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Television and Film
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Television and Film #843
Television and Film
Watching tv show/film with family
Reunion when?
"How did the pedophiles get control of the AI?" "They rule."
Why are there almost no Christmas movies being made anymore?
THE GREATEST SHOWMAN Official Trailer #1
Is this the board to discuss School Shootings, but majorly columbine on?
Name one korean movie or show that you enjoyed
"it follows, but it walks. Just keep on moving and you'll be fine for a while"
Will It Win an Oscar?
Lane Pryce did nothing wrong
What's next for his career?
Can someone recommend me a thought provoking and profound film?
Moments when a show went too far
The Wailing
Highly Rewatchable Movies
Opinions on the new season? I like how they turned it into a straight up comedy
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count
What are some interesting creatures from myth and legend that have received very little love in film?
What would you do if you were trapped in a to catch a predator scenario?
China- 83m
Give it to me straight--what would cause the capeshit market to crash?
Brainlet here, i have a dumb qustion
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Wonder Woman Is About To Become The Most Successful DCEU Movie
She's the hottest actress in hollywood
ITT, I name a specific type of scene/shot, you name the GOAT. Let's start
So why did he have superhuman strength?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The fuck did I just watch?
Why do you British audiences dislike John Oliver so much? Like...
I am looking for a good Friendship Simulator
Watching this again. What does Sup Forums think of Arrival?
Homecoming reviews come out tomorrow
Bella is getting a lot of work. Will 2017 be her breakout year?
Is it kino?
New Short Film from Neil Blomkamp's "Oats" Project
Avatar 2 will be projected with glasses free 3D
Hasn't been a part of a single truly great film
What did she mean by this?
What is the secret to his hair?
Guess this Weird Movie
Actresses who annoy you
Student Filmmaking Tropes
Do snuf movies actually exist?
There will never be another That 70's Show season
Why is no one talking about this?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Whats the /tv consensus on January Jones?
A Bad Mom's Christmas
ITT: times you were The Jokeman
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with...
Friendly reminder that Episode I was actually pretty fun and technologically cutting edge for its time
Characters get in a knife fight
/tpg/ Twin Peaks general
Fast & Furious 8 - Michelle Rodriguez Threatens To Leave Over Lack of Muh Women Lead
/trek/ - Star Trek Thread
British Panel Shows Thread
Who is the Kanye West of film?
Blunder of the decade
Episode 500 is dangerously close
Batman Beyond
The fuck was his problem anyway???????
Post your best LOTR pictures
I've just finished watching this. So what's the deal with people saying he was portrayed as homosexual? What did I miss...
ITT overrated shit movies
This is all over the place
Why didn't Aragorn just invade Mordor with his invincible ghost army?
What was Lucas thinking?
What does Sup Forums think of this kino?
Any photos of the child yet?
THE PURGE (2013)
Wonder Woman officially surpassed Suicide Squad's total domestic gross at $325.1M
Why didn't 007 fight IRA?
What's the verdict?
Is there a bigger sign of being a pathetic loser than no longer enjoying superhero movies because Sup Forums told you...
VIDEO: George Lucas to Autograph Hound: "Get a job"
Why are flat actresses so popular now?
Is there really no solution to saying brand names in movies?
Does Mads work better as a good or bad guy? Seriously, I can't figure it out. He's relatable as a bad guy...
Did you liked the new Power Rangers?
I just watched "The Stuff" and I have to say, what the hell happened?
Who would dare start a trade war with the Trade Federation?
They have built a CONSERVatory for us!
Protagonist orders a shot
Why is he a pig?
From comic relief to fashion icon
Well, hmm... you call that a Frasier thread?
Movies that should not be watched with headphones and a tiny screen
Why does hollywood think there are hack percentage complete bars when breaking into a system?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's your favorite Batman?
Am I going crazy?
Webm Thread - UK drama edition
Just finished watching this, why the FUCK is it so highly rated on RT? It was so meh
/dug/ Dark Universe general
Holy fucking shit is this show terrible
I don't understand why this board hates Dick and Mortimer so much
Why haven't you watched Wonder Women yet Sup Forums?
Damn, I fucking miss Tim Heidecker. :(
/who/ - Doctor Who General
This is a masterpiece
This show is actually good
Is this the most tense scene in any horror movie?
Movies you can't talk about on Sup Forums:
That one fucking scene
So that's it huh?
Arrival vs Interstellar
One of the best films ever made
Characters that remind you of yourself
DCEU Robins
Early '00s American teen movie
Who is this guy
What was the point of the impromptu transfusion? Didn't Doctor Pavel have dental records?
Best Peter Parker
Did Jackie Chan catch up on all the aging he forgot to do in the last two decades in a month or so?
Reeves says he wants a "detective version" of Batman for the film
What happened, Bill?
Has any horror movie made something as frightening as the thing on the left in pic related?
What self-respecting TV show ends the season only at 8 episodes and with a cliffhanger that's literally all the...
Harrison Ford: 6'1"
"Mr. Stussy, do you know what mango farmers in Mongolia do to survive the harsh cold of the winter over there?"
Started watching the new Mist show and this is one of the first things that pops up: "Blahblah white male aggression"...
After 3 years without human interaction you'll become a crazy weirdo?
Thoughts on The Office?
How many movies have you watched in 2017?
Why do Euros try to argue that violence in movies is worse than sex? Violence actually drives the story forward
Is this common in American movie theaters?
You Get Me 2017
Is mountaineering really as dangerous as it looks in the movies?
What does Sup Forums think of Boyhood?
Press F to pay respects
Jurassic World
Dude Hogan deserved it, lmao
Does connor have ANY chance?
What movie is this from?
Why no one on Sup Forums discusses this literal 10/10 show?
Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!
ITT: Actors so good you'll watch them in anything
Just watched it, rated it 8.2
"If Serena was playing in the men's leagues she'd be in the 700s"
What's the most racist movie of 2017?
What the fuck did he do for 23 years?
/got/ general - Tully appreciation edition
ITT: Too weird for it's own good
Tfw you stumble upon her 4 hour JAV DVD
Undeserved flops
Pleb v Patrician
Is Silent Hill a good movie?
Post a drawing of a movie or tv show and we'll guess it
Garbage day
Who is your favorite actress?
A homosexual sandnigger muslim who prays 5 times a day but also has graphic anal sex with a jinn
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's her best performance?
Well user, doesn't feel so funny anymore does it?
Rate the movies you've seen in theaters so far this year
How the hell do you remember a vision for this long?
Why are blacks allowed to kill whites in movies when we have given everything they have...
Better Call Saul finally got renewed, I was scared for a while
Mark 48
What's the best documentary about Scientology?
Are Chinese moviegoers Sup Forums's greatest enemy?
“My name is Zak Bag. I've never believed in ghosts until I came face to face with one...
Avatar 2 Will Be Projected in Glasses-Free 3D
When is it aceptable to take a picture of your favorite celeb?
Was it autism?
Are you ready for season 4 dark comedy kino?
The Foreigner
Hey Sup Forums...
So, we know Colbert had dealings with Podesta to get favors for his sister's political campaign...
In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or Law...
Was he out of line?
What went wrong?
Christopher said he'd be back in 3 years
ITT: mystery television
How butthurt is/ Sup Forums about this
Why did this movie resonate so deeply with Sup Forums back in the day?
What are some good cheerleaderkinos?
/trek/ thread
Where did all the It threads go? Was it a shill orchestration? Im talking two on catalog everyday for a month. Now...
IZombie Finale
So, what is the message of this kino?
Which of these is the better Adult Swim show?
Spends tens of thousands to travel to Russia to push a narrative
ITT: most punchable faces in television/film
What's your take on the Transformers series as a whole?
ITT: Oh yeah that existed!
Who's the worst reviewer you know and why?
You got 10 seconds to pitch a fallout screenplay
Just marathon'd this flick
Fuck you, it was great
Spider-Man: Homecoming "Aunt May" Movie Clip
Where does this show goes from here?
Alright gentlemen, let's get real here
Is he overrated? Is The Thing overrated here?
Is this early-mid 2000s kino?
10 out of fucking 10
Conspiracy Theory: TJ Miller and Thomas Middleditch falling out, and Mike Judge
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Why is the Alien franchise more loved than the Predator franchise, if all the movies after Aliens are shit...
Michael Nyqvist dead at 56
Can anyone recommend me good places to download noir movies?
It's going to be remade in our lifetime
Almost 20 years and not a single film has yet to top this battle scene? Why?
Army or not, you must realize you are doomed!
All the fucking niggers in this movie
Why didn't they wear any armor?
How did this movie get made without triggering the fuck out of SJWs? The villains are literally inbred...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Direct-to-VHS kino
TV quotes that changed your life thread
The last movie you watched and the last tv show you watched combine in to one film.what did you get?
Lol holy fuck
Anna Semenovich
Baby Driver
Just finished this movie
Please, come forward. May I have the password?
Why is this beloved?
Biting the hand that feeds
What do you think of the TV celebrity phenomenon of "new atheists"
Cast this biopic
How do you feel about Saw, Hostel, and/or the "torture porn" genre as a whole?
What are some good cyberpunk movies that are not
It's not very funny is it
Best spanish film?
What if snoke is Mace Windu?
Pretty Little Liars Finale
Has anyone else seen this film?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General:
Is he the new RDJ?
Is it just me or did Homeland actually get better with time? Season 1 was great, no doubt...
Anyone seen his son? He's missing
Wew ladie
ITT: things that could never be made in 2017
"The Mummy" director explains why Brendan Fraser isn't in the movie
20th Anniversary of Disney's best movie and soundtrack
Why was Ki-Adi-Mundi so concerned about the droid attack on the wookiees?
Was this movie mediocre or terrible?
Raven's Home
Kimmy Schmidt
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Mind = BLOWN
I am the best try guy
Name a better actress. I will wait
Can you relate to him?
How the fuck did they get away with this?
What are some good Reb Brown Kinos?
So, if you were a producer of a 24 news television channel, what news would you make up for ratings
Why did so many people pretend to understand and enjoy The Big Short?
Put a 15yr old girl into a tight tanktop
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
Characters who unironically did literally no wrong
Underrated Films
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
HORROR General!
Matt Reeves: ‘The Batman’ will be a “noir driven, detective version of Batman”
Erin Hate Thread
Talk Show Kino
So was GLOW good or nah?
What's the best superpower Sup Forums?
See this guy?
Most men find me to be an 8 or 9 out of 10
What are some movies about justifiable homocide?
You think he'll ever make a movie or is he too afraid of the higher standards of movies...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Star Trek: Discovery Adds Jonathan Frakes as Director
What went wrong?
Why is it so good bros?
You get that for killin' Jews?
Why did this board say that Wonder Woman was going to flop and then pretend it didn't two weeks later?
Ass to ass
Is he going insane?
I need a hug
What are the comfiest movies you know?
Neil Marshall Says His HELLBOY Will Be Bloody, R-Rated And Light On CGI
Just noticed this documentary in the new releases on Netflix
Trailer For Disney's All-Female Star Wars Animated Series
Revolori spoke about portraying Thompson, who is generally depicted as white in the comics, saying...
Presenter and Naturalist Sir David Attenborough dead aged 91
Who was in the wrong Sup Forums
Lol@ Joe Rogan thinking he's smarter than Sargon of Akkad...
You're not blowing
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Edgar Wright Will Never Watch Marvel’s Ant-Man
Goodnight sweet prince
My buddy fell in a vat of acid, man he had a really bad trip
/got/ general
Red Letter Media
Daily reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb
John Wick 2
GLOW Thread - Best girl edition
Protagonist opens a bottle of beer with his bare hands
Is it good? I've read all the books and saw the 2005 film
What was this scene all about anyway?
>you will never get to live in the shire
Nooo, Leave RooRoo alone!
Why does he pretend to shoot him?
What does tv eat while they watch kinos?
TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name...
As far as Kubrick's views on welfare and taxation, according to Ian Watson...
Reminder that this is true and, if you think anything on the left is superior to what is on the right...
ITT - shows that Sup Forums can agree on being above average
ITT: Post kino from your country
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Fargo Season 3 sucks
Was Postmodernism in film a mistake?
Does Sup Forums consist of people who can't afford therapy?
It's a character finds out they have an unwanted pregnancy plotline
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Teaser Confirms Trailer This Week
How many times did you watch it DC bros ?
Yes. Well done, women. Well done
What did the Crimson Chin mean by this?
There are people who liked this shit
They've really written themselves into a corner here
Kate and her 21yo bf
Military Aviation In Film
/who/ - Doctor Who General
User sweety! DINDIN's ready!
What meme would you like to see made into a movie?
Now that the dust has well and truly settled, what was your honest opinion of this scene and Gus' death
Who was in the wrong here?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Stefan Karl Stefansson's cancer has progressd to a terminal stage and treatment doesn't affect him anymore
Which TV series resembles Vice City the most?
The Great Debate
Why is he such a criminally underrated actor? When will he catch his big break?
Look at what you did, Sup Forums. I hope you're proud of yourselves
It's time for Spider-Man to die
Vulture vs spiderman fight scene released
"Hidden within a messaging app is Textopolis, a bustling city where all your favorite emojis live...
CNN Caught on Camera
*destroys American icon to give my shitty standup attention*
What do /wethink/ of this film?
If you're texting a girl about college stuff how do you switch the subject to non school related things
Steps out from the shadows
Choose one
Call him a nigger, Sal
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Post shows that Sup Forums universally agrees are great
Somebody please tell the makers of the new Dark Universe to re-write and make all the other movies they are doing...
Any fraternal kino out there?
Alden EhrenREICH
WEBM Thread
I just tried to sit through season 1, couldn't do it
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
ITT your guily pleasure show
Who is the most kino?
ITT: Movies people pretend to like
What would you do in this situation?
Reminder that this exists
Says that Picard being bald in his academy photo in Nemesis shows contempt for the fans
Which big girls in Hollywood should have more recognition?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Trilogy adaptation when?
Mfw everybody knows deep down that the eagles are a legitimate huge plothole
Could her cameo in the next episode of GLOW kickstart her acting career?
*blocks your path*
He's Art, right?
Nathalie Emmanuel
TJ Miller calls Silicon Valley producer stupid
Red Letter Media
Why can't this retard shut the fuck up and let his guests talk?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Substitute teacher?!
Should I watch the movie or read the book?
Was this in the Scarjo one?
Why are brits so fucking corny and lame?
What the FUCK man? I expected a mediocre Marvel capeshit but got literal capekino...
Is own child's death really so tragic?
There's only one white male main character in the show
Tfw no VVitch gf
What the FUCK man? I expected a mediocre Fox capeshit but got literal capekino...
"Extra butter, as requested"
The Foreigner
Is it scary?
Twelve seasons in and still great
Was it hate speech?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
How many times have you seen wonder woman?
this was considered top comedy writing at a point in time
Is there any western character with a higher power level?
2 Intellectual Giants Debate
Memes aside, I genuinely thought she did a great job in the 50 Shades films...
Girl I'm into tells me she's been watching Handmaid's Tale
How does he poop and pee?
Why the fuck does any one actually pay for tv or movies...
I hope you will see Edgar Wright's "Baby Driver" tomorrow
Time to decide which is the very best Arnold film...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What does Sup Forums think of her body of work?
No Mike in season finale
Best Bond, worst movies
So this dude raises 2 kids he didn't father including one that is black...
Can we discuss the end of this kino please? When he got access to the 9th gate, what does that mean, he can see Satan?
So we all agree this guy was a traitor to his species and the villain of the film, right?
ITT: The movie you lost your virginity whilst watching
Will he still be doing reviews when he's old?
Anyone else excited for tomorrow's episode of Lip Sync Battle with Ashley Graham?
Is this worth watching?
I don't want to talk about the things we've gone through
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Where were you when action films were saved?
What does Sup Forums think of Doakes?
Post the best movie from your country
Tom Hardy's 'Taboo'
Baby Driver
How would this be if released by Marvel-Disney in the current year?
/got/ general
ITT, Times Sup Forums met an Actress
Zack Snyder sucks-
What are some kino about schizophrenia Sup Forums?
Name a character that fully encapsulates the Fantasy genre better than Legolas Greenleaf, i'll wait
Quick get me "that guy"
What is the movie equivalent of this album?
Is Baneposting finally dead?
Is Game of Thrones our generation's LOTR of the Rings?
Why the fuck this nigga quentin tarantino look like he dying from old age and shit. this nigga 54 years old, the fuck...
Streets of Fire
Watched the first episode of this and thought it was so painfully on the nose it hurt...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What anime does Sup Forums watch?
How does a retarded person manage to become so successful?
Why the fuck was this even made?
Movies where roasties get what they deserve?
ITT actor(esses) who ruin everything they touch
Twin Peaks:
Name a better movie
Thoughts on her body of work?
Lynchfags will actually defend the "16 year old girl that did acid for the first time last weekend" tier edge that is...
Why isn't Disney using Vader more?
What's some my wife's son kino?
Why did Batman used a girl as a meat shield when arresting deadshot?
Are the rumors true?
Has there been anything more utterly shite than this load of old arse?
ITT movies you dragged your family to go see when you were younger and now wish you could apologize for
Why was this ending so bad?
That moment when you realise you will never see any of these characters in a Star Wars film again
Would anyone explain what the fuck just happened? This feel more convoluted than Enemy or Bergman's Persona
/bb/ - Big Brother 19
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Films that teach you the brutal truth about People
What are some good movies to watch with your gf?
What went so wrong with his later movies? Village of the Damned, Ghosts of Mars, The Ward
What is it?
Go to the IMDb
ITT: RemakeKino
Was last nights episode of Twin Peaks the greatest pelb filter of all time?
I'm shutting down the XFiles
Star Trek General
What will the inevitable sequel to her show be about?
Is Malcolm in the Middle the purest kino show ever made?
Stefán Karl Stefánsson, better known as Robbie Rotten...
Why does Sup Forums like her so much? She's Meryl Streep-tier ugly and overrated, you know it's true
Was this is kino?
This is a sixteen year old Polynesian girl. Say something nice about her
You get that for killin' Jews?
I plan on watching the Friday the 13th movies is there anything I should know before I start watching them?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Ya'll niggas ready for some Jackie Chan kino?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Can /tv. advise me on Cara kino?
What would you do with a kilo of unobtainium?
What went wrong?
So then who's got the better chance at winning?
Why are Fox News' ratings in the shitter?
Thoughts on the 3rd season of Fargo?
Jane Levy Will Lead Stephen King/JJ Abrams CASTLE ROCK Series
There are people on this fucking board RIGHT now that think this piece of shit didn't commit murder...
How come asian actors went out of style after the 90s?
What are the best movies about the part of America nobody gives a shit about?
This is Rihanna. She is on the hunt for my pucci. Say something nice about her!
What was the most kino episode of iCarly?
Ice-themed character
Why is M Night Shyamalan so shit?
Film characters that are superior to their real life counterparts
Would you watch a David Lynch film about Sup Forums memes?
ITT: Overrated Movies
What does Sup Forums think of Futurama
You guys ready for another exciting episode of Better Cal.. oh wait
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Do you think the new season of the X-Files revival will be better than the previous one?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Did he die?
Jason is scared of water
What did Sup Forums think of the latest John Oliver episode...
Do we hate this show or love it? Me, the T&A is the only thing that could hold my interest (virgin at the time...
What aer your thoughts on the 2002 classic "Big Fat Liar" starring Frankie Muniz and Amanda Bynes...
What is your opinion on LightsCameraJackson?
Starting a TV series
ITT: Things you've experienced that only happen in movies
Dave Grohl filming his own HBO series?
F is for Family
Is 4k a meme? Do you believe it will become the industry standard in the near future?
Netflix + Amazon Prime + Hulu: $32/mo
The Accountant Sequel Confirmed
Attempt negative commentary on a military dictatorship
Why did Ron look like he wanted to kill himself?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What did he mean by this?
Was Dexter an adult friendly show?
There are people who like RLM after their TFA review
What is next for her career?
When did you quit watching RAW?
What do you want to see in the sequel?
Open the pod bay doors, HAL
P A T R I C I A N Thread
Characters who did nothing wrong
Just use Avada Kedavra you fucking pussy
What am I in for?
/docu/ Documentary Thread
Guys isn't it kind of weird that hogan sued a news organization
"Full human raised by Vulcans"
Just came back from an advanced screening. At least I didn't waste actual money on this
Alright Sup Forums, Scarif or Endor?
Any Boosh fans?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Remember, Peter...
50 million dollars
Will they bang?
The mask of Zorro (1998)
Was this the greatest sequence in television history?
"that guy" actors
Just watched it and rated it 7.8. Do you agree?
Was it kino?
I've been rewatching this, is it the pinnacle of television? How has this not won an Emmy?
What is Marlon Brando's greatest role?
Some Godzilla 2 leaks?
THR: Lord and Miller Offered Flash film by Warner Bros
Why are his kinos so unsettling
What's the best 'gearing up' sequence?
Is Sam ok?
Does Sup Forums like Louie?
Shows you love but are too embarrassed to watch with others
With Hollywood continually adapting anime into live action films, who will play him in the inevitable live action film?
Why did hand draw animation die?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Is this worth checking out?
Actor/movie ?
Travel ban upheld
Modify fight choreography
Is she a good actress?
Bomb of the century
Who's your favorite actress? Pretty much steals the spotlight in every film
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What do you think of John Wayne?
Did she do the right thing by apologizing?
/got/ general
T.J. Miller Discusses Silicon Valley Exit and ‘Contrarian’ Relationship with Thomas Middleditch
Are you ready for the new and improved era of tarankino?
Cast the Teen Titans movie
What's your opinion on this episode's intro
Marvel can't be subtle
How does Emilia Clarke keep getting work?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
And the academy award for Best Picture goes to
Paint thread, post your masterpieces and then guess the film
Is she a respected actress by her peers?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Drake Bell Nightwing
Silicon valley finished
You've been given a billion dollars with the caveat to finance your own show or movie
Adam Carolla Rants About Lena Dunham "You Don't Need A Father" Statement
Why are there so many awkward silences in this film?
JRE #979 Sargon of Akkad
Things you rememeber from LOST
How many Blu-Ray discs do you own?
Third time's the charm. Saving Private Ryan is a movie and therefore it's Sup Forums related...
Good actresses or just eye candy?
Will disney ever top this Sup Forums?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
ITT: Movies impossible to discuss on Sup Forums
Say something nice about the Transformers series
The Accountant Sequel Moving Forward; Original Director Returning
Is this wrestlekino?
I will save you 1:40:00 of your life, it's absolute shit
Joe Rogan Experience General
How can Marvel & DC even compete?
What do you think about the new official Spider-Man poster?
Why was there a giant lizard in in the schools basement?
"no one even knows who Wonder Woman is, DC IS FINISHED!"
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
The Dark Tower
Be good was Civilian Warfare?
Movies that if someone likes you lose all respect for them
You'll go see Despicable Me 3 this weekend right user?
Can we get a terrible, awkward and annoying theater experience thread? Pic related...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Guess the flick
Is this watchable like Entourage?
New thread as the other one is almost archived...
Guilty pleasure
Is she God's most angelic creation?
What was Hawley thinking?
Rate my birthday cake lads
Sup Forums approved Netflix & chill
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
Guys i need your opinion about ethics
Dude white liberals lmao
The Thing received nominations from the Academy of Science Fiction...
Am I the only one who unironically wants this?
Interstellar is a good movie
How do we make season 4 not a piece of shit?
WEBM Thread
Just finished this. This is it right? It's all downhill from here. I'm never going to watch a better TV show
Why did things had to turn this way lads?
She asks what's you're favorite russian movie
"I'm going to use my jewish connections to ensure a globalist banker becomes president of this country and you're...
Theater caught me sneaking food in
Well what is the official Sup Forums opinion of this monster kino?
Old South Park vs New South Park
Ape-kino confirmed
Lucasfilm hired acting coach for Han Solo star's performance
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
How old will you be when Avatar 2 comes out? I'll be 30
Just push him into the lava
ITT: Movies that aged terribly
Sherminator from the American Pie movies is now a waiter at a Sushi restaurant in LA
Who else is seeing apekino day one?
I fucking dare you to name a braver actress with no talent
Don't EVER say marvel is for kids
Watching Wonder Woman
Post a better Flatfu than Keira
ITT: times you acted like the Joker
So true
Are Disney the worst company in entertainment?
ITT: Girl Kino
Damn... he's handsome
Is this show any good?
Walking Dead
Is Gal Gadot the DCEU's RDJ?
Did Sup Forums watch the new John Oliver episode...
Quentin Taranfeeto
Good Netflix Movies/Series?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Anyone else agree?
Get. Fucking. Hyped
What does Sup Forums think of Bryce Dallas Howard?
Why are the mods actually doing their jobs all of a sudden? Is it because Game of Thrones™ is about to begin?
What's the worst, most desperate Poochie type character in television history?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this was actually a decent movie?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Gilmore Girls discussion thread?
Get a angry white male to play the token conservative on the show
Ghost In The Shell (2017) Blu Ray Features
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Replace a word in a movie title with bald
What's this battle stance called?
To cut cost on films, Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter replaced Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle because nobody would notice...
What does Sup Forums think of Kiernan Shipka?
Does eating during a movie ruin or heighten the experience?
They each get a contract to track down and kill the other one. Who would win?
Wat was the name of the ship in Titanic Sup Forums?
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don't consider Iron Man 3 the best MCU flick by far
How was Commodus able to steal the succession from Maximus?
Why are modern day movies such fucking trash?
ITT: Simpsons jokes that you never got
ITT: Characters who had a hard life
This film has everything. It is a straight 10
What does Sup Forums think of this comedian? Is he redpilled?
Jackie Chan The Foreigner Trailer
Watch older movie
Fuck the MCU Spiderman
Post your top films of 2017 so far
Was Chef Ramsey right to waste this 'za?
/Stargate/ General
As a kid i thought independance day (the movie) really happened
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Would he still be considered cool these days?
Were the Orcs retarded?
Actors complaining about how hard was the role (I had to wake up at 5 am two weeks straight!) they got paid millions...
Did he browse >>>/r9k/ ?
Did anyone see this movie? I don't know why it bombed so badly...
Gives you comedy advice
The main character is annoying and generally a terrible person with no redeeming qualities whatsoever
/Rome General/ : Comfy Aventine Edition
What's next for her career?
I don't get it
Why movies are getting shittier year after year?
Why was Marty so much cooler and more confident than his dad...
Trailer for Jackie Chan's Death Wish
The Mummy Foreign Market
Why are most Stephen King movies so bad?
So it represents death, right?
How did this become the Laura Moon show? I don't remember her being the main in the book...
/bb/ - Big Brother 19 General
I've been at the mercy of men just following orders
ITT: 10/10 movie openings
What's Sup Forums's opinion on madmen...
What's the greatest contemporary Horror film ?
Draw your favourite show in Paint, and others must guess what it is
Is he the new RDJ?
I have never watched The X-Files, am I missing out?
"hi daddy! thanks for picking me up from school today!"
Red Letter Media
Beginning of Season: We have a promising new venture that we think is going to be amazing
How could they have done this right?
Which kino was better?
/tpg/ Twin Peaks General
What is the most comfy episode of AVGN?
Would Batman Beyond ever work as a live action movie?
Actors you dislike for no reason
/who/ - Doctor Who General
How has someone not developed this into a series yet...
What do you think of John Wayne?
Wonder Woman was total Garbage
This acting performance should get more credit
There's no need to stop a choke early
God is a woman and she's black
Tfw no gf
Tfw the new Spider-Man lead actor has been spending too much time with Raimi
Random discussion about a movie that noone is currently talking about
ITT: Movies that have aged like milk
If Silence of the Lambs was made today it would be criticized for offending the LGBT community
Does penis size matter Sup Forums?
Thoughts on this motion picture?
How come Sup Forums has surpassed Sup Forums in making kino?
No meme-ing, is he a good actor or not?
The Spirits Within was a masterpiece
Drink Full Edition
Begging for commercial jobs on social media
People are unironically furious over an episode of twin peaks
What does Sup Forums think about Ralphthemoviemaker?
Wow, it seems they have male pattern baldness on Krypton too, who would have guessed?
What film do I absolutely NEED to see to change my perception of reality or otherwise, as the kids say, "fuck me up"...
/trek/ general
/got/ general
Was he out of line?
You know, I have the chat logs
Did I get it in my mouth?
Food kino
How can Zimmer even compete?
Why do people hate these films again
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...