faces of Sup Forums
Faces of Sup Forums
Could I pass as a local in your countries?
Why do you keep posting your face
easy with the maple syrup, leaf
what do you mean?
hello boys
No reason though we're 90% blond.
Rate me
here is my chin
Now post the other five
6'2 143 pounds
Cute. Wanna go to church together?
wtf. I'm gay for argentina now
Not my best pic but rate anyway
Th-this pic scares me :C
H-how many people have you killed?
Thin Chin
None... yet ;)
me on the right :3
52% out of 100%
>posting your full face on Sup Forums
cold ayy
are you mixed or something?
I’m not mixed why?
you kind of look hapa if that's even you, but quite handsome
I am superior
thanks for saying that I am good looking for a long time, there are guys in my area who look like me
nothing, i think it's the beard, not used to see bearded koreans
Is that actually you? You’re pretty cute
This gook has a patchy asf facial hair which he is concealing by taking a pic at night
rate traps
100% American. :)
>that filename
>no google reverse search
the face of shitposting, are you that guy with the big smile?
Thanks user
Not sure who you mean? I haven't posted in quite a long time before this
100% homosexual
My identity remains anonymous.
rate me Sup Forums
I have only ever had gfs but I think I'm bi
>but I think I'm bi
Is it me or new generations are coming gayer and gayer?
they are, even sexually undeveloped children are somehow becoming gay/transgender now
Influence of the media I think
It's indoctrination.
No they're just not repressed. The proportions from a genetic fault won't change. Its also very common for teenagers to have the odd homo thought but not actually be homo which is what tumblr nutcases are capitalising on
looks persian
rate me.
maybe in part + absent/brainwashed parents + transgenic food
and now for the rest of the body
>this whole thread
I think you browse Sup Forums too much. I don't remember meeting a single gay person in the last 5 years in sydney. Its just attention whores online on both sides blowing things out of proportion
Rate don't have :D:D:D:D:D
Gorgeous :3
Is that you as a kid in the back? Cyoote
you are cute user, your pic always makes me smile :3
Are you virgin?
hello Chad Thundercock
I've been called Theon Greyjoy but never Chad
yes, i was a little more fat at that time, kek.
>only untermensch posting ITT
My old picture from high school
Am I white?
you seem oddly familiar
You looked better with blonde hair
>that flag
would bf
would daddy
>"that flag"
>literally same flag
>making fun of his own flag
you faggots are funny.
i would never defend this shithole
you kinda look like my uncle
me on the right
r8 no h8
bit dated
Would eat that ass.
>posting your full face on Sup Forums
I think you're very handsome koreabro
I'll just wait till a fellow seamonkey posts my face
Get out of my cunt