gimme danger
poop guardiolel
Can he beat AJ?
The tories just made being poor illegal
not saying it doesn't happen but I reckon a skanky bitch like elsa jean just says it to make out shes less of a whore and to garner sympathy
any brockhampton man in
just been nicked for being poor
have to pay a £100 fine
Just seen planning permission for another de-lousing chamber at the Royal London Hospital
going to the gym at 10pm
when i'm prime minister i'm going to make being poor illegal but responsibility for it will be on the department of work and pensions, meaning that it's the minister for that department who goes to stabby rape jail if someone is poor, not the poor themselves.
will immediately begin assigning my political opponents to the DWP portfolio. should have backed me for the leadership, shouldn't you Jim? SHOULDN'T YOU, YOU BACKSTABBING CONNIVING LITTLE SHIT
the tories just increased taxes for the unemployed but abolished taxes for millionaires what the fuck is going on
yeah that sounds a lot more reasonable than astronomical debt
>hairline was fine last year, just maturing
>this year it has gone JUST and is receeding
>the tories just increased taxes for the unemployed but abolished taxes for millionaires what the fuck is going on
real talk this is what cutting the top rate of income tax while increasing VAT actually does
>Finally I agree with the Irish on something. Nobody in Europe seems to understand that insurance is taken out of your salary from your job
Only salaried jobs generally offer health insurance and even with good insurance you can still end up paying a huge amount in excess. Kaiser Permanente's one of the best health plans in America and my cousin still had to pay $3000 for a routine birth. If she had a kid at 20-odd it's not unlikely she racked up a bit of debt from it.
The funeral of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom was the largest gathering of European royalty ever to take place.
The funeral procession (given roughly in the order they arrived):
>George V, the late King's son
>Kaiser of Germany, the late King's nephew
>Duke of Connaught, the late King's brother
>King of Greece, the late King's brother-in-law
>King of Spain, the late King's nephew-in-law
>King of Norway, the late King's nephew
>King of Denmark, the late King's brother-in-law
>King of Portugal, the late King's cousin
>Tsar of the Bulgarians, the late King's second cousin
>King of the Belgians, the late King's second cousin
>Heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary
>Crown Prince of the Ottoman Empire
>Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia, the late King's nephew
>Prince Fushimi Sadanaru, cousin of the Emperor of Japan
>Prince Mohammed Ali of Egypt, heir presumptive to the throne of Egypt
Those who followed behind in the carriages included:
>Caesar (dog), the late King's dog
>Queen Alexandra, the late King's widow
>Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia, the late King's sister-in-law
>Princess Royal and Duchess of Fife, the late King's daughter
>Queen of the United Kingdom, the late King's daughter-in-law
>Queen of Norway, the late King's daughter
>Prince Zaitao of China, representing the Qing Dynasty
>Theodore Roosevelt, representing the United States
>Stéphen Pichon, representing the French Republic
>Samad Khan Momtaz os-Saltaneh, representing Persia
For most of them, it was the last time there were together before being deposed in World War I
haha balding prick
is this the crazy american guy who lives in a 60 year old camper on loch ness and claims to have a spiritual relationship with nessie
When I got shot in the head and my arm cut off by london yardies I had to wait 12 hours in the waiting room bleeding profusely. I tried to get to a doctor but they just pushed me back and threw another bandage my way to patch myself up. NHS is dying we need corbyn
dreading when the queen dies
just know there'll be some attempt to modernise it, alongside unspeakably un-british public displays of grief.
Better be the climbing gym
>snus is still legal in sweden
It got a specific exemption. EU law bans it in the rest of the EU and it was Britain that had the bill introduced.
it will be the final nail in the coffin of this country
today has been a write off
doign maths lads
no you fucking spastic
jog on
the queen can't die
its right off you fucking idiot
I was in primary school 8 years ago
its whatever the fuck i say it is
Muhammad is the most popular name in the UK. So yeah, wouldn't be surprised if maybe William squeaks out his reign, and then just decides to end the whole monarchy, cause it might offend some Muslims
all niggers should be fucking killed
The 3000 wouldnt have had to be paid upfront though. Just taken out of your current saved insurance you've put in, then insurance premiums would rise and you'd be given an instalment plan. Very, very rarely will americans be asked to pay upfront for healthcare treatment. It's almost always a plan, and interest is illegal too.
>not saying it doesn't happen but I reckon a skanky bitch like elsa jean just says it to make out shes less of a whore and to garner sympathy
She never said it in interviews or anything though, she'd just posted stuff about medical debts on social media stuff (not porn related).
She literally has a husband and daughter - not really the backround for people who actually want to do porn.
>all niggers should be fucking killed
another classic foreign cuck post
today has been a right oeuf
>when will they pay their fair share
the leftycel argument
wacky bruce at it again haha
Elsa Jean has a giant vagina
wish more women in porn had that
when i become PM the poor will be left to die in the street
those fucking bureaucrats giving our politicians a voice
when the queen dies, australia, canada and nz will have monarchy referendums
Why is leftypol mad about rich people not buying their fair share
they should be an example and give 100% of their wealth to the state.
Nippy out mind
>real talk this is what cutting the top rate of income tax while increasing VAT actually does
An increase on taxes of goods through VAT is not an increase on tax to the consumer lmao talk about mental gymnastics leftypol
unironically agree
Don’t understand this graph
>effective tax rate getting higher for the bottom quintile and lower for the top
don't understand the point of this image
thatd be a bit rude, they could at least wait
>>all niggers should be fucking killed
for me, it's perri piper
I’m in Italy
Thirsty Tuesday lad?
show us ur tims then coppa
holy mother of peng
why is there so much crime in manchester
I know, but a difficult birth (protracted labour, anaesthiologist involved) can easily reach $40,000-odd (with insurance) and American hospitals often sell debt in the event of an inability to pay. It really depends very much on the healthcare network and state.
found him on google maps for you x
I'm in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
when will lazy feckless benefit scroungers get off their arses and contribute to society
can't believe there's no stone roses or oasis in the Sup Forums essential spotify playlist
can guarantee both of you are failures at life and definitely virgins
The monarchy is the only thing keeping you guys relevant
too many whites
hate this stupid line of thinking.
you want slavery abolished? haha, don't ban slavery just give your slaves away, maybe people will follow your good example. why impose structural change when you can masturbate to your own piety?
>the cost won’t go up at the price point
All italian lads look the same
This is your last warning Rorke.
plebs will be plebs
unbelievable narcissist
Now you’ll rest forever
my weary heart. The last illusion has died
I thought eternal. Died. I feel, in truth,
not only hope, but desire
for dear illusion has vanished.
Rest forever. You’ve laboured
enough. Not a single thing is worth
your beating: the earth’s not worthy
of your sighs. Bitter and tedious,
life is, nothing more: and the world is mud.
Be silent now. Despair
for the last time. To our race Fate
gave only death. Now scorn Nature,
that brute force
that secretly governs the common hurt,
and the infinite emptiness of all.
>An increase on taxes of goods through VAT is not an increase on tax to the consumer
Poleaboo is on the loose
you misspelled blur
leftypol mongs cannot differentiate between a cut in business tax, and a cut in top rate of tax.
One is overall business profits, the other is personal wealth of the individual. Taxing the individual is fine but taxing the business harms communities and the economy.
>George in the light
>Kaiser in the dark
>this was the last time they spoke as friends
tfw his little vegan hands are too weak to fire a weapon
i love my dad
don't understand the relevance to VAT, which is a consumption tax.
corporation tax is stupid, but that's irrelevant.
>Ari fags are still this butthurt years later about their coal burner waifu
Reminder V Juice won
pretty sure one direction are more popular than the queen mate
its only yank housewives who obsess over the monarchy
no you don't
be quiet
is this achievable natty?