I've been rewatching this, is it the pinnacle of television? How has this not won an Emmy?

I've been rewatching this, is it the pinnacle of television? How has this not won an Emmy?

Season 4 when?

Trailers and ads for this show make it look like complete dog shit


trailers and ads make most things look like complete shit.

This show is genuinely awful

Why is he a horse?

In Hollywoo you can be anything you want to be.

Because just like the song, season 3 was an abortion

This show is satire right? I think most people just take it at face value, rather than realising that.

If you've seen S2E3 and think this show is bad you're a pleb.

Satire of what? I feel like I don't understand what satire actually is, but it's satire according to Wikipedia.

Its a good show, no doubt. Its problem is its not nearly as deep as it thinks it is. The shallowness of celeb culture has been discussed/parodied/lampooned numerous times all with the same message. Not to mention they romanticize Bojack's flaws so much that fans want to be him. Which is awful.

>Not to mention they romanticize Bojack's flaws so much that fans want to be him.

No, he's right. It's true. I too want to be a famous talking horse.

A load of stuff, but I suppose the biggest one is the actual show Horsin' Around. It plays on the whole family sitcom thing of having 3 kids and a random guy somehow managing to be a functional family with silly quips and catchphrases, with all problems being solved within 30mins.

Also episodes like the abortion one, with Mr. Peanut Butter katowing to Diane saying he supported her no matter what and going completely OTT, satirising the 'ideal' stance on abortion (I.e. Its completely up to the woman and the man gets no say in it whatsoever). The gay director making, for a lack of a better word, faggy movies about gay women recycling, which are ultimately worthless.

Also Diane as a character, she's incredibly pretentious and SJWy, and when it comes down to it her positions she takes are only because it is the 'progressive / liberal' thing to do, and she is generally shown to be a twat, like the water shortage speech she makes in the diner.

Come to think of it, all of the 'extreme' progressive parts of the show are shown to be added not for progression's sake, but instead to satirise it. For example Todd being asexual isn't due to anything but him being a complete and utter retard, not because the creators wanted to add an asexual character due to political / sociatal pressures.

Perhaps satire is not the right word, maybe painfully self aware is more apt.

One of the other things I realised after a second watch is truly how pathetic Bojack is. Sarah Lynn, a person who's had far more troubles than he is also far more successful and isn't a piece of shit deep down like Bojack. It illustrates how badly IS Bojack and his personality that corrupts him and fucks everything up for himself.

fucking furry

!We need a joke for this scene. Make a big animal joke.

>Fireflies direct the plane with their butts.

Someone tells a bad joke

>Cricket noises pan to crickets in the audience.

Owl character


laziest fucking show.

T. Rock and Marty fan

Moral Orel did Black comedy/drama better

yeah, you're right.

>Dog character gets told to come in a sexual double entendre.

>Cat character almost dies 8 times until shes finally killed off in the show.

>Elephant character gives incredibly detailed description of crime event to cops, or is expected to and fails.

>Concern about a beached whale, actually just a citizen sunbathing

you only like Moral Orel better because it isn't popular outside of Sup Forums.

Do the trailers act like it's a comedy? Because it's actually pretty depressing

most of the hollywoo stuff is satire like Bojack being completely replaced with cgi

No it's because I grew up in a heavy Christian area

f is for family > this shit

Second season was a huge improvement


Bojack Horseman has it's moments, but you have to admit most of it is filler.

The first few episodes are a great example of what I mean. The first few bits are boring tired family guy rip offs, but eventually we get to the worthwhile stuff.

Downer Ending is the only good episode

That's probably the point

>Gorilla character is a painter/ or teaches sign language.

>Ant Eater character named Aunt Esther

>Boyscout Bojack helps old turtle across the road for badge.

>Go out dancing at Club Seal

Turns to shit in season 3, even then season 2 had a noticeable decline in quality. Season 4 is gonna reject all that stuff that made the series watchable into a petty political statement from the writers. Expect full FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE in season 4.

There's really not that much filler.

Diane isn't pretentious, she just finally accepts that no one cares about the shit she talks about.

The diner scene was a reminder that she is literally becoming Bojack. The whole Magazine thing she has going on now will likely be her "Secretariat".

The only non-white character in the main cast is Diane and she hasn't brought up race once.

She is a piece of shit deep down though. She gave up on herself, and had even less excuses than Bojack not to pursue the life she really wanted. She didn't even get clean for the sake of her health but for the sake of her getting higher.

One of the few actually good things Bojack has ever done was being with her in her final moments, but he's an attention seeking masochist who turns her death into his fault.

Maybe. Maybe not.

There really is though, most prominent in the first season.

Can't wait.

The distinction is that BoJack chose his life, Sarah Lynn had this life thrust upon her, with Bojack being partially responsible for it. You may have forgotten that the previous 15 minutes before she died, she spent week(s) being a friend to him, even though she clearly wasn't that into it.

I don't agree, the diner scene shows that she is full of shit. She's an arrogant, selfish and pretentious. She thinks and fully believes that she is better than the people around her. Perhaps from the end S3 onwards she has / will have changed, but the whole pretending to be in Cordovia, was her trying escaping from the realisation that she isn't the person she pretends to be. She doesn't have it in her to be a selfless person, and to actually hold the positions she professes to hold.

Again the abortion episode, talking to the teenager, she thinks she's above the common person and can see the 'real' message behind Sextina Aquafinas music, when in really it's not this massive secret. She thinks that's she's the forefront of sociatal change, but again she's not, taking a job at as a social media writer, and now as a fake journalist, likely to write about BS social justice and problematic behaviour.


Because it's shit

You. Yes you. You cut that shit out right now.

It can't be pinnacle of television because it's a netflix show, retard.




Let's Find Out and Escape From LA are better

Well Diane does accuse Bojack of "fetishising his own sadness". The writes clocked that he was becoming that trope and so was called out on it. Pretty nifty.

Maybe as a kid, but Sarah was 30 years old. Almost half Bojack's age and twice as rich, and no reason what so ever not to give up the party life and pursue a life as an architect. Not to mention Bojack tried to talk her into sobriety several times as opposed to the two instances he enabled her. I remember well what happened, she willingly went on a bender party with Bojack. Saying she wan't into it is just denial, as she actively participated and contributed to the shit they did while on the bender.

Bojack is full of shit. Arrogant. Selfish. and Pretentious. The whole going off on a meaningless rant to distract himself and everyone around him from a struck nerve is Bojack always does. For instance the Muffin thing, Bojack goes off on a rant to avoid/forget the fact he's petty and took the muffins from the Seal. Diane used the same shit to avoid the question about her going to Bojack despite her other friends when she came back from Cordovia and had no where to go. She couldn't just deny it like she does with the fact she's obsessed with Bojack's opinion of her. Even the haunting question about her potentially betraying Mr. Peanutbutter is a nod toward a similar scenario like Bojack and Herb.

Bojack consistently acts like he's a star despite the fact he's a hasbeen, such as the airport thing.

She didn't escape to Cordovia, Cordovia was what she thought she wanted but she couldn't handle it. This is like Bojack writing his book but couldn't handle the idea of the real him being out there for people to read.

The abortion episode gave Diane some perspective into her work. She forgot to consider the feelings of other women who were having abortions many of which younger than her. Her trying to change society is often countered by the fact that society doesn't want to change.

this show insists upon itself

you insisted upon yourself with this lame ass post


It makes fun of Jews in a way Jews from Hollywoo doesn't like.

bang bang