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International #844
Opinions on Iceland?
You wake up and the world looks like this
I dream of a world where the Estados Unidos and Russia were friends
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Tfw even Mother Nature reviles us
Why is this allowed?
Africans are sub human anyone who denies this is just trying to be a contrarian the opposite to Sup Forums nobody...
Mah nigga brits, where did you find all this money...
/fr/ - le fil du MUR /maginot/ et de la forte poitrine
1.You're a cunt
Why are Greeks shit-tier nowadays when historically the Greeks were the most superior beings on the planet?
I'm way too scared to look at my bank account
Just lift bro come on it's not all in the steroids...
/ita/ - il filo
Aren't they like, the same people?
Why are American morning shows conservative compared to European ones?
Can a German please tell me a joke?
Is there an equivalent to the full Irish breakfast in your country?
Beginning of 20th century
Hey Euro anons. Plz gib me advice on my map so I can make edits
Communism will win
Is this the most iconic image of the 21st century?
Nuke us
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
1. ur cunt
Oh how disingenuous of you
/fr/ - le fil francophone
I don't really hate living in my country
Culture Pals - /cp/
What would you choose, Sup Forums?
Why do racist Japanese have so few black people in their anime? Is it because they are not pretty enough for you?
How can we cause a Cold War era-esque surge in Americans learning Russian...
Our new currency
Is it true that in Europe, especially Eastern and Northern Europe, if you show you're happy...
Me like maro
What happened to the Polish majority is Belarus and Ukraina?
Name one thing your countrymen are especially arrogant about and will never accept anyone else's opinion on
/pars/ - Persian general - موضوع ایران - Maвзӯи эpoнӣ
What do you think of Ukraine and Ukrainians?
Wh*teoids on this board actually think they're superior to anyone even though they spend all day posting on Sup Forums...
Post ur cunt's parliament
Don't you have like homes or something? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
/ita/ il filo
Did you ever meet some Polish person?
Post your perfect Europe map
What happens here?
At least we'll still have banter
1. cunt
Sverigetråden - Sötpajpoliser
Be half-White
Why do westerners eat laundry detergent?
Why are they so arrogant?
50,000 years of evolution and selection, wasted in just moments of sexual pleasure
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
Don’t Cry Because It’s Over, Smile Because It Happened
The multilingual "elite" thread
Wake up in Thailand
/world of polska/
Post your ideal man
How hard did you laugh?
A-a-at least we're smart!!
Conscripts general
Ita il filo
I tried Ziggs because someone locked in Morgana and I died a lot so my entire team flamed me
/Sturm/ auch /deutsch/
Tfw i will never live in a country where it is always 20-30 celcius all year around
I cannot live in this paki and black infested shithole anymore...
Scrumpy edition
Make any post with this flag
>>>Sup Forums
German population: 82.7 million
A breakfast fit for a king. Literally the perfect way to start your day
Tfw only we are true fans of hentai in Europe
I like America
Is it true that Americans never drink plain water, just shit like soda and milkshakes?
Tfw no Russian twink cadet bf
How does your country deal with refugees?
Kicked Europeans out of anatolia
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Be skinny/effeminate guy
Do you agree with the statement that America is an empire of evil?
I'll fucking do it, I swear to christ
Be a confederate
ITT: things americans will never know
Kurva anyátok
Be Farage
/ex-ussr/ general
*blocks your path*
Mare Nostrum /Balt/icum
Is there a Head of State that is as popular, respected, admired, liked and venerated as much as Queen Elizabeth II?
Be American
I guess the United States of America could potentially have a 51st State that isn't the Moon...
Car for poor ppl in ur cunt
Luso-Britânica thread
What the fuck are they putting in the water supply that makes American children look like this?
ITT: we share pics of our unis
We are not Europeans
Tfw want republicans to lose next election so Sup Forums goes back to being comfy reasonable center-right wingers (not...
Why do americans live in cardboard homes?
What did God mean by this
At least you graduated university...
Why do poos think they're asian?
Class is more important than anything else
Why is Islamic architecture so good?
Are we all in agreement that Palestine is the good guy?
/sino/ - 中文
Post pics of weird treats you’ve had
Post pic of my penis
1) Your country
Is this true?
Is it snowing in your cunt?
Hilo latino
With what other ethnicities would you racemix with?
Dude communism is evil
Is it true americans need lube to masturbate?
How the fuck is the West so rich
Polish are colonising Britain
Are there any anons from these countries on this board currently? What is life like in these countries...
I lost my job
Has anybody here taught themselves a "useless" language (a language that is only spoken in one not very relevant...
Always wanted to try this
Does Mexico have any friends?
"Whiter than you, Mudasir"
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
My brother calls my mother by her birthname
I wanna marry a japanese help
Why did they choose to abandon their own culture and language and subjugate themselves to the Anglo-Saxon culture (ToT)...
Aren't you glad you don't have tornadoes?
/fr/ - Le Francofil créatif
"The truth does not fear investigation"
My wife is 1% black, wat do
Are we the bad guys?
I judge you based on the amount of melanin on your skin
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber /deutsch/
Why do white girls love asian guys so much?
How are girls in you country?
Post your city’s subway map
Japanese master race has high nose unlike subh*man Chinese
If ur a nigur then it means ur dumb and evil
Why doesn't India just annex Pakistan?
The only countries that matter
Koreans in e-sports
Why are Duch people so tall?
Europeans are disgusting
Why haven't you gotten yourself a EU passport yet?
Do people from "non player" countries like war gaming...
Flag i like starts roasting my country
Is this brazil's favorite snack?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Saw a factory hiring for $23/hr
What is life like in rural/small-town Argentina? What do people do there?
Europeans measure their WEIGHT in kg
Be americunt
/ita/ - il filo
/ex-ussr/ general
Forms a testudo
Lol what the fuck
Why does Spain still have a king?
What was the message that this tried to convey?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/v4/ + non-binary friends
Would you like to find love in Norway?
UK is deeply cucked
What's your opinion on Circassia and Circassian genocide Sup Forums?
There are people who are unironically religious on this board
When will the Austrian-Hungarian empire rise again?
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber auch /deutsch/
/lat/ hilo latino
Which is the best?
Can Americans confirm?
No memes, no bully
/fr/ - Le francofil finnophile
Which one is prettier ?
Itt: English words that you find funny (american accent)
Why is Finnish such a silly, silly language?
1. ur cunt
2. your country
"Working out is a waste of time if you have bad gen-"
ITT: Countries you wish were your neighbours
One chance at life
Your country
Does your country have people like this?
Is UK the Poland of Europe?
MEXICO thread
Should Sami people have their own country?
/ita/ - il filo di cittadinanza
Hey Sup Forums r/europe/ resident here!
/southern europe/ thread
Why is this allowed again ?
1. your cunt
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Italian makes hand gesture, everybody laughs at him, then becomes an emoji...
Why is this allowed again ?
Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs frin around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots...
/LANG/ language learning thread
Why is this allowed again ?
If Poland gave Germans Danzig WW2 would've never happened
Show me your desktop Sup Forums
Sup Forums soon to be banned in the UK
Are latinas good girlfriends?
You wake up in riyadh
The Paraguayan War, also known as the War of the Triple Alliance and the Great War in Paraguay...
Why is Portuguese such an unpleasant language and accent?
Lore Lore Lore tria la la la la
Mfw the wh*Te race is dying
/ita/ il filo
By posting in this thread you get a government mandated gf...
But how can you live without working for schlomoburg or starting a business?
Post your mom thread
Do you like France?
/lat/ hilo latino
What went so utterly, disgustingly, horribly bad?
Global superpower by 2030
/fr/ - le fil français
Breaking news!!!!!!!!!
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Did you have pools/swimming lessons in elementary/middle/high school?
If Romans are so superior how did this happen?
Tfw get fed up with my neet life
What's the worst European country?
Your thoughts about this country?
And this is our son's room. he's quite the disappointment!
Redpill me on the US
These are the top tier best countries of the world, rest of the world is fucking trash. prove me wrong
It's 2018, can we stop pretending spain is a real country?
So is it worth it? Without all the reddit memes is it a good or bad idea to quit masturbation?
/v4/ + heterofriends
(You) wake up in Buenos Aires, what do?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan 2.Do people in your country eat these?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What would actually prevent this from happening?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Opinions on Turkey?
Do Brits feel like they are the premier European country?
Rate my supper lads
Post your local town hall
You’re committed to american prison
How FREE are you?
Italians are WHITE!
Confess your sins, my child
It's crashing again. It broke the 10k floor
Gucci Gang, ooh, yeah, yeah, Gucci Gang, ooh
Anglo-Portuguese friendship thread
Skipped class again
Do germans really drink out of glass boots?
Just go to the gym bro, im sure women will love ur new body
Do you want a korean Bf?
I'm 168 and 54 kilos
Arrive early to work
How can anybody say with a straight face that say race does not matter? Brazil...
/ita/ il Filo
/fr/ - le fil francophone
A daily reminder that you will never be Finnish
Working a job is for slaves, NEET master race here
/deutsch/ Lohnschafe können nicht inzu gesundes NEET-Leben-Ausgabe
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderendraad
What are the stereotypes in your country?
Me don't like foreign people
This is now a Roki Vulovic thread
Why is nobody scared of China?
Is this the EU century?
This child was born in 1999
Turkey is a dictatorship
What is your favourite foreign language film?
I just saw my dad browse Sup Forums on his tablet. He closed the page as soon as I got too close
Why are expats in Korea such disgusting commies
Sverigetråden - Böganalsexupplagan
Why do Americans take a dishwasher when they go on a picnic?
TFW been back from Europe for over a week now and still depressed
Is it even possible to get a job in Australia as a 25 y/o with no experience, no degree and no connections...
Your a cunt
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Wh*te genocide when?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why does this board hate Portugal so much? They are good people
/reich/ ehem. /deutsch/
How do Christians justify their belief that earth/ universe is 6000 years old?
Why do Whites look down to Asian?
Southern Italy is better than Northern Italy
What happens in the Gulf of Taranto, Sup Forums? It has a nice climate...
Know your country's name direct translation meaning
This man was elected to Australian parliament
What is your favourite slavic name?
Why is russia absolute shithole?
/ex-ussr/ general
Why are black people triggered by this?
Do you feel disgusted by East Asian people?
What do think about Russian army?
My Finnish wife will give birth soon
Post your weight and body size
What do you call this in your language?
Guise how many kids can you likely afford to have?
Japanese consider this fat
Do you support Hong Kong's return to British rule?
The average Tunisian looks like this
The Catholic Church is the original church established by Christ himself
Why do Muslims lie?
Who is your cunt’s best friend
"Just remove the Jews and all of our problems will magically disappear."
Communism doesn't work
American family life
Goodmorning Sup Forums
Italy, the incest nation?
Kurva anyátok
Was this guy the original Sup Forumstard born 60 years before Sup Forums's inception?
Stopped being a neet
The tragedy of Argentina: A century of decline
What race are the Swiss?
Chinophile : )
Tell me ONE thing wrong with fucking your sister if she's hot
I don't get it, why do people complain about 'Muslims taking over Europe'...
Come home, Aryan man
1. Your country
Have you ever been in love Sup Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is this acceptable behaviour in your country?
Hilo Latino /lat/
Is he the leader of the free world?
Be australian
Y'all motherfuckers better start saving content fast if you ever want a wank again
Does your country have soyboys?
Did you cry?
The /balt/
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why are russian girls such drunk sluts?
Is cuckolding acceptable in your cunt?
Hilo latino /lat/
Post internet classics from your country
How many race does Russsia have in their country?
I visited a supermarket for the first time today. A place called "new world...
Average Venezuelan on Sup Forums:
Tfw will unironically board a bus at 7am tomorrow
Post pictures of your city in the 70’s
Post old money from your country
He doesn't has a chance to win, r-right Brazil??
It's afraid
Perfect countries don't exis-
When is Yugoslavia going to reunite?
Americans unironically throw away the end pieces of a loaf of bread because it's "weird"
Do Finns actually "enjoy" saunas or is it something else
Do you agree Sup Forums?
/ita/ - il filo
Your cunt
Glory to the Portuguese!
Why sushis, makis and sashimis are too expensive...
Why is there so few immigration legal or otherwise from Papua, Indonesia and Timor to Australia?
What race are hispanics?
Worst diaspora?
Bosnia & Herzegovina
When will Russia join EU and convince them to kill the US?
/fr/ - le fil français
ITT: vintage Sup Forums memes
Thread for the future of South America
Can someone please tell me what to do with my life, i cant stop drinking and im scared
Why are Mexicans, Central Americans, Peruvians, Bolivians and Chileans so fucking ugly?
What are your favourite accents? I have a relative from Uganda and her accent is really qt
Colombians look like this
Do Papuans...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Ancestry and roots thread
Faces of Sup Forums
Hitler did nothing wrong
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Have husband and kid
The cute/faggot/weeb posting has to fucking end, it has gone way too far
Say hi to a person
Post your town city flag
Why do the Irish try so hard to meme their language...
I'm getting the ol' empire back together. Wanna join?
/ita/ - il filo
/flags/ + /extraflags/
The ocean level raises by 1 kilometer
If God does not exist, why Earth can fly in space...
/v4/ + homofriends
All rich people should die
At least you live in Europe
Turkish girls look like THAT????
Are fat women common in your cunt?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
1. Your country
Whats your opinion on this country?
Why are people so obsessed with Mediterraneans on this board
Culture Pals - /cp/
Hilo latino /lat/
What's the best city in your cunt atm?
I will die alone i have never spoken to a girl i sit alone in a dark room and shitpost i just want to change what the...
What do you call these in your language? Do girls wear these in your cunt?
Femdom is the friend of men
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...
Why do eastern Europeans hate freedom so much?
/fr/ - le fil de la France en pixels
This pic makes me sad
Why do South Americans have such big dicks?
Eye thread
What the fuck is wrong with finland??????
Post cops from ur city;
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Why are East Asians soooooo fit?
Is it ok to be gay in Britain
Be half Volga german
Sup Forums is a nice board
Post music from your country
/ita/ il filo
The only Austrian poster here is a disgusting mudslime that will attack you for insulting islam
I cannot be the only one who does simply not care for south america... The whole continent seems homogenous...
Why do americans do this
Other nordics always gets butthurt when they see this city just because of it's superior beauty
I want to be muscular...
Why do poos call themselves Asian?
Who /rudestposters/
Denmark is the fucking best
How do you seduce women in your country?
I just learn portuguese is a thing, i thought they spoke spanish
Is it true gringos take baths together?
Where is the most terrible shithole you’ve stayed in?
How do i get my country rangebaned?
Sverigetråden - (You)-upplagan
ITT: post the reddest picture on your computer
Mfw a brit calls me a bellend
Opinions on Chile?
Why the fuck is it taught in schools?
How come more people speak the fucking Welsh than Scottish and Irish?
This is a nightmare
/fr/ - le fil des milouf(fe)s mignon(ne)s
Where have you been and where do you want to go Sup Forums?
/lat/ Hilo Latino
My ancestors :)
What movies does Sup Forums enjoy?
Accidentally make a stupid post
/v4/ + 友達
Who here /nosocialmedia/?
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderendraad/
Please come back, feel like shit without you x
Show me the pasta dishes of your country
Kurva anyátok
Why are Dutch so tall?
"Where are you going, soyboy?"
To all of the hundreds of kissless virgins in this board, how are you all not literally going crazy?
What happens here?
Reminder Hokkaido is rightful Russian clay
Your age and board when you first entered Sup Forums
You wake up in Denmark
Czech em
Sverigetråden - Tunnelbaneupplagan
1. your country
Horror in Finland: alcohol shop doors were closed
Post old map of your country
Russian onions
Latinamericans calling each other "indios" or "panchitos"
Im fucking tired of this country. Politics are treated like a goddamn team sport, people are stupid...
/ita/ - il filo
How does your country remember him?
Thanks for visiting Japan
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Western Europe is wealthy because they had colonies in Africa for less than 2 centuries
Brief reminder that Corsica is Italian
What would you do if a girl came to you and said "you must be horrible in bed"?
Why is africa so fucking backwards
Im starting a german class this morning. Entry level at my college, elementary german I...
Why is your language worth learning?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...