>Your cunt
>Have you taked the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge?
>Your cunt
>Have you taked the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge?
This always gets me, everytime I see it, I just want to slap his smug ass face.
No I'm NEET master race here.
Sounds like you resent his success ;^)
I honestly don't get why this triggers so many fat NEETs on Sup Forums. Is a message of making the best of what you got really that bad?
I'm fine with his success, but I don't want millionaires with soft hands giving moral lessons to just be a wageslave and bootlicker it's OK.
You honestly don't see how 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 are propaganda?
What's the alternative though? He even seems to say "find a different job or do something else".
Start a business I guess if wageslaving is so bad
forgot to (You)
I guess I could suck some producers dick and maybe rim him a little like he did.
Organize to demand change, dumbass. You think porky gave you the 40 hour workweek?
>11 posts
>4 posters
oh it's the hourly leftypol thread my bad. Shant be bumping again.
I'm OP, you expect me not to reply? I replied to you twice trying to get you to answer me but now you just get asshurt and cry.
>2.2 posts per IP
I saw this thread here 3 times this week. This is a thinly veiled leftypol thread.
You're saying he's right but it's also a leftypol bait thread?
I didn't say it's "shills"'. It's just a few bored NEETs who lost their way from /r9k/, just like with the retarded Sup Forumstards you quickly realize instead of it being 50 of them making one thread each it's 3 of them making 15 threads each. Instead of blaming le joos it's le porky.
>Instead of blaming le joos it's le porky.
You seem to be overlooking an obvious thing here. Rich people actually do control the banks and politicians.
That's exactly what Sup Forums says about Jews disproportionately controlling the media, banks, politics, etc too.
Yes but in one case it's a racial libel and in the other case it's an inherent fact of our system.
They say the exact same thing and bring up how the joos(the porky) are a minority yet have many positions of power so they clearly must be collaborating, are evil and keeping down the "goyim" (the poor, working class).
Aren't you capable of looking at the world to check whether something is true?
I'm OK with this though. Except with the eleventh statements, is kinda like "if shit happens to you, be ok with it".
Also, is his way of doing things. Don't take him too seriously if you don't like it.
I did and neither nazism nor communism seem like the right conclusion. It'd be fine if they discussed political theory and the merits of either in some board designed for it but you idiots make dumb threads on both boards and it's the same every time.
It feels like on every board now it's either Sup Forums trying to "redpill" people with some dumb infographics or /leftypol/ trying to raise "C L A S S C O N S C I O U N E S S" in the most annoying way possible. Like it's not even discussions of political theory it's just calling people Cucks/Bootlickers or posting brainlets or whatever.
Why does this rich guy with a university degree love LARPing as a working-class blue collar hero so much?
To troll normies into becoming lowtier wagecucks.
I do the same thing, I regularly make threads complaining about how I can't find a job in my field and that university is a scam in order to hopefully discourage saturation in any slight way I can.
More like the C.U.C.K pledge lol
Oh look, another thread derailed by leafs that never shut the fuck up and continue to bitch and moan in every single goddamn thread. Range ban Canada already.
What was the original rail of the thread? It literally says politics are against the rules on Sup Forums.
>It literally says politics are against the rules on Sup Forums.
There it is. There you go again. Posting the same oneliner in every thread because you're terrified of the "leftypol" boogeyman you've created in your head. I bet you feel clever, I bet you think you're all high and mighty by constantly screaming "DA ROOLS! DA ROOLS!" in every thread that you don't like. Face it. You're a fat, pathetic, virgin NEET faggot that was too autistic to even be a janitor on fucking Sup Forums. Just think about it. In a club of autistic faggots, you managed to be too weird. And now what do you do, to compensate for this complete failure at life? You've resorted to the most pathetic "profession" of all: mini-modding. Just do us, your family, and the entire world a favor and kill yourself, you short, pathetic, sad little "man".
It's not a boogeyman and I never said it was, this pasta variation does not apply here.
Shut up loser
Sorry Sir.
don't forget the 11 rules from Bill Gates :DDD
That can't be real. I know Bill Gates is a piece of shit, but this can't be real.
They have Bill Gates, a truly self-made man (tm), on the image so it must be true!
what a plague upon this earth, literally the kike's best ally
why the fuck does everyone insist on becoming an entitled asshole once you turn adult?
i don't get, neither they or others get anything out of it but misery
haha didn't notice this at first :D
>if you mess up, it's not your parents fault
What a normie piece of shit
do yuo knoe de wae?
I literally see nothing wrong with 1, 3, 4, 8 and 10 tbqh. What kind of bottom blasted neet actually has an issue with those?
Bullshit. Call center is a bad job.
It's an opportunity though, you can learn to talk to people better then use that skill for a better job.
No, you're almost always on a mandatory script. It's not the Ayn Rand fantasy you're picturing.
I worked in a call center after being a neet for almost two years and it really helped me get more comfortable to people.
Not sure what Ayn Rand has to do with this either.
>wagecucks working for companies that don't give a fuck about them should be expected to be passionate and enthusiastic about their wagecuckery
*talking to people
Most Jews in America are poor, inbred fucks. The richs ones are a minority within a minority.
Delete Sup Forums.
>If you mess up, it's not your parents fault
His rich parents provided him the sort of tutelage 99.99% of Americans can't afford. Fucking hate how it's always the people who were born into ideal circumstances and have their entire lives handed to them which are the first to try and shit talk someone for pointing out that they were handed an awful hand of cards to play with. He would have ended up as a nobody if he had been born into a working class household.
Fuck normalfags.
I don't think anyone's talking shit... it really is a good suggestion to focus on things you can change instead of just complaining.
Do you ever shut the fuck up?
Why do you get so mad at other peoples opinions? I thought this was suppose to be a discussion
Spamming >"aksually hes right u neets unlike me who is cool and employed" isn't discussion, faggot.
I did not spam anything I said I agree with some of his points and then elaborated on that. If anything you are the one not contributing to any discussion.
Yeah, an A and B discussion...
So C your way out.
No shit, it isn't real. Why the fuck do you think Bill Gates is donating his wealth to charity? Because he thinks people who are poor should just 'deal with it'?
Got me :p
Gates funnels money into his charity primarily for taxation reasons and control. His "charity" managed to get millions of Americans using a school curriculum he was responsible for rhe design of, which his own children do not use, and also strongarmed locked down Microsoft tablets into schools, which he profits from.
People like Gates and Buffet don't give a shit about poor people. Their wealth was generated by manipulating the common folk, for fuck sake.