonite? I would love to see his reaction to learning the key to his demise is a rock.
It's a long list for us. But most deserved it. There's a ton that didn't because Flynn fixed them.
Here's my favorite. RIP in pieces
He still got off easier than his team mate
Cowgirl was a cutie
Door Man.
>tfw we never got Bucky taking Eli under his wing while he was Cap
Door man! DOOR MAN!!
I really think Marvel could do something cool with Milestone.
He would've died during Bucky & Nat's Wild American Murder Mystery Madness
I'm so sorry
We will never see him again and marvel will never mention him again.
I always thought Hal worked best on Earth.
He'll be back. He's rumoured for the next season of AoS and you know how much Marvel loves synergy.
those arms are bothering me, they look extremely disproportioned
Steve and Sam have been bros for so long - even sharing the book title in long runs - that few characters make more sense to take over from Steve.
>We will never see him again and marvel will never mention him again.
Please, user. It's not like he's Alejandra.
Or Danny Ketch.
Why isn't he put on the champions book marvel is putting out or atleast guest spots in other comics? He's a mexican ghost rider and marvel is all about diversity now a days. Don't give me that ghost rider is too powerful to be on a team, hell introduce a power reduction plot point if you need for him. I just think he is litterally the most non shoehorned coolest all new all differant legacy character marvel has made.
Milestone already did cool things with milestone. They should just bring those characters back in their own universe and stop trying to pigeonhole them into another.
don't suck him into that shit, put him on a midnight sons team
>Ghost Reyes
>Jubilee, the Living Vampire
>Werewolf by Prom
>Some Desi kid that got ahold of a chunk of the Darkhold
>A Black Kid shot by the police who ended up with a Simon Garth style Medallion
Where the hell is the protector of the universe?
If they do another Defenders book, it's going to be Netflix Synergy, and be Heroes For Hire + Jessica Jones and Daredevil.
it's her time of the month
Coaching his female replacement after retiring off screen for some raisin.
He was in the Standoff crossover, but he gave up the Quantum Bands to some SHIELD agent.
Wait, what? ANOTHER replacement for Wendall?
>Counting for diversity
But the bands can only be passed on when the current user dies.
Was she actually interesting? How does she stack up against the other Quasars?
I mean, I want her back anyway because I love lesbians in space, but it'd be good if they actually had a decent established personality for her to build on.
I loved bucky's interaction with Eli and kate
this smug motherfucker
Hey buddy, fuck you.
Clint's too
>why they can't give a shit about a character they introduced way before the PC era
Because they get no points for it and it generates no controversy.
Rest in Piss
They're working on a sequel m8.
Aren't they doing a comic about those bloodline people like him? You never know
i miss them all every day
RIP in Peace
Isiah Bradley and his buddies definitely came after Captain America and Erskine's death. The experiment took place after Pearl Harbor, while Steve joined up BEFORE America declared war.
>killed by Malekith in some boring arc or other.
Well that's stupid.
She was a pretty bad Quasar
Power Pack, New Warriors, 90% of mutants, Namor, FF, Doom, OG Cyclops, Super Pro, Combo Man, Nomad, Adam-X, ect.
She was a pretty bad Mar'vell, too.
I kind of feel sorry for her. When even the literally insane interstellar cosmic war criminal brother isn't the biggest fuck-up in the family...
Latinos aren't white until they kill somebody.
>New Warriors
I still have hope.
Didn't Annihilus just steal them?
They said no because the writer wanted to turn patriot gay
God I hope not, him and his annoying brother never ever need to be mentioned again, same with chick rider
So are you ready for Marvel changing him into an Inhuman?
>having this much shit taste
I pity you.
good riddance
[press f to play respects]
To be fair even if she didn't get got like that money says she'd still never show up again.
Im gonna cut myself. Not one appearance after Secret Wars. Hes not even a Mutant.
Supposedly, he'll be in Injustice 2.
Also, about a month ago I'd have said Wally.