CNN producer admits on tape the Trump-Russia scandal is all bullshit. Breaking now:

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it's funny because this is what I was telling the newfag 'pedes over on ptg

bump this is huge and could not have come at a more perfect time.

Wtf I love trump now

>no proof

Fuck off Sup Forums etc

>no proof

Sure, doesn't look fake and staged as shit.


lmao these fools are fucking finished

Isn't CNN Fake News?
Does that mean this is a lie?

Can't wait until Sup Forums praises based KEK

>this is my reaction to facts eventhough Trump himself praised Wikileaks
Sup Forumstards everyone


>project veritas
lmao how do you autismos keep falling for this shit? Are you the same guys who watch alex jones?

Burn baby burn.

>Supervising Producer, CNN Health
oh, so a nobody

normies think its the truth.

Who do I have to believe on this?
TYT or Sup Forums?

Reminder the special council continues their investigation along with the house and senate.
Reminder that the entirety of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies agree that Russia hacked our shit in an attempt to get Trump elected.

The worst part about all this is the overabundance of conspiracy theories this past year, from Podesta raping children in a pizzaria to Hillary Clinton ordering the murder of a literal nobody because reasons, but this, THIS is where conservatives draw the line. This is just a step too far despite the damn near constant revelations about Trump and his teams ties to Russia, despite someone actually getting fired over this and the AG having to recuse himself from the investigation. Despite ALL of this they're still willing to sweep it all under the rug and just pretend everything is fine. What the fuck man. We still have retards questioning Obama's citizenship, you're telling me this doesn't strike any of you as at the very least a little odd?

I can't believe you're all Trump supporters.

Democrat here.

This won't just hurt CNN, it will seriously hurt the DNC.

Just for ONE FUCKING SECOND I would love to see my party STOP FUCKING THINGS UP.

We're already in a mess because some fucktards thought a globalist neo con like Hillary Clinton would make a good candidate.

Why are liberals such mugs?

Useful idiots being taken for the ride by the establishment

That producer is fucking completely retarded. How was he not able to tell that he was being set up? Who just talks about their company business like that to someone they just met? Why did he not question the fact that the guy he was talking to was leaving his phone on the table camera facing up and shit? My only theory is that he's gay and the investigator was a super cute guy who got him drunk and seduced him. He had to have been thinking with his dick to be talking this reckless.

>give oral felatio to a gay journo and he bitches and moans about fake news for attention
WOW WHAT A SCOOP!! Maybe talk to a woman next time, you can find out which black bull Wolf Blitzer is fucking

This is still first person information, CNN shill.

you would if we had flags.

Wikileaks is a Russian Psyop run by the FSB (KGB)


For any brainlets who are dumb enough to fall for this, google project veritas and james o keefe

>Democrat here

Go back to Sup Forums you neckbeard nigger apologist

Where my fellow 'pedes at?

>when you're so clearly fucked but you have a legion of memers that will follow you to hell and back

Honestly brilliant strategy

>overabundance of conspiracy theories
like muh Russia

says the gay who believed MSM polls.

CNN is finished.

I just can't believe you support Trump. You seemed so reasonable in the other threads.

Baaaaaaaw poor wittle Pedocrat fonds out hes being mugged off by his truth seeking network and now lives I a state off denial




Nice try CNN. The fact is that this is one of the senior producers speaking on camera, you can't distract us with obvious ad hominem.

Here's the full video:


Here, this might help you

What would a senior medical correspondent who seems to have no real presence at CNN be doing leaking any thing on their political coverage, something he probably has fuck all to do with?

I know this is a Sup Forums thread but I will l let it go just because I like hubris backfiring on video

Got to love how libtards got angry that the DNC was exposed for being the corrupt piece of shit we all know it is and instead of focusing on their internal malpractice libtards do nothing but froth and foam about ruuuuusssiaaaa

He's still an upper level employee, shill

>believes polls
First, no polls during the election were outside the margin of error. Secondly, polling companies stay in business by polling accurately, pureposfully getting polls wrong would only hurt their pocketbook, and third, if they wanted to sway the election for Hillary they would have made it seem like Trump was winning because that would incentivize turnout instead of depressing it by calling it a sure thing. Talking to poltards is truly hilarious, you're all so dumb lol
Most pedo scandals are by Republican politicians user

I feel like if the amount of autism spilled over Pizzagate or Seth Rich had been put towards figuring out the extent of Russia's involvement in the Trump campaign and our election that we might've already put this shit to bed already.

>biggest television news network caught in scandal
>not Sup Forums related

It's like all the signs point to this being fake but no one wants to admit it because they'll get called a CNN shill.



Wow did these two are definitely gay. Why did the one guy bother to blur his face? It's pretty obvious his ex bf will now expose him.

Also gay scandals. It's not a coincidence that the sexually repressed puritanical party are prone to degenerate sex scandals

When the alternative is a party that literally, unironically thinks that more black and brown faces in america is a good thing thats not a very hard choice


lol, is this a new thing where we pretend Fox News hasn't been the defacto mainstream news network since the late 90's or that Fox isn't under multiple federal investigations?

>if they wanted to sway the election for Hillary they would have made it seem like Trump was winning because that would incentivize turnout instead of depressing it by calling it a sure thing
You say this after the fact. and I said MSM polls also. Stupid.

CNN status = BTFO
Hillary Clinton status = BTFO
Democrats status = DOA


Yea it's not like you're desperately scrambling to cover this up. It's not like ANYBODY including CNN employees can use Sup Forums.

Go to any American airport or sports bar, it's like a 75% chance CNN is on.

Don't forget the birthers

Democrats are globalist by nature thanks to ALL COUNTRIES ARE EQUAL.

Liberals sure love losing, huh?

>Thinking Sup Forums has a presence in this world outside of making nekcbeards

>There are people on Sup Forums who actually believe the Russia shit


CNN is a fucking joke.

>CNN Technical Difficulties Fake News Compilation

Oh shit that homo got baited by a guy he wanted to fuck and spilled the beans!


This will dominate the news cycle for the rest of the week, further alienating centrists and moderate democrats from the MSM

This is the best thing that could ever happen to Trump. First his travel ban goes through and now this.

lol, not here in the South. Also, not an argument. Fox News is the #1 news network in America and has been since before 9/11, prove me wrong.

>reddit spacing
>probably literally from reddit

>Most pedo scandals are by Republican politicians user


It's like a 12 year old in Call of Duty.

Former CNN viewer here. This is fucking hilarious watching CNN crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let them get two scoops.

>Trump tweets: “The Democrats have become nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS, they have no policies or ideas. All they do is delay and complain.They own ObamaCare!”
>”The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win..” “...and did not want to "rock the boat." He didn't "choke," he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good.”
>”The real story is that President Obama did NOTHING after being informed in August about Russian meddling. With 4 months looking at Russia...” “..under a magnifying glass, they have zero "tapes" of T people colluding. There is no collusion & no obstruction. I should be given apology!”
>”Republican Senators are working very hard to get there, with no help from the Democrats. Not easy! Perhaps just let OCare crash & burn!”
>SC reinstates most of Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’ in a 9-0 decision
>Will not bar those with a bona fide to the United States – This includes: having family members in the US, a job in the US, or a place in an American university
>SC strikes down law that treats same-sex couples differently than opposite-sex couples on their children's birth certificates
>Trump and Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi give joint press conference
>Modi invites Ivanka to lead US delegation in India
>Seattle’s $12 minimum wage increase hurts low-income workers
>CNN retracts Russian-related article and 3 journalists are forced to resign over it
>Ivanka and Tillerson expected to unveil human trafficking report tomorrow
>US gives statement that Assad is planning another chemical attack
>Trump: “Great day for America's future Security and Safety, courtesy of the U.S. Supreme Court. I will keep fighting for the American people, & WIN!”
>PV completely BTFO and buries CNN

wew, what a day

wtf I love television and film now!

>Hey Sup Forums I'm a democrat but boy do I hate democrats, so does mean that you'll respect me now?


The guy from CNN is really just being honest and having a pleasant conversation about the state of things.

The public already knows everything said here, or they should. the info is available already. this is just a pointless "undercover video" and comes off as sleazy itself

>CNN Tell Its Viewers It Is Illegal To Read The Wikileaks Hillary Emails


Why would I hate my own party you fucking idiot? I just want them to stop fucking things up. You see you little faggot, you can be critical of the mistakes made by your own party and still support it. See how that works you dumb cunt?

>project veritas
lmao you might as well have posted a sam hyde video


You mad fuccboi?

It became obvious that I was right when the Scaramucci thing got pulled. This new video just seals the deal.
But you know what? Idiots will still say, "B-B-But Breitbart, b-b-but James O'Keefe!", because they want any excuse to gulp down the media's cum. This kind of corruption is no doubt even present in Fox News and Breitbart as well, so it's not a matter of political affiliation.


>tfw old enough to remember CNN being an actual credible source for news
>tfw watching them slowly dissolve into trash
My old roommate's father worked for CNN and it was right around the Brittney Spears going crazy scandal that he said he lost all faith in the company and they were beyond saving.

How to destroy the Democratic Party in three easy steps:

Step 1: Nominate an un-electable cunt like Hillary Clinton

Step 2: Call everyone who doesn't support you racists, homophobes, evil white people and bible thumping Christians

Step 3: Pin all your hopes on the backs of the totally corrupt MSM, betting that they won't fuck things up.

Why can't she hold all those grammys?

Nigs can't compete.

I didnt think it was possible to get tired of winning. Out of the entire past century there hasnt been a worse time to be a Democrat than now since the 1920s! Many such cases

so some dude allowed another dude to use his rectum and in exchange received nothing.


Step 4: Learn absolutely nothing from your mistakes and run a candidate in 2019 based entirely on them being black, or a woman, or some other bullshit
I registered democrat last year and ended up voting Trump. It's so much fun watching dems crash and burn completely.

>The travel ban is happening.
>Unemployment at a 15 year low.
>The DOW is at a record high.
>CNN is utterly destroyed.
>Bernie Sander is under FBI investigation.
>Hillary Clinton will never run for office again

I never though it would be possible to win this much.

You're right. I am a CNN shill. I'm sitting in the tech support office right now on a company computer. I'm getting $22.75 an hour for this shit and it feels amazing. You sad fucks have no idea how deep down this rabbit hole of shilling goes. We're rolling out the single largest propaganda campaign ever concieved and it's working like a charm. I'm just one of thousands of professional shills combing the internet for threads to dump our lies in at any given moment. And Hillary and the DNC are 100% in on it. Pizzagate, Seth Rich, Benghazi, it's all true - and there's a shit ton more you'd best keep your nose out of it you want to preserve your sanity. The entire deep state is a pedophilic, murderous cabal of truly epic proportions. Their connections are incredible - I'm talking intergalactic incredible. The truth to these conspiracy theories is so much that it would make Alex Jones' head explode. We're watching you every minute of every day, and waiting for the right moment to strike. I'm just a lowly pawn in their game, but know in your heart that when I shill, I shill for blood.

>spend some time away from Sup Forums and more time on youtube comment sections

Hello goyims, its Mr. Noseberg, your greatest ally.

I want to thank you for getting rid of those darn evil Nazis. You ensured your race will go extinct just to save us.

Without you beating them, my people would have never been able to come to your country and take over your banks, your media, and produce endless blacked porn featuring only your women.

I also want to thank you for being ok with us fucking your President's daughter and forcing her to convert to our religion.


The Jewish People

The polls were largely right, Hillary won by a healthy margin but trump narrowly won in individual states necessary to take the electoral college

>The travel ban is happening.

Does anyone else find it ironic that this guy is crying about Jews in order to shill for a literally ultra-zionist jewish president?