My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count

>My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.
>Good. Twice the pride, double the fall.

What the fuck does that mean

>count dooku
>the Star Wars galaxy has a concept of English nobility and even speak and dress like Englishmen even though England doesn't exist yet and when it does it will be in a galaxy on the other side of the universe

I know you're just memeing but failure hurts more when you're overly confident. The line was shitty though.

No I really don't get it

How would anakins powers double?

Dooku was referring to how when one fills themselves with Pride all that's left available is to lose it.

Dooku just really easily wrekt Obiwan mind you, I doubt he could have foresaw Anakin eclipsing his old master so easily. Dooku was a trained duelist specifically so it took Anakin having to cheat with the dual lightsaber assault mode in order to finally end him.


>Star Wars
>They speak english despite there being no England
>Lol so stupid

Are you fucking retarded?

The line is to show that time passed between The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith.

Of course, it still doesn't make sense if you count the Clone Wars animated series ( 'Any' of them. )

>My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.
>So, what? Since last Thursday? We have fought like fifty times in those Cartoon Network shows.

It just sounded cool.

It means that he thinks hes more powerful and can beat him because he trained, but since he's so sure of himself he will feel a lot worse when he's defeated.

>reddit spacing
You need to go back, friend.

are you even thinking about what I said??

They made sure that Anakin didn't meet Grievous in the Clone Wars to save the "lol u short" line, but somehow missed this

I thought they still did meet

I see this every day; what the fuck is Reddit spacing?

>What the fuck does that mean

That Anakin's only "power" is hubris and he's going to whup his punk ass even harder this time.

In the EU they made it so he's literally from a planet full of counts

Why would you electrocute a man, before throwing him out of a pane?

he doubled his midichlorian level by extensive training in high gravity in the hyperbolic time chamber

go back you fucking queer

reddit spacing = spacing

if i took that head off would you die?

Bonus points for style kill.

How did Dooku lose anyways? Isn't he like one of the only people to use the form he does or whatever? Chosen one or not Count would have kicked Anakins ass

Why does it matter if he has some special oc form or whatever? Anakin said his powers had doubled since the last movie anyway.

he trained for a year in the hyperbolic time chamber

forgot to you give you my (You)

>those digits
oooooooh boy

Anakin was so cock-sure of himself he literally thought he was "twice as strong" since last Thursday

> he does nt know
just give up now

Do eet.

Keep him.

yes yes, well done dooku well done dooku, HOWEVER

That's not the question you asked, idiot.

>Count Dooku
>Vampires were made canon within the star was universe

>sounds and looks like a fucking vampire
what the fuck George

i always thought it was a shame that However posting never really took off

Fuck I'm just realizing that Christian Bale could have been a god-tier Anakin Skywalker

European Union?

>he doesn't know the 'what did he mean by this' meme

>count dooku
Sounds a lot like Poop Vampire