Oh how disingenuous of you.
Oh how disingenuous of you
Other urls found in this thread:
>those are the """""arguments"""""" the left uses
>Be Balkans, Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Northern Europe
>Having nothing to do with Africa, get not one cent from them
>Somehow Africa’s wealth is piled upon you
Retarded image.
and spain with not a single pebble
we dindu nuffins, we gud bois
oh i guess they count only africa
but Portugal had a shitton of land in Africa
Spain and Portugal were involved in slave trade to Americas as well
>why can't you be more like us?
>why are you so poor?
>why are you starving?
because savages
Where's China?
What about all the wealth the middle east pulled out of African through the Saharan Slave Trade?
You forgot Ireland (unless they count as "Northern Europe).
Africa's starving because of high birth rate
there would have been no such problems if african birth rate was lower
>Portugal had a shitton of land in Africa
true, good point
perhaps england stole all the rocks
we brought civilization to the Congo
we helped them, without us they'd still be eating dirt and praying to obuntu the goat god
we gave them a good work ethic and the means to further develop themselves... not our fault they can't do it on their own without our guidance
pssst kid nothin personel
*cuts off your hand
I guess they need your guiding HAND,
africa still has a lot of natural resources, and it's funny that the OP posted this considering he's a chink and a lifetime subscriber of r/asianmasculinity while china is doing exactly the same as europeans and arabs did centuries ago, today
>disrespecting one of the greatest colonial powers
oh sweety
thank you for your contributions to our subreddit
You really got to HAND it to the Belgians :^)
>africa still has a lot of natural resources
This. just look at DRC and CAR. They'd be rich if the niggas just stopped fighting
Interesting, how things are with Russia?
Germany wasn't that much of great colonial power though
ummmm no sweetie Polish crown had control over Trinidad & Tobago (football superpower as proven by the recent Tobaco & Tabasco vs United States of School Shooting game) for a WHOLE 35 years!
don't forget the evil polish village in brazil!
wish we all settled to Namibia during that time
Trinidad and Tobago is in the caribbean
>spain not covered by gold
stop being racist they b black too.
you forgot :
Why can't you contribute to science ?
Why can't you send people to space ?
Why do you need charity to survive ?
Oh look it's you again, still not tired getting btfo'd every time?
>get not one cent from them
They were capitalist so they benefited in trade with colonial powers.
you mean the autonomous duchy of courland and semigallia had control over trinidad & tobago
why the purple dots in africa, india and china? concessions?
Not that much trade. The workers in those colonies benefited more.
> Soybeans
fuck me yurop is industrialized as fuck
Before we went to Africa, Africa was already a shithole. When the first Portuguese explorers visited Africa, they discovered very primitive people who lived like we lived 200,000 years ago. They didn't invent a writing system, they didn't invent the wheel, they even didn't invent paint.
>All those niggers should benefit from the infrastructure we payed for and built for free!
I'd bet you never gave a cent to anyone in you life, either.
True or false, it's still an impressive feat
What do you expect from anti-Western marxists with dreadlocks?
Pretty rich coming from a nation that was born out of a fit of autistic screeching over paying some taxes.
This is deep.
weak bl*ck can't compete with the WHITE MAN
Fuck, i wish we'd thought of that.
Not even the oceans want into africa
Why do you assume I support the American Revolution just because i'm American?
So if I break into your house using a crowbar to steal your shit, then don’t take it with me when I leave, is it okay if I charge you for it? I mean it’s not fair that you just get a crowbar for free.