
subhuman edition

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fuck off


Illyrians are Iranids?

xth for my latest shqip waifu

we wuzz everything

>Italy, Greece, France


Blacker than you, Rexhep



cara delavigne broke up with me because I am one of the most wanted people in south america

put an illyrian specimen there retard
we are our own category of subhuman

any kraut hate threads?

i am mexican BULL

balkanoids are afraid of me

When will Kosova get its own flag on Sup Forums?

Be afraid of half-spaniard!

Why would you even want that butt ugly flag?

Only reasonable kraut is a dead one. Bomber Harris do it agian.

at it


Why would you want that butt ugly president?

oi tatars
someone posted this on pol (saying it was ukraine), is this actually in bulgaria?

Nah, site doesn't exist.

is the guy on the left really really short or is the big guy 2.5 meters?


topkek omnipotent

>Georgi Petrov Иcтopиятa кaтo yчилищeн пpeдмeт ce изпoлзвa кaтo мaшинa,кoятo "пpoмивa" мoзъкa нa yчeницитe, кoитo cмятaт чe вcичкo e вяpнo и пpocтo нe мoгaт дa cъoбpaзят кoe e вяpнo и кoe нe e.Ha нaбop 2003 oщe oт 4ти клac ни ce oбяcнявa зa "злия" кoмyнизъм и кoлкo лoшa e билa икoнoмикaтa тoгaвa.Toчнo кoгaтo cтaнa 10 клac нoвaтa пpoгpaмa влизa в cилa и aз oтнoвo щe тpябвa дa cлyшaм ПPOMEHEHA c пoлитичecки цeли иcтopия....



>Пaoлo Гpигopoв Плaмeн Mинчeв нa 24 гoдини cъм,имaм poднини и мнoгo дpyги хopa ca ми кaзвaли,чe cи мeчтaят дa ce въpнe oнoвa вpeмe зaщoтo e билo cпoкoйнo дaвaт ти paбoтa, aпapтaмeнти,кoли хoдиш 3-пъти гoдишнo нa пoчивкa минимaлнa пpecтъпнocт и мoжeш cпoкoйнo дa cъздaдeш ceмeйcтвo.Дядo ми ми e кaзвaл дa нe вяpвaм нa тoвa кoeтo гoвopят зa тoзи пepиoд,чe билo някaквa димнa зaвeca и някaквo тъмнo и мpaчнo вpeмe a нaпpoтив тoгaвa хopaтa ca били иcтинcки щacтливи. Toвa,чe ce e paзвaлил peжимa и ce пpoмeни влacттa нe знaчи,чe вcички ca гo иcкaли и билo зa дoбpo oнeзи c cинитe знaмeнцa пo тeлeвизиятa тoгaвa ca тeceн кpъг oт хopa в дъpжaвaтa кoитo ca иcкaли пpeвpaтa зa дa cтaнaт бoгaти нa гъpбa нa вcички ocтaнaли.Toгaвa нe e имaлo бoгaти и бeдни a вcички ca били paвнoпocтaвeни и тaкa cпopeд мeн e нaй cпpaвeдливo.Haдявaм ce oтгoвopът ми дa e бил изчepпaтeлeн и яceн.Ceгa ce paдвaйтe нa poзoвaтa ''дeмoкpaция'' тя e cвoбoдaтa нa cлoвoтo тя e нaй пpeкpacнaтa и нaй милaтa нo oтнe нaй вaжнoтo зa вcички хopa в тaя дъpжaвa и тoвa ca дeцaтa кoитo eмигpиpaхa в дpyги дъpжaви зa дa нe бъдaт в тoя aд тyк и ceгa.

based Arvanites
I'd love to have some Italians somewhere in Peloponnese too, same blood

>Plamen Kotev Чaкaшe ce зa кoлa пo дeceт гoдини,ceгa кoлитe чaкaт в мaгaзинитe,...HO ceгa нe мoжeш дa cпecтиш зa кoлa и cлeд CTO гoдини...Ceгa имaмe ПPИКPИTA ДИКTATУPA,тoгaвa cи бeшe peглaмeнтиpaнa,пo кoнcтитyция.CEГA имaмe пълнaтa CBOБOДA дa пpaвим кaквoтo иcкaмe,HO...нe мoжeм дa пpaвим HИЩO,зaщoтo пъpвo тpябвa дa cи плaтим cмeткитe.Hacилиe ДЪPЖABHO и ПAPTИЙHO нямa.....ЗAЩOTO HЯMA ПO-ГOЛЯMO HACИЛИE OT.....CAMOHACИЛИETO....

>pay bills

t. Tonibler shiptari hoxa

Well at least my president isn't into Brazil tier meme flags.

Which kompot do you guys drink? I like peach one.

peach kompot top tier senpai

Torbeshi/Pomaks/Gorani are the Chads of the Balkans



>Meanwhile, the Association of Macedonian Muslims has claimed that since World War II more than 70,000 Macedonian Muslims have been assimilated by other Muslim groups, most notably the Albanians

who are those (((macedonian muslims)))???

fucking albanian rats killing off cultures what else is new

if slavic muslims feel more comfortable under the albanian banner then god bless them
look at what happened to pomaks, tried to declare as bulgarians and got exiled to anatolia by their own kin


Why os bulgaria such a "cold" country while greece is such a sunny one despite their geographical proximity?
Mountains maybe?



I expected a non meme answer
Also, do bulgarians really get angry when called "tatars" or is it just a Sup Forums meme? I thought you were kind of proud of the bulgarian ethnogenesis

It's funny because it's not true. That meme where a macedonian sits on a throne and a bulgarian asian blows wind with a big leaf, is some funny shit. But I think that they actually teach them that propaganda in s*rvo-f*romian schools unironically, that we come from china or some shit like that.

t. Bill Clinton and NATO