Give it giggsy till the end of the season edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Elizabeth II, Queen of the UK – daughter of
George VI, King of the UK – son of
George V, King of the UK – son of
Edward VII, King of the UK – son of
Victoria, Queen of the UK – daughter of
Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn – son of
George III, King of Great Britain – son of
Frederick, Prince of Wales – son of
George II, King of Great Britain – son of
George I, King of Great Britain – son of
Sophia, Electress of Hanover – daughter of
Elizabeth of Bohemia – daughter of
James I/VI, King of England, Ireland & Scotland – son of
Mary, Queen of Scots – daughter of
James V, King of Scots – son of
Margaret Tudor – daughter of
Elizabeth of York – daughter of
Edward IV, King of England – son of
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York – son of
Richard of Conisburgh, Earl of Cambridge – son of
Isabella Perez of Castille – daughter of
Maria Juana de Padilla – daughter of
Maria Fernandez de Henestrosa – daughter of
Aldonza Ramirez de Cifontes – daughter of
Aldonza Gonsalez Giron – daughter of
Sancha Rodriguez de Lara – daughter of
Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara – son of
Sancha Alfonsez, Infanta of Castile – daughter of
Zaida (aka Isabella) – daughter of
Al-Mu’tamid ibn Abbad, King of Seville – son of
Abbad II al-Mu’tadid, King of Seville – son of
Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad, King of Seville – son of
Ismail ibn Qarais – son of
Qarais ibn Abbad – son of
Abbad ibn Amr – son of
Amr ibn Aslan – son of
Aslan ibn Amr – son of
Amr ibn Itlaf – son of
Itlaf ibn Na’im – son of
Na’im II al-Lakhmi – son of
Na’im al-Lakhmi – son of
Zahra bint Husayn – daughter of
Husayn ibn Hasan – son of
Hasan ibn Ali
Have an interview with Garmin today. Yank companies overseas are surprisingly good to their employees, good benefits and work ethic
the english phenotype
*tucks a fiver under Bruce's denim suspenders*
Don't spend it all at once pet
El grande Camerono...
so this the future of the white race...
Morning benders
Freddos are £2 now
The Bayeux Tapestry is set to be displayed in the UK after France agreed it could leave its shores for the first time in 950 years, the BBC understands.
French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce the loan during his visit to the UK on Thursday.
Hair's looking better Cammy x
make sure u just inject some light humour into it
so like
>why do you want to work for garmin?
to find myself haha
shower in 10 minutes then it's non-stop all day until I put my head on the pillow 16 hours later
good lad
meanwhile i shall be sitting on my arse
>having your country conquered twice is being bonged
tell me more
just know whilst you are working i'll be sitting with my feet up chilling and thinking about your miserable existence mate
I'm sad and lonely
Non-aryans get out
I have no friends at all. Things are pretty dark at the moment. If i didn't have my family I'd be dead
don't want to get my dna results taken
i've got green and blue eyes
so it'll probably come up with "mediterranenan/african" even though my family's lived here for thousands of years
It's ok
A minister for loneliness, a project first started by the late MP Jo Cox, has been announced by Downing Street.
Tracey Crouch MP will take on the role and aim to "shine a light" on an issue affecting about nine million UK people.
Meds aren't white sorry
why do white nationalists feel attracted to yellow girls
crypto's not looking too healthy lads
Honourary Aryans
bet you're a brown eyed runt
don't worry about it
you're a honorary aryan
nazi government ruled if you had brown hair/green eyes you were to be considered aryan
Light blue eyes, light brown hair, 6'3, Nordic/celtic ancestry.
What is the point of beat bobby flay? They’re never going to pick bobby as the winner
Remember when Giggs cheated with his brother's wife for 8 years and he didn't even say sorry lol
>no dogecoin
yeah haha banter
Hope Thailad is reduced to begging on the streets after NonceCoin drops off a cliff
Ryan giggs is 75 years old
I had some on an old hdd that became corrupt
Where's that autist riley when you need him? Post some shit about the UK. I'm too tired cause I just finished getting fucked by the gf.
6'3, green eyes, dark brown hair, northumbrian ancestry
guess that means i'm better than you because my eye colour is rarer
>A minister for loneliness, a project first started by the late MP Jo Cox, has been announced by Downing Street.
>Tracey Crouch MP will take on the role and aim to "shine a light" on an issue affecting about nine million UK people.
haha they're only gonna focus on women
screencap this post
Hooting and hollering
Not even that, the article specifically only cals out those over 75
My cock is built like a brick shithouse
nazi puto
Northumbria is a black colony and the people there are from Africa
salty no coiners
5'8, english, scandinavian, and native american ancestry. Brown eyes.
got phlegm stuck in my throat
its not very accurate lad, as far as i can tell everything older than about the 1600s-1700s is going to possibly show 1% as only 50% gets inherited and you dont know which 50%. you could have 2 african ancestors from the year 1000 and be left with almost none of their dna by now. i think, not totally sure on this.
I hereby promise to guarantee that NO young man goes past the age of 18 a virgin if he doesn't want to be!
Vote 1 Bruce!
6'9 slav with dark brown eyes
Off to earn some actual money. How low will battycoin be when I get back?
See this just sounds like you're going to send a guy round to bumrape a load of teenage virgins
El pirata...
I honestly had no idea Asians don't use deodorant because they don't perspirate. That explains why the chink hookers i fuck never have body odour
Every male will be issued a free 1hr with any registered sex worker
It’s gonna keep tanking for a bit
we are BLACK
If there was ever proof that Indians and Pakis aren't really Asians, this is it.
just be yourself, and vote for myself!
Vote 1 Dave
find it kind of funny how after the defeat of nazi germany, everything became worse and everything bad the nazis said would happen, did happen
Vote for me, and I'll nationalise all public utilities and increase the welfare state by levying a tax on bonuses to CEOs. I will increase public expenditure to 10% of GDP for the military, end foreign aid, and freeze assets and operations for companies that avoid tax by moving away from the UK
don't personally think that what the nazis said would happen is bad tbqh
business idea: shill crypto on /brit/
i wonder if there's any ww2 stories about jews acting selfishly towards other jews to impress the nazis
dont bother mate, its an opinion post not a query. the boy was telling you a thing he thought, not asking if he was right or not. you wont convince him he's wrong anyway.
Yfw people are slowly starting to realise this
Buy appc pls sir
you have my vote
what did hitler said
sage advice that could save billions of man hours if people on the internet would only listen
build the wall
his bum said BRAAAAAP quite a lot, he was a famous smelly farter.
not enough snow to skip toil
shut up nerd
Since /cum/ is dead i have decided to make /brit/ my new home
Good morning everyone.
beto >>> the nonce
We already have a Mexican
another mexican who knows that /cum/ is a shithole
We'll trade you for thainonce lad
I am living in mexico but i am not mexican.
in all seriousness, I am thinking of just holding stuff from the top 5 - top 10 after this debacle. brand new to crypto, hodling xlm and rcn both long term. need few more to add and thinking of zrx, and eos since both are at good levels rn
fuck off to /latin/ or whatever it's called
where are you from?
then what are you, a CHI?
Beto has been replaced haha
I’m new too, after I get rid of this appc I’m going in on icx and req
I made /lat/ the best general a long time ago but the argentineans killed it.
qepd en paz.
>namefag mexican frog
yeah, into the filter he goes
Post toot
Welcome to all our new JF friends
>me when people are rude to me