Do Finns actually "enjoy" saunas or is it something else

Do Finns actually "enjoy" saunas or is it something else.
The health benefits? The warmth after living in cold for so long? The challenge of being in the heat? The culture behind it?


God I wish that were me

I think sauna is energy-saving bath. To fill the room with hot steam costs much less energy than boiling the water and preparing the actual bath.

A public bathhouse that I often use has herbal sauna. The sauna room is filled with herbal steam and it smells good. The herb has some medical effects as well.

No, we are actually incapable of enjoying anything.

Have you never been in a sauna here? We have them you know
ok then

i fucking hate sauna

You kidding. You entertain us on Sup Forums.

May I ask you why?

This is true, in Aztec times one side of the steam bath was cnnected to the kitchen so the same fire that was used for cooking also provided the heat for bathing


Love it. Don't know if you've ever been to one but the heat is not as punishing as one might think. It's so dry in there that it just gentle warmth that breezes through your body and then dissipates away. Literally the best feeling in the world.
Need to visit my parents again soon, haven't been to a sauna since christmas.

> dry
So, you don't even pour water on stones to bring the temperature up to 90& You do not fill the space with steam?

Do you use at least faggots?..

Yeah, mate no offence but sitting in a 90 degree celsius sauna doesn't make you a 'man', it makes you a retarded russian (double positive).

There's always finns in these threads telling sauna should hurt and be painful. I guess it's somekind of sauna discourse we like to tell foreigners. Instead sauna is something to be enjoyed, it's not a test of your manliness. It's about cleansing you as a whole, it's a place of contemplation.

Yes. It is a place to talk about litarally anything with your friends and socialize.

Nothing beats the feeling when you jump into fresh snow, go back inside sauna and feel the burning heat meanwhile snow is still melting around you giving chills while drinking beer.

What can aussie who have never jumped into snow right after leaving sauna's hot room contribute to the discussion except to show his lack of intelligence? Right, nothing

>dry sauna
You need to go back, Sven

Those all seem like reasons to enjoy it, OP.

Russian sauna is about 60 degrees and steam, Finnish is 90 and dry

Not true. I've seen dry "Finnish" saunas only abroad. Finnish sauna is ~80c dark and wooden house heated up with firewood.

would you rather have mämmi sauna or perkele sauna

Not that straightforward. In my experience finnish sauna is between 65 and 80 degrees and can be a bit dry if electric sauna stove is used. Even in that case lots of water is thrown to the stove, so you can not really say it is dry. Wood heated sauna stoves create a bit more humidity and are used a lot.

it's kinda sado-masochistic pleasure
I remember when I was a child we always had a competition among boys who could endure being in sauna for a longest time, I even had a heart problems once after that.

>Russian sauna is about 60 degrees
ahaha NO

If you like being nice and warm why don't you just sit under a blanket

That way qts can join you as well for naughty activity

>Russians and Finns arguing over saunas
Just like my Japanese animes

80-90 degrees and somewhat humid is the optimal sauna atmosphere btw

Well, i have no reasons to argue with or or or In fact i agree with them

Traditinally, there is a hot room, a washing room and a rest room, where people relax, eat and socialise between sessions in the heat (or steam, depending on how things are set up). That is about the perfect place for any kind of naughty activities

Back to sweden nigger

Saunaticating is actually an enjoyable and alround relaxing experience. Everything else you mention is just a bonus

Sweden has a rich sauna (or bastu) culture as well

In 2010 we had our last official sauna world championship. In the finals, there was a Finn and a Russian. The Russian died of a heart failure, the Finn went into a coma and both burnee their skins

Pic related

>Rich bastu culture
>Heated up to 40°C and homosex on the boards

We absolutely do use steam in case no one else has answered you yet.
t. thread newfag

Not him, but that's still culture.

Well, kind Finns here have already said enough for me to understand that authentical Finnish sauna is much closer to my tastes then i thought

>Finnish sauna is ~80c dark and wooden house heated up with firewood.
My grandparents & my uncle have the same kind of a sauna. We do use water to raise the temperature if someone wants more oomph. Generally people prefer to enjoy it being dry & hot, thus you have to a wait till it heats, w/o any steaming it.

>The Russian died of a heart failure, the Finn went into a coma and both burnee their skins
Sad story :\ That's not smart.

Our sauna models are the exact same, only personal tastes vary

I wonder why it's not that popular or widespread in USA or other european countries.

Isn't it awkward sitting and staring at your parents genitals though?

It's not that hard to not stare at someone's genitals

Ergh, "normal" (not gay) people look at others eyes or faces when talking. Why would you stare at others penises?