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Кaј cи тpaнџo, имa чикa Фyлгpим цpвeни cпpeмни зa тeбe
Where is old you uglygirlposte
People who would come to /balk/ probably don't care that much about who is who.
you're going to trigger our paшaбoй
Alexander was Macedonian. He was blue-eyed blonde-haired and Greeks are anything but that.
>when we get a cencus well find out
only if it's: not in summer; be supervised by both russia and the west
Aaaaa Ja qifsha jeten
Ndenjesa E navitores Asht akull
Not just in balk ive seen super friendly serbs in pol too
Bceмoгѫщи пpaви Бoжe,
мoлимъ Цapя ни пaзи!
Дaй мy cили, зa дa мoжe
зли пoвpaти дa cpaзи!
Зa пoгpoмъ нa вpaгoвeтѣ
и зa cлaвни бѫднини,
Бoжe, Цapю нa Цapeтѣ,
дaй нa Цapя cвѣтли дни!
A нa бългapcкoтo плeмe
yмa, Бoжe, пpocвѣти,
cъcъ любoвь дa ce oбeмe
и зaдpyжнo пpoцъфти.
Чpeзъ cъглacиe дa мoжe
cилнa вoля дa paзвий,
чpeзъ нaпpѣдъкъ дaй мy, Бoжe,
cлaвнo имe дa дoбий!
Kshtu eshte kur sperdor banjo turke.
it's simply astounding that in an age of computers and everything we don't have a single citizen registry to know who is who and where
>A нa бългapcкoтo плeмe
why the fuck would you want that
>didn't even link the previous thread
what a faggot
>a single citizen registry to know who is who and where
And that is good or necessary how, Comrade Stalin? Also, your telecom provider knows EVERYTHING about you, so don't worry.
also we should limit the right to vote only for net-positive taxpayers
it's after all they who finance the state and make its operation possible
>mfw 3/4 albos, 99% gypsies, student fags, pensioners and manchildren will immediately lose voting rights
Bulgaria blessed by the anime Gods
good evening comrades
lots of albanians actually return
not to mention we make 3-4 even 5 children
with all of this, logically, something you shkijet have a hard time to grasp on, you can see that we are growing.
Meanwhile, you guys are getting the pasosh and bye bye to eu
1st for fuck blacklans
find a flaw
why don't macedonians just migrate to some empty oblast in Russia? they have more than enough space for a million or so people, are pan-slavic, and extremely authoritarian
>g*stivar had more serbs than bulgarians
filthy whtey
why are you a greekboo, joakim
its Iki
because we wouldn't need to have these stupid discussions about who has what numbers and instead we'll have real time data
that connected with the customs systems will also display not only the current but also the present population in the country as well
it's in our blood to conquer and enslave our inferiors
sorry it had to be you guys
analbania exists
im not even mad thats amazing
find a flaw
imagine willingly selling your ass to the state that easily
Why does /balk/ has the best chicks?
ofc you would be against that wouldn't you
>tfw we can actually spread out to greece
>tfw we can become a majority on Çamëri again
>tfw we can actually have our lands back probably with some plus being added
>tfw we can actually separate from greece and we also have historical evidence that albanians lived in it
>tfw Çamëria become kosova 3.0
>albo's biggest dream is to create a kosovo in as many countries as possible
first get to becoming at least 15% in macedonia, then think of spreading
only one thing happens when you gave the state such power over a civilian population
you can cameri in hell
fucking genius
good enough for now
that's why you let the citizens have arms too
This morning he arrived in Bucharest but he had to cancel the meeting with our prime minister because WE DON'T HAVE ONE, he resigned last night
Best foreign article on the matter:
norway already has such a thing
you can look up tax records of people publicly: neighbors, family, celebrities, whatever
meanwhile in real life
find a flaw
lying kelly, those are romas
we could let it rot
corruption in balkan countries is exactly there because we have a lack of transparency
the more public things are, the less corruption there will be
lejeni mos i jepni mo ju's ktij rrotes karit prej armenie
we are probably already 35.
>inb4 source
You guys are cucked already.
Just look at Çair, it was basically 50/50 in 2002 or around that time
But now?
Just go and take a look.
The only Macedonians you can see are some old women left alone, or men for that matter.
On the other hand, you can see katunars that have started coming to Shkup, who, in turn, have around 4-5 children.
And they are spreading out.
Your end is near, shk*. Whether you accept and deal with it, or run from it, it will come and catch you.
even better for barrel bombing
no collateral damage of ours
>the future of mkd is already set in stone
Indeed it is
In my neighborhood live 400.000 people, as much as Albanians in Mkd. My neighborhood is unknown outside of Sofia, as unknown Albanians in Bulgarian Macedonia will be.
What's for dinner, /balk/?
Krenvirshi and soup here
Did you know Alexander the Great was a Slav? Macedonia has tigers too
best joke ive read today
I hate this tranlo with his anzu pics
Did you browse Albanian news again?
i don't know, albanian votes were only 19%
the health institute says you're closer to 14%
but the shqiptar ghetto chair(one little neighborhood of skopje) is full of shqiptars that must mean you're already majority
lmao shit your shqip ass down and get back to cleaning toilets while i lord over you
no i looked at bulgarian fertility rates
that would make bulgaria even poorer than before
as if being poorer than turkey wasnt enough
Phew, If now you had a population higher than 2M it would be great
you're drunk
and tranlo looks like a girl
and he is hitting on you
and takes you home and puts you on his bed
and then the moment of truth comes and you see his benis
what do
Alexander the Great was a Greek
no worries, sashko is a good guy, when he becomes governor of albanian macedonia ill petition him to allow bulgarians visa free travel to ohrid for 30 days
find a flaw
Kill him
>usa hears
>it immediately takes action
>NATO, its puppet, immediately sends the army for ethnic cleansing
>mks start chimping out
>albos takes arm in centar and karposh where they have alredy spread but stay hidden
>in the next few days mks go to BUGARIA
>in the next few years MK borders stays as it is
>with only changes are the ethnic numbers
>Skopje changes to Shkup
>MKs majority changes to AL majority
>more than half of MK is under ALBO hands
Shut up, bugar.
No one loves you here.
And half illyrian too
when bulgarians drop from 6 million to 4 million you will be dead
when albanians jump from 2 million to 3 million, you will be dead
fertility rates wont affect your life, in your entire lifetime albanians will still be subhuman criminals and goat fuckers and garbage collectors and minorities outside of albania and kosovo, and kosovo will never be part of albania
Ok guys
Gt sleep now
Physics tomorrow
gjume te embel
>when bulgarians drop from 6 million to 4 million you will be dead
lol what
no i wont
it will literally happen in 32 years
i have brown hair brown eyes but my son is blue eyed? wtf
And 3/4 Slav
nobody will read that you monkey
albanian blood is barely 5% illyrian m8
rest is greek and some slav admixture
>albanians will still be subhuman criminals and goat fuckers and garbage collectors
also this is literally comical considering mk is worse off than albania
what does that make you
find a flaw
>it will literally happen in 32 years
in the year 2060 the population of bulgaria is projected at: 5,384,040
Digits confirm
>ghetto chair(one little neighborhood of skopje)
in size its small, but its population is no smaller than the greater muncopalities around
And its not the only one that is being colonized
Look at Gazi Baba
Look at Centar
>i call america
the post
The Albanian will have increased heavily to 1.2M
audibly keked
bulgarians will be ~4.5m of that
there will literally be more albanians in albania-kosovo than bulgarians in bulgaria
>every first world country is libtard
99% ethno state
we dont call america.
we ARE america, america is us.
find a flaw
Didnt take Constantinople
russia exists