What's the verdict?
What's the verdict?
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1 was better than expected
2 was far worse than expected
Sup Forums was obsessed with the first two when they were released. I remember an user buying the 2nd on itunes at midnight of the release and having a pretty full Sup Forums stream. good times. The 3rd killed franchise
why didn't you like the second one?
1 breddy gud
2 meh, some are okay
3 fuck you
I think the 4th short is the creepiest one of them all, most people give it flank for being semi weak but I thought it was pretty interesting especially the twist towards the end where the ghosts were actually aliens and the boyfriend was in the apartment the whole time and that he was in on it too
the third film was so bad it actually hurt a little
I'm a fan of found footage flicks. Knew nothing about the VHS movies other than it was suggested by Netflix, so we put it on and it ended up being really creepy and pretty well done for such a low budget. My wife loves scary movies, and when she starts sitting really close to me I know it's really getting to her.
Watched the second months later thinking it'd probably be just as creepy, like maybe they had more stories that didn't make the first one.
We spent most of it laughing and rolling our eyes at how corny and predictable it was.
More than once we'd say "do we want to keep watching this?" but stuck it out. I kept saying "maybe the next one will be better"
Now we always joke when we're looking for a scary movie that we're going to put on VHS3
the chink cult footage is the best vhs has to offer. your opinion is very wrong sir. Vhs 2 is the best the series has to offer and most people agree
Eh I'm too lazy to look for a bait pic
>Harpy Girl Story
An all time classic
>Lesbian murderers
Incredibly boring and not supernatural.
>Glitch Jason Voorhees
Not scary, but entertainingly campy
>Ayy Lmao webcam girl
Probably the best one
>Haunted House
Too excessive with special effects and CGI, but the concept was decent.
7/10 some decent horror in there but lots of shit
>VHS 2
Some of the ghosts were scary and the sex scene was hot, it was decent
>Zombie biker
I loved the concept but it was too goofy
>Indonesian satanists
Probably the best one until the stupid ending.
>Alien abduction
>Excessive, nonstop forced horror. I really didn't enjoy this one because it was just one big "Rawr look at these aggressive quadruped grey aliens"
5/10 one decent horror story but most are either silly or blatantly unscary.
V/H/S - Surprisingly good horror movie out of nowhere
V/H/S 2 - Zombies and ghosts spooktacular extravaganza
I enjoyed VHS 1 and 2 and the other film the guys did.
I wish they put out more stuff to be honest.
the second was the best horror comedy I've ever seen
Vhs 2 was way better than the first one.
Vhs 1 has Second Honeymoon and 10/31/98
Vhs 2 has A Ride in the Park and Safe Haven(best in the series by far)
hahaha my wife, her son and me laugh at the second one.... you're such a faggot dude
For you
Represents everything wrong with the found footage genre. Boring, not scary and barely any plot. Stopped watching after the third tape.
But the last one is the best.
Only tangentially related, but I had no idea until recently that the guy who did Safe Haven in the VHS sequel was the same guy who made The Raid.
They kinda suck.
can't be.
Safe Haven was kino
>my wife
kill her then yourself
>tfw watching the third one after loving the first two
I have no idea how you have such a sharp decline in quality like that. It was absolute garbage. Only the alternate dimension demon thing was even anywhere near interesting.
Was Viral the one that had the short with the Mexicans killing zombies or something? That was so bad it was hilarious in a way. They killed any chances of there being a V/H/S 4 with that trash.
VHS 1 & 2 are kind of like Toy Story 1 & 2
Clearly the first film is what really popularized the franchise, and rightfully so. But the second film solidified the films as works of art, and has its own charm out right.
Now, as far as Toy Story 3 and VHS Viral go- i think comparisons can also be made there too.
>Ayy Lmao webcam girl
>Probably the best one
The only ones I liked at all were the Harpy/Succubus girl in VHS1, and the Indonesian Death Cult in 2. Didn't even bother with Viral
Children are horrifying, it leads you on into thinking they're ghosts and the twist is excellent.
all of them are shit and try hard
>not the alien webcam
what was twist?
fucking kill yourself
Has anybody seen the cut segment from Viral that was apparently on the DVD as an extra? Gorgeous Vortex or something?
don't compare VHS to fucking toy story you fucking hack
there's literally only a few good moments in this whole series and it's the "i like you girl"
Not the fetus alien distribution?
is this the webcam girl one? i don't remember
First was surprisingly good, but on a rewatch it's solid. Second is solid too.
>Harpy Girl Story
Great mix of fun and creepy.
>Lesbian murderers
>Glitch Jason Voorhees
Agreed, not scary, but it was a lot of fun. The only thing that really ruined it was the girl's poor acting.
>Ayy Lmao webcam girl
Great uncomfortable short.
>Haunted House
I really liked the CGI end. Great fun.
It was okay, but had some good visuals
>Zombie biker
Lots of fun
>Indonesian satanists
Amazing. Was even better when I realized it was the people who did the Raid.
>Alien abduction
Too silly, but the dog was cute.
post yfw watching Viral
I didn't think 2 was bad
now 3 on the other hand...
How bad is Viral? Is it really that bad?
nothing good about it, every segment is terrible even the frame story is bad
theres this segment about sk8er bois in mexico that makes me cringe just thinking about it
i thought the guy getting his head eaten by the vagina stomach was funny
I enjoyed the first part of that story, the parallel universe idea was done well but then like you said it went completely off the rails with demonic worship vagina stomachs. it just became laughable
VHS Viral is shockingly terrible, it feels like a made-for-TV syfy channel flick or a really awful straight to video horror movie. I'm honestly amazed by just how utterly irredeemably shit it is in every way.
And speaking of sk8er boys i just saw the climax on youtube, I couldn't help but laugh at how goofy the skeletons look, especially them fighting against skater boys? Ridiculous. I don't see anything bad about this one I'd say this is the funniest one in the series.
think of it more as a funny flick
it fails even at that though, the skater kid vs skelly segment isn't funny, it's just fucking embarrassing and bizarre just like the entire rest of the film.
You're telling me this closeup right here is not funny? The way how the bone just starts making rattling noises is too goofy to get mad at.
Bonestorm fucking blew my mind when I watched it for the first time
>Short film about a guy and his girlfriend having live chat sessions (it's filmed through those sessions).
>It's a long distance relationship because the guy is working out of state or something, says he's visit her soon
>Girl talks about some weird event where she implies she suffered a mental breakdown in the past over some traumatic event
>Says she thinks the house might be haunted because strange things are happening.
>At night children are seen running around her house with her terrified
>She starts complaining about an object in her arm and keeps trying to reach it through mutilation, against her boyfriends wishes
>It climaxes when the "ghost children" enter the room and she faints from horror
>The guy freaks out and leaves his room only to show up in her room a few moments later, revealing he had been in the house (or her neighbor?) the entire time unbeknownst to her.
>He starts making surgical incisions into various parts of her body while she lies unconscious, removing what appear to be embryos from her.
> the "Ghost Children" appear in the corner, communicating with him through cybernetic hums
>Guy seemingly understands what they're saying and says stuff like asking if the embryos are "part human" and talking about how she tried to get their device out of her arm.
>The next day she's in the hospital and believes she went through a psychotic episode or something and the guy is next shown talking to another woman through a chat session implying he has some huge operation of playing doctor for alien hybrid children.
>Parallel Monsters
>Marta reveals demonic genitalia
>Demonic genitalia
What do they mean by this?
Didn't they expland the succubus story into a full feature? Was it any good?
It's a harpy.
In Siren they actually do say she is a demon summoned from hell.
1 was legit unsettling and good
2 was OK
3 was a fucking mess
what's the difference
A harpy is a filthy human eating bird woman that seeks out men to take back home and rape.
A succubus is a female demon that causes wet dreams
The entire premise is that of a harpy.
She's a girl who can barely speak English beyond "I like you" who has scaly bird-like feet that kills a bunch of dudes she doesn't want, tracks down the main guy and then after being disappointed that he can't get hard sprouts wings and abducts him.
Are Harpies related to Hell?
They have been.
I actually enjoyed all three of them, although V/H/S 3 was more meta/tongue-in-cheek.
If you take it as satirical/absurdist, it works. It's not actually scary though.
Again, she is a demon, not an harpy.
But the movie also implies that she isn't a succubus, as she is looking for a mate for life.
So she wanted the guy at the end to rape and kill? Same thing In the movie? To rape and kill?
If what it's shown of Lily in the movie also applies to the segment in V/H/S, then she actually wanted the guy as her husbando.
They're from Greek mythology but they are in the 7th ring of hell in Inferno.
I want to know where you're getting this idea that she's a demon. Demons don't autistically go around looking for men to mate for life with.
She wanted one guy, when the other guys tried to fuck her she just castrated and killed them.
>that seeks out men to take back home and rape.
[citation needed]
Really though, harpies never raped men in mythology.
Back then, men in general are the only ones who could rape. At worst, women could "seduce" men, e.g. with sirens.
>I want to know where you're getting this idea that she's a demon.
... brother, I already said it, they outright explain it in the movie. There is a guy who summoned and used her as a sex slave, assuming that she was a succubus, but she actually wasn't up for all the sex and just wanted a mate for life.
>they are in the 7th ring of hell in Inferno.
why are my niggas Plato and Socrates in Limbo?
I didn't think Viral was awful, just concepts not realized to their fullest potential. Even the framing story was ok, but was basically a bunch of car chase until the end implication.
It felt like something like Hostel 3, which isn't made by the original people and has the same/similar concept, just not done as well.
>They explain it in the movie
>Guy who summoned
What are you even talking about?
He is talking about this
OK, you genuinely seem to not know...
The monster in question, Lily, appears in the Amateur Night segment of V/H/S, that you are probably are aware of.
Well, that segment proved to be popular enough, so they actually made a movie out of it, titled SiREN (Lily is played by the same actress, BTW), which obviously expands things a great deal.
I guess that's cool? Still doesn't change the fact that a harpy and a Siren even aren't actually succubi.
I argued with some faggot that she was a succubus years ago and was pretty much owned with enough evidence that the intended creature was a harpy rather than succubus. The premise of the thing was of Greek idea of monstrous bird women.
She is neither a Harpy, nor a Siren (that's actually just the title of the movie), or a succubus. She is an unrelated type of demon. I don't know what else to say, if you want to keep thinking she a Harpe, that's up to you.
>They just named the movie siren
>Archtype of the character is related to a Siren, a greek bird woman monster with similarities to a harpy
I stand by the original concept.
>sees gf cutting open her own arm
>"hey...stop...that's not good for you..."
I was in tears laughing by the end.
I'll admit that was pretty funny, specially if you know he was in on it.
It wasn't awful, but neither was Toy Story 3..
>>VHS framework
Excellent. Creepy house with creepy things
>>Harpy Girl Story
Boner inducing horror
>>Lesbian murderers
This was supposed to be a slow burn thing but it was just boring
>>Glitch Jason Voorhees
Loved how the effects looked.
>>Ayy Lmao webcam girl
Favorite. Genuinely creepy and great pacing and superb ending
Tits on the screen. Bam. Instant bump up to the top
>>Haunted House
Pretty fun throughout because of the effects. Liked it
what was the endgame of the kid in the wraparound from the second one? also
>there are two different zombie apocalypse scenarios filmed but the world is fine
>that scene with the cops in the helicopter
you are right
>oh fuck that VĂMONOS
The second one is superior, anyone who disagrees is factually wrong
Also viral was so fucking ass and it killed a great franchise imo
>Mexicans killing zombies or something
Yeah, it was really fucking bad. I'm not sure if it was worse than that magician bullshit, though. Fuck, Viral was awful.
VHS Viral was pure cancer. The Spanish teleportation segment had potential but fell flat.
Overall, a mid-tier anthology series.
>Harpy Girl Story
What is this? I don't remember any harpy.
It's either bad writing or the writers were genius in knowing that he would be thinking "Oh shit she's on to us" rather than be legitimately concerned that she's mutilating herself.
The Succubus story, except you're a total pleb if you think she had anything in common with a succubus
The school cult felt like a dream sequence with how disjointed it was. Very cool on a concept level. Giving birth to a goat demon was a bit anticlimactic.