What film do I absolutely NEED to see to change my perception of reality or otherwise, as the kids say, "fuck me up"...

What film do I absolutely NEED to see to change my perception of reality or otherwise, as the kids say, "fuck me up"? I've watched a lot of entry-level stuff (Tarkovsky, Kubrick, Bergnan, Lynch) but I really want something that'll leave me mulling it over for the next few weeks.

The Greatest Story Never Told.

Nymphomaniac fucked me up. I loved it tho.

I B Area

Do drugs instead of watching movies.

Schindler's List

I do both but thanks


for some reason Citizen Kane fucked me up cause i realized that nothing is better than it, and nothing will be.

come and see (1985)

le wobble dog

Back to Re dd it, Imdbaby

Irreversible is the correct answer. It put me in a crisis. Go see it and don't read up on it if you haven't.

>as the kids say, "fuck me up"?

You simply must delete this.

Once Upon A Time In America
Interview with the Vampire
Umberto D
It's a Wonderful Life
Born To Kill
The Fallen Idol

Last year at Marienbad, Tokyo Story, The Naked Island, Black Sun, As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty

Not even the best Welles film.

El Topo, then The Holy Mountain, then Santa Sangre


>lawnmower man lite


Satantango. No breaks.

>El Topo
Garbage. Absolute garbage.

Boring movie that's all form and no substance

>Last year at Marienbad
Yes !

>Schindler's List
Annoying victim fiction

You mean Von Trier's worst movie ?

I'd say Melancholia (Trier), The Knight of Cups (Malick) or Memento.

Actually, any Malick movie

Just search up Lucio Fulci and watch his stuff. I'd suggest to start with Zombi 2, A Lizard in A woman's skin, Massacre Time.

Generally speaking italian maestros will fuck you up. Mario Bava, Fellini and Leone are all worth delving into.

The original Spider-Man trilogy.

This desu.

Maybe Eyes Wide Shut, 2001 or The Shining if you believe Kubrick was a genius that layered his films with clues to greater understanding.

Batman v Superman

I really enjoy rewatching Waking Life once in a while.

Lolita too.

Depends OP.

"fuck you up" in a real life brutality kind of way?

Or in a surreal almost LSD-trip kind of way?

Let's watch Andrey Iskanov's films. It's hard to find them. It's David Lynch on krokodyle drug.

don't bother
i've seen every film mentioned here and im still a loser in community college who cant get a gf higher than a 6/10.
tried music and still stayed the same.
going to try literature next

don't bother
i've read every book mentioned on /lit/ and im still a junior consultant in a big 4 company who cant fuck a married bitch lower than an 8/10.
tried continental philosophy and still stayed the same.
going to dominate sports next

>What film do I absolutely NEED to see to change my perception of reality

Food, Inc.
King Corn
Forks Over Knives
POM Wonderful: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

Take your pick.

