Was Killer Crocs backstory the most tragic thing to have ever happened to a DC character in their history of video...

Was Killer Crocs backstory the most tragic thing to have ever happened to a DC character in their history of video games?

>Forcibly kidnapped from his home in the lighthouse where he was simply trying to hide and live out his life.
>Imprisoned on an airship barely able to fit in his cell
>Experimented on due to his condition
>Violently mutilated to hasten his transformation into a beast
>Repeatedly subjected to tests that pretty much made him even worse than before.
>Testing was justified because he was a villain / warden wanted to enhance humans.

Literally this guy was just trying to ride out all the shit that had happened but iron heights fuck boys decided otherwise. Fucking amazed Batman just didn't drop him off somewhere he could just literally live out his life normally.

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Shoulda thrown him in with Swamp Thing.

He would've looooved it.

Crocs like swamps right?

Quick! Someone storytime the Killer Croc story, as narrated by the Joker!

That's one amazing skin condition


I think that's only exclusive to the Arkham games.

Also, between this and that new Unlimited movie, it's wild how Croc's becoming more of a kaiju.

He's actually a really deep character, shame thathe's mostly written as either loldumb or evil, one-dimensional bad guy.

I really want to see that.

Plot twist: Killer Croc becomes Swamp Thing

Croc's mostly written either as a sadsack, a horrific monster, or a dumb brute. None of those capture his subtlety I'm guessing.

It seriously pisses me off when character designers make him more animal like.

Man, fuck Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb for making Croc nothing more than a Lizard expy. Lee just wanted to draw his EXXXTREEEEME Lizardman mutant and was appeased to. At least some other media keeps the skin condition idea instead of making him just The Lizard.

His original design is probably the absolute best of them all.

Well considering the murders and routine acts of cannibalism...

He had Harlequin Ichtyosis right? The disorder which makes you grow scale like structures and thick hide, very few survive childbirth and the longest living individual survived 22 years, though he had a very mild version of it, so he wasn't all green and "monster looking"

Agreed, very few times I like "Monster croc", The batmans Croc was cool since it was Perlman voicing him, and Arkhams Croc was OK until he grew a fucking tail...

Atleast gonna give cred to SS, where he atleast looks pretty human and with some practical effects instead of CGI

Nah, his skin condition is entirely fictional I think, but based on Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.

I got so pissed when there were some faggots complaining about how Killer Croc should have been a CGI Hulk-like creature in SS. Probably don't know shit about him but they bitch just in case.

that makes Suicide Squads Croc seem pretty faithful

Probably a lot of newfags who's first exposure to him was Arkham games

I just hope that SS is a good movie and that Croc survives, if the rumors of the Batman movie is true, then he is really damn needed for that kind of story...

I really liked Beware the Batman's take. He was animalistic, but not full-blown Lizard, relied on his brains as much as his brawn, had a sweet Cajun accent, and they even showed his cannibalism.

Tragic? Okay, fine. But none of that bullshit matters once you start killing and eating people.

He should be put down like any other animal that has killed someone.

Stop shitposting on Sup Forums, Jason.

What's interesting is that after he's told that he can't be changed back he says he'll make him pay for what they to them or that the warden won't hurt them anymore.

As in not just him but the other prisoners that were experimented on.

I forget the specific lines but for a guy that claims to have no humanity and makes a habit of eating people there is something there.

No you're thinking of "Reptile" from that MK: Rebirth

I think Arkham Origins Croc was the best way to go.

I think he should be taller and bigger that's all.

The whole cgi monster thing should be reserved for King Shark.

>It's okay that he ate people because some psychos were mean to him and that makes me sad!

Go fornicate yourself with a heated iron rod.

Why don't you just give him the heated rod Joker used to make his property?

Punk bitch Jason

They showed his cannibalism? Shit, I need to watch Beware the Batman then

Why not? Let's read it together. Might take a while, though- I have shit internet.

Didn't Croc end up living in Houma at one point? I'm like 60% sure this actually happened.




What's Croc been up to lately in comics?

The last thing I saw of him was when he and his homeless killed a bunch of dirty cops in the sewers of Gotham

Dat nigga is hardcore. Though he is basically Lizard Man in this story.



suicide squad, some people saying he might be a breakout character




I like when Croc gets to wear nice suits


>Croc belongs in a cage
>Joker still should be treated
Love sure does make blind.




Crocodile sex?

I mean, they didn't actually show him eating people, but he bites Batman and likes the taste of it, and later outright tries to eat someone else.

Nah, just hoes.



Remember, kids: Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

poor croc is getting used by everyone. I bet he's going to end up killing them all.


God this is such a good comic



You know your Crock

What else did you expect?

Batman actually doesn't help. He just wants to satiate his desire for vengeance because of his eternal that his parents are deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaadddd. Otherwise, he would have had the criminally fucking insane killed or the very least lobotomized, or with the help of his money make sweeping reforms in his city to lessen crime and corruption, prevent criminals from escaping their cardboard prisons every other day, and help the mentally insane.

i just want him to be happy

Fuck man, and bats is gonna show up and hurt poor waylon more then throw him in a cage,
when really everyone just kept abusing him and he can't get no peace or family.

The Thing gets a blind babe, why can't waylon find love?


The End, by the way. I hope you enjoyed it and felt a feel or two.

Waylon did nothing wrong


I want to protect his smile

I like how SS is making him normal Croc again. Seriously, how would he grow a tail?

Waylon #1 husbando


I always saw corc as a mindless C tier brute villain that always jobs to batman. I'm happy to see there is more depth in there, even if it isn't shown very often. Shame he got dicked over so hard for having some humanity. Become a monster or get used by monsters, pick your poison.

Are all the Joker's Asylum good or just this one?

too bad he going die!


I liked the Two-Face and Penguin one and apart from that I have only read the Scarecrow story, but didn't like because of the shitty theme and horrible artstyle.

He just wanted a family
Why is life so cruel to the green

You got this one? I think it's just as good. Shows a couple things from his past and I appreciate hearing his take on things.

Getting Adewale to play him is perfect casting.

I really hope they don't kill him.

Where is this croc design from?

Arkham Knight


Is there any comic about crocs origin story ?

10/10 feels

I wanna take care of him and raise baby gators in Florida with him.

He's also a jobber


Thanks for a great storytime, based user.

I don't get why people put all their complaints about villains escaping on batsy when it's DC who makes everyone at Arkham a fucking retard because they can't get rid of the villains.

That's different though. Banes first go to move whenever he's in Gotham is to kick Crocs ass


>if the rumors of the Batman movie is true

What are these rumors?

One of my favorite croc stories and designs.

So I dared Crock to assault my husband and he did it, the absolute madman.

Why? does Bane have a bullycrush on Croc?

It's to "see if he still got it", but also bullycrush.

Well if that leak was anything to be believed it's because the original plot to Arkham Knight was completely different that what the went with, and the DLC model was the original model from that concept.

I feel like the same logic of turning Killer Croc from a wrestler with scaly skin who files his teeth to literal half man half reptile would apply to other villains as so
>Two-Face: becomes Siamese Twins with a handsome head and a disfigured head
>Poison Ivy: skin gets covered in bark, thorns, leaves, and flowers. She'll just turn into a female Swamp Thing
>Penguin: looks just like Batman Returns. Swims real good. Lays eggs and throws them like a Mario villain
>Mr. Freeze: he melts instead of dies in regular temperature because he's like Clayface, but made of ice
>Catwoman: werecat
>Joker: wereclown
>Harley Quinn: literal half woman half reptile

>Harley Quinn: literal half woman half reptile
You referring to the skin condition?

>Your entire purpose in living is to make other people feel better about themselves by allowing them to hurt you.

I'm just vaguely alluding that if Killer Croc can be experimented on to become more crocodillian, than why couldn't a regular person be turned into a crocodile lady like Harley Quinn. I'm retarded.

shut up worf bitch nigga

let riker do the hard work