My ancestor : )
Chinophile : )
Why dead mom (;_;)
Do you love China
Please love China
where is this?
looks nice and different
Why can't we get along?
Remember Nankink
Your handle triggers my autism it should be Sinophile
Google 鳳凰古城, since Dunno how to spell it in Chinese pronunciation
Don't bash her just because she is engaged
Sorry (;_;)
It's ok to spell that way
It may be technically ok but it's still cacophony.
On topic you do have some pretty awesome pics
Please be sinophile
I like China, it's a beautiful culture and it's got beautiful women
Glad to hear that :)
Does your average Japanese love China?
The notion of "China" is so complicated that it's hard to define it.
>People's Republic of China (mainland China)
Literally no one likes it
everyone likes it
>culture, history
Everyone likes it other than Sup Forumstard
>Chinese in mainland
Depends, i personally have many nice friends tho
>other Chinese like Taiwanese
Everyone likes them
It's important to separate the nation and the people
Why do right wing Japanese hate Chinese culture and history?
>Depends, i personally have many nice friends tho
Do you ever have problems with them when tensions flare between the two countries?
>Why do right wing Japanese hate Chinese culture and history?
"Right wings" don't have any negative view on the culture (history:depends). Those who irrationally hate Chinese culture and history are only those who are always speaking ill of Korea and China for incredibly retarded reason which can be misproven so easily.
>Do you ever have problems with them when tensions flare between the two countries?
not really, since my friends are all not so nationalistic enough to bring political problems into individual relationships.
>Why do right wing Japanese hate Chinese culture and history?
Why?:idiots tend to hate whatever related to the country they hate. They first try to hate the country for political reason, and then he tries to find fault with the country in terms of other reasons like culture.
Hong Kong > Ch*na
What do 香港人 think about 台灣人
They're based, my Polish proxy friend.
Will they do? I mean, Forcibly ceizing 台灣 will turns out to be catastrophe of the world, triggered by 美国.
Depends on how 強大 美国 will be in 五十年 tho