
devolution edition

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got my gf youtube.com/watch?v=2vpsrbKIghc here at uni with me. she's making the toil a bit easier.

mates mad at me because i won't roll his joints for him
told me to use my own tobacco as well the cheeky git

Lads what the fuck is this next to the toilet? Why do Europeans have to kneel on the floor to wash their hands?

Had a dream I owned a plantation in Vietnam with a french gf

How can I use this for boiled water?
I can't imagine this.
Ah, I see. I have the one but that is for my washing my hands, not for cooking.
I have a kettle for it.

Was the British Raj bad? I ask while eating some mulligatawny.

water fountain for if you get thirsty. dehydration is a serious issue

Lads, business idea.

Start branding kettles as taps.

A girl once asked me to be exclusive before we even kissed and I still managed to fuck that up lmao

you can get kettle taps lad

always thought a boiling water tap seemed a bit dangerous if you had kids about

it's for washing your feet retard
since you know they all wear sandals in europe

zombie zombie

*sprays boiling water in your face*

Ever put the knob on the kettle all the way to max and sniffed a baby heat at the same time? Better rush than heroin, very dangerous though

nah builds character

>yanks microwave water for tea
Gets a bit dry that way no? Plus with a kettle you can control the temperature

Sure, but I fail to see how much damage a kid could do to a tap though.

Disgusting. Please delete this image. It is rather repulsive.

bizarre post

you pot or whatever under the tap and get instant boiling water, no need to wait for the kettle

*checks flag*

>toilers will be home soon and funposting will stop

thats incase you want a glass of water with your poo

It brought some peng food.


schools are finishing RIGHT NOW so expect in 30 minutes for rorke and co. to turn up and start flinging shit. This is the only time we have.

>The Indian woman who chose a bull over marriage

literally posting from toil now laddy

2 hours at least

>I found you Ms. New Booty
>Get it together and bring it back to me
>Hit the playas club for about month or 2
>Put his hand on it then see what he do

I miss being a night toiler and missing this time of the day. Night time and morning /brit/ is comfy.

Business idea: bidet that sprays boiling water

>he accused you of not preparing his tobacco.
>he told you to smoke your own tobacco.
I cannot understand the context
I have one for shower, not for cooking, I mean I don't have it in kitchen.

who /uni/ toil here

Na I found when you put knob on the kettle it burns

err... nah

If you ever feel bad, just browse /biz/

here's a picture of my cat's nose x

busines idea: kettle you can change the temprature of

genuinely 15:00 - 15:30 is the best time on /brit/
then I go home to the missus and leave you lovely lot to it


fat cunts must be loving this thicc meme

is this just a shower or something else similar?


you shower with boiled water?

remembered that time i joined an IRC for teenage furries and immediately someone *gropes anonymous*
was too awkward to say anything and like all IRC chats it alternated between dead as fuck and circlejerk of 5 people you don't know with no opportunity to get involved.

still feel a bit depressed that i'm too old to even join such a room anymore without feeling like a nonce, instead of being the innocent victim of a noncing.

>song is advertised as explicit version
>it still bleeps shit out

Pre-2012 Vevo was a mistake (still is tho tbf haha xx)

he can't roll joints himself, so i have to roll them for him
in England we mix tobacco with weed, but he doesn't any tobacco so he expected me to roll the joints AND put my own tobacco in them

you would think so but it's so much more than just a shower

my sister and her husband are delighted by how keen I am to spend time with my new nephew
little do they know I am snorting that poor lad's bonce for all it's worth

I meant by this warm water.

its better

making a tea lads
*gets out the blowtorch*
this'll be a while


wasn't all bad

never click on a single twitter link posted here
if its good enough you should screenshot it

students have it harder than wagies

Bounced the gfs head off the sink for turning the knob on the shower down

*gropes anonymous*

he has human teeth

usually hate de-facto proprietary monopolies but i'm SO glad that Discord heemed IRC into the sun.

Business idea:

A kettle which boils cold tea instead of water.

Its only a bit of tobacco you stinge

got 3 assignments to toil at due this week and one is due tomorrow. i'm 15 pages deep with workings and the death knell is ringing.

what's the difference



just blew my nose
loads of snot and bogeys came out

out of cold brew coffee and now i have to wait 24 hours for a new batch to be done

ur lose really fake brit lad

Reckon I'll regret not gfing the oneitis when I had the chance for the rest of my life haha

*whips you with my tail*


so he hopes that you give priority to producing his tobaccos and yours are just a part of his things, right?
If I searched for it maybe japanese companies may sell one

must be all the millock he drinks x

he does love his milliock x

discord isn't a monopoly theres also teamspeak, vent etc

*grabs your tail and shoves it up my arse*

got the impression that IRC was pretty dead already even a decade ago tbqh

It's called a pot.

>When you troll another alt right jester


Don't have a box new

can't eat really spicy food any more what the fuck. always loved spicy food, always handled it just fine. but suddenly the last two spicy currys I had have given me crippling stomach pains followed by incredibly painful shits the next day. absolutely fuming with my body. this is the SECOND food I enjoy that it has stopped me from eating. I apparently became allergic to crab overnight too. cant eat that without getting sick any more either


first day of classes is tomorrow lads
i hope my classes are really easy. they probably will be because i'm a genius

gf giving me some sound advice. think I can push this assignment out now

>He doesn't buy the dip

probably the only example of a yank ever starting a semi-gimmick in /brit/

Yeah, but a pot requires boiling water. My device would boil the tea, not needing tea leaves and water.


someone stole my business idea already

im fuming lads x


what do you think of canada?

which gimmick
i don't click archive links because the archive isn't secure

Is Destiny /Rad Cen/? what's his deal

*walks into thread*
*nose wrinkles*
Aw who farted


Gonna send my kids to private school, just for year 7-13 though, don't think there's any point in paying for nursery-year 6 unless you're loaded

it's at his expense tbf

discord circlejerks are less impenetrable, especially because posting history above you is usually retained. (where in most IRC implementations, you only see posts beginning with the time you joined the chat.)

just imagining some fucking eskimo sitting in his igloo with his thinkpad hunched over irssi

de-facto monopoly.
it's like saying YouTube isn't the only online video service that matters because you can also use movavi.

kind of was but shit forums usually had their own IRC instead of an inbuilt chatroom

It's alright