Give it to me straight--what would cause the capeshit market to crash?

Give it to me straight--what would cause the capeshit market to crash?

A real caped superhero

If all the cinemas burned down

The 2020s

If American IQ suddenly increased by 20 points so they could comprehend more complex plotlines not just good vs evil with some explosions and shit

Nothing can stop the Disney machine

They will be the only studio left in 15 years

A good war to make an entire generation of soft adult children grow up.

More theater shooters. Do your part if you care about the future of cinema.

Its impossible. Even the DC abortions make money hand over fist because they still get the white trash audience

Infantalizing the audience will never get old. The Jew feeds on childmind.

t. American


Whiteys are the only one to watch this garbage. As soon as black people fully colonize America, capeshit will flop.

>black people
>colonizing anything

Isn't that cultural appropriation?

>black people don't watch cape shit
Cape shit is literally all they watch.

Saw one in an art house once. He was pushing a broom.

>As soon as mexicans people fully colonize America, capeshit will flop.

you joking? I grew up around black peeps all my life and they all fucking LOVE marvel and DC shit. Mostly marvel. Most black people are geeky as hell.

Hell naw, man. We're gonna keep making Black Panther movies!

Those crackers can watch too, though.


Crash? Literally nothing. You have to understand what a crash means. A crash would mean every single cape movie stops profiting one after the other. Thats a near impossibility at this point. Avengers 3, deadpool 2, these films are going to make huge sums of money. Id bet anything on it. The market will not crash. It can fall, it can dwindle, it can shrink and die down. Crash is not happening.