
Good luck with that.

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it wont happen u delusional fruitcake


>break up all states based on rural-urban divide


Good for Cali, I'm sure.

Smaller states (regarding population size) are disproportionally represented in the electoral college. This would increase voting power in Cali. And GDP per capita of Cali would be even greater, without the rural expanse. Would be much easier to fund those expensive healthcare plans if you didn't have to provide public hospitals to remote, low density populations.

So is NCR real now or something?

Nothing illegal about it, states have been split before

>be rural america
>secede from Urban America
>Suddenly no money, unable to pay bills
>cities have extra cash to invest in their metro-areas
>children don't want to stay in shithole, move to cities
>Massive migration to cities, results in depopulation of rural america. The ones that stay are poorfag
>Watch GOP collapse, or move left substantially
I support this.

I mean there's a thing called food but I guess the people in SanFran and LA are more than happy living off soylent.

>New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

It's not easy, and requires massive legislative support. It isn't likely to happen ever again.

is there a historical justification for this? what does that star represent?

This is what happens when you elect Donald Trump as president. Divisive politics have no place in the world.

countries that subsists on agriculture are poor across the board.
Farms and rural regions already get massive subsidies to produce, we could change the system in many ways to make rural american subservient to the urban.

Worst case scenario, we can just follow the free market and import our food, from abroad. But that won't be necessary.

>contra costa county
I mean, I'm not complaining since it would allow for people in SF to finally live in a low-tax area, but why? It's just such a random addition, they vote left by a wide margin and are barely geographically attached to the rest of it. Do they realize they need SOME urban workers and just decided to take them?

Is blue splitting from yellow, or yellow from blue? Because blue is absolutely irrelevant.

The star represents Texas. Like Texas California was also a former Mexican territory that fought and gained its independence and later joined the united states.

have we started the fire?

I think we have a new contender for worst flag

Blue splitting from Yellow. Of course they're irrelevant, the whole thing is about muh taxes

Blue is where the republicans always win right?

For the most part, but they also included a lot of counties that go for the dems, at least on a national level. Maybe the state-wide and local politics are different in those counties.

>be rural California
>have to pay high californian taxes
>have to pay all laborers californian minimum wage
>be subject to having your farmland into suburbs by city folk
>most of you taxes are spent on the city anyways
>be outrepresented in government by San Francisco and Los Angeles
>mexicans are slowly going back to Mexico and replaced by rich chinks, making you become dependent on American workers, which in turn makes you pay Californian minimum wage
>Coastal Cali represents you globally

Napa Valley is the red strip east of the bay right?

>Divisive politics have no place in the world.

thats some fucking good shit

kill yourself tripfag

No, it's north of the bay near the coast.


You are an idiot.
Divisive politics is not the same as differing in opinion.
Divisive politics really should stop.

>most of you taxes are spent on the city anyways

>Perception aside, the numbers show the Twin Cities metro counties are the state’s economic engine, generating tax dollars that flow outward to every corner of the state. A June 2014 report by nonpartisan House Research shows the seven metro counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington generate considerably more tax revenue than the other 80 counties combined.

Rural regions are dependent on urban, not the other way around. Rural people get more money, than they put in.

The more rural the state, the more they get from the federal government. California gives more money, than they get. Mississippi and most GOP states take more money, then they put in.

>factors in cost of housing
So, basically living in california is expensive.
Big fucking surprise.

Quality of living is still above average.

Fuck that shit I don't want to trapped here with rednecks

>Rural regions are dependent on urban, not the other way around
They're neither dependent nor independent, the relationship has always been symbiotic
>Rural people get more money, than they put in
Couldn't possibly be that rural areas are less populous, could it?
Less money goes around in rural areas, less to tax, but the infrastructure still costs money, and there is a lot of rural infrastructure
Plus other expenses, agricultural subsidies, etc. etc.

Quit being a dipshit

They should do it and then we should give them to Mexico

as long as it's balkanising america, I'm okay with this.

its a state so it doesnt do anything besides move a few senate seats

I live in one of the counties that would be in "New California". My answer is no. A million times no. The republicans for some reason are of the mind that they should never have to alter their platform in order to gain moderate votes and instead should just gerrymander everything to hell. I have loyalty to my homeland and I will be dead in the ground before I abide by this shit.

>"Well, it's been ungovernable for a long time. High taxes, education, you name it, and we're rated around 48th or 50th from a business climate and standpoint in California," said founder Robert Paul Preston.
>"There's something wrong when you have a rural county such as this one, and you go down to Orange County which is mostly urban, and it has the same set of problems, and it happens because of how the state is being governed and taxed," Preston said.

Jesus Christ. These people are cowards who think the solution to our problems is to just cut and run instead of proposing a solution to fix anything. At least I can respect the people supporting Jefferson (actual residents of the far north, not Dixons and Texans who want to rip us up and whom should be strung up). I can't respect anyone behind this "New California" bullshit.

And fuck it, while were on the subject. I love the people of the far north and if the day comes where it comes to a vote and they go for secession I will abide by their decision because if you love something then you need to let it go. Yet until that day I will fight to keep us whole. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out if there is anything we can do as citizens to bridge our divides whether culturally or by restructuring the state government. I have talked to supporters (again actual residents not yo fuckers) and they are reasonable people. I'm sure we could work our system out. Maybe increasing local level autonomy?

Oh god, the fact that Baja California isn't a part of California bothers me enough already
Do we really need three of them?

I wish. Rural California gets little to no representation in the State Assembly. They don't care one iota about the non-urban parts of the state, and pass all sorts of shitty laws (gun control) that fucks with a rural lifestyle.

It's funny because it's the urban/leftist areas of California that will fight this the hardest.

If "rural America" is this big burden, why not let them leave? Or do you not truly believe your own talking points?

god tier post friend

It's a load of shit.
Notice how they always say 'federal taxes'? Basically a population tax.
If you look at the finances on a state by state basis, you'll see the worst state is Illinois and California is worse than every single GOP state except for WV.

This is actually because other states bus their hobos over here

>lumping us in with anything south of SLO
>No point richmond

Why the fuck is California so large anyways? Did no one look at the West Coast and think to themselves that maybe one state shouldn't have all the coastline?

federal spending (and therefore federal taxes) are what every fly over uses when they try to suggest that California (or any state that's not rural and conservative enough) is a drain on the country. The fact of the matter is that several of the redest of red states take up more federal dollars than they give up through taxes, California is a net positive in terms of revenue at the national level, Alabama is a net less. their state and municipal finances are a matter for the relevant state and municipalities. Your population tax as a defense is bullshit as they're comparing dollars put in to dollars taken out not comparing total federal taxes paid per state.

Golden lel。

>Less money goes around in rural areas, less to tax, but the infrastructure still costs money, and there is a lot of rural infrastructure Plus other expenses, agricultural subsidies, etc. etc.

So, what you are saying is that without Urban money, they wouldn't being able to afford the level of infrastructure that they have today, which is bad to begin with, right? That is called being dependent, not pulling their weight.
Rural populations can't maintain their level of development without outside help. it doesn't matter the population.

The cities are not dependent on rural areas, unless you include food, but that can be imported, and there is entire countries that subsists on food imports.

For all that rural people talk about handouts, and welfare. They get some of the biggest handouts in the country. The agricultural handout being one of the biggest in the country.

No one wants to reduce their country to a city state.
No one in california wants to divide the state. Urban areas would lose lots of land, and would now have a buffer state between the coast and the rest of the US.
The constitution also makes it difficult to divide states.

Many people also have family or are from the outside the cities, so they don't want to kick their families out.

At the end of the day, the ones who are in the least beneficial positions (rural areas), are the ones who insist or have the more secessionist nuts.

>finances on a state by state basis
What do you mean? Sources?

California puts more money into the government than it gets back. Mississippi takes more money than they give.

California has a good standard of living in comparison with shitholes like louisiana or mississippi, west virginia.

So, stop the bullshit.

At the time of annexation there was barely anyone living in the American west, it's why all the states are larger than the ones in the east. California never really had much of a population till the gold rush, and that's really when the first cities started forming. It along with the rest of the west again got a major increase in population and development when air conditioning was invented, and ww2 prompted the government to invest in infrastructure. That's why most of the cities in the west are all the same bland auto centric sprawl.

Urban California creates the technology that runs the entire world and the media that's broadcast over the entire world. It's a global power House not a "drain" you idiot fucking rightists why didn't Obama genocide you scum

kek, why they did not name it "Nueva Califórnia"? They are speaking spanish most of the time (or will be)

You can't just split everything along a urban/rural divide. You need both for a functioning country, unless you're a filthy rich like the gulf states and Singapore. This is just a shitty quick and easy fix to the growing divide of urban and rural America. What you really should do is try to smooth over the problems and relations between the two. But that would require hard work and thinking so nobody wants to do it.

>Urban California creates the technology that runs the entire world and the media that's broadcast over the entire world. It's a global power House not a "drain" you idiot fucking rightists why didn't Obama genocide you scum

Bloody hell, Sup Forumstards are crawling all over social media.

Rural Europeans aren't meth smoking purity ball celebrating global warming denying borderline retarded IQ subhumans. Other countries rural whites still act like people.

Rural Americans are simply inferior beings.

I don't understand the meme where they got really obsessed with California. Pacific Northwest is actually more liberal than California yet they don't care about it at all. For some reason California gets all the bad rep and blame for everything.

Blame Hollywood.

What is considered rural in America? Everything off the coast, the "flyover states" or just everywhere outside of cities?

I don't really get American politics at all to be honest, desu.

Everywhere outside the cities and suburbs. If you look at a county voting map, you'll notice that the country is dominated by red with only a few blue spots. Blue is the city, red is the country.

>a bunch of white and Asian, rich, elitist technocrats and Hollywood-ites want to form their own hypocritical regime of concentrated wealth and influence with a little bit of minorities sparsed in for good TV/moral social justice points


These are exactly the fucking pricks we need to tax more until they capitulate. Same goes for the Manhattan Republican Wall Street fuckers too.

Nueva Israel.

>What is considered rural in America?
Anything outside large cities. A hick in Massachusetts has more in common with a hick across the country in California than the kid next town over studying at MIT or Harvard

Good. Anticapitalism and antiamericanism are the two most important things in this world.

Right, which is why even the fucking Los Angeles Times is recently openly wondering why California is the poverty capital of the United States.

You know what? West Virginia, to use one of your examples, may be poor due to its economy mostly being tied to a dying industry (coal), but it's 95% white, and I can go out in Charleston or any its other cities and not hear a single word of Spanish.

Unironicly very intelligent posts

It’s the rural area that proposed this

Pacific Northwest has little cultural projection. California has a lot.

>why do poor people move to the richest & most liberal countries?

Go be dumb somewhere else.

>but it's 95% white, and I can go out in Charleston or any its other cities and not hear a single word of Spanish
Is being poor preferable to not having to hear any Spanish?

Pretty sure you'd actually be a lot richer in West Virginia than in California.

In an area subsisting off a "dying industry"?

Thought they were poor (illegal) Central Americans?

Maybe they wouldn't be shitting up what would otherwise be nice areas of California if leftist Democrats in the state government didn't fall all over themselves to coddle and protect them, for no reason other than pandering for votes.

You don't have to work in said dying industries, you know.

would you rather be poor in California or or Virginia?

Frankly I'd rather have my money go a lot farther in a fly over and live a comfortable life with less effort than break my back barely scarping by on the coasts.

>tfw white in California

Is America a shithole?

Your words
>poor due to its economy mostly being tied to a dying industry
Now it seems you are shifting from the initial point about being in a poor white area is better than having to listen to Spanish. Don't know man, not exactly sure where you are going with this, since I'm only trying to follow your reasoning here. Maybe you don't really have a point.

Not my words at all, I'm a different user. I was just trying to say that I'd rather live in an obscure, poorer place like Virginia than a rich one like California because my money could go farther.

>be rural california
>have food
>be urban california
>don't have food
>rural simpletons laughing.

Rural Californians are would be tripping over themselves trying to sell to the cities. It would be a buyers market.

You know americans can trade across their state lines, right?

>trying to sell to the cities
Only cities in US are in California?

Doesn't this mean the dems lose a good chunk of their voter base or are they going to pull something stupid like how they can still vote in America's elections?

Why would they want another rural conservative state when every rural conservative state has failed? This New Cali will just be Kansas+avocadoes, it won't be any more successful than the rest of the shitholes

>cost of living doesn't matter

this is what c*lifornians actually believe

it isn't the fact that the retards in sacremento are taxing the middle class out of the state, it isn't the millions of illegals that are being offered protection and aid

Are they trying to secede, but then be retaken by the Union?
This autism incarnate

oh cool, another Republican state.
why do they want San Diego and San Jose?

Also it's retarded of them to compare this to W*st Virginia.
As W*st Virginia was only allowed to gain independence from Virginia because the feds were asshurt about the war.

>muh food
Is this why Singapore is such a failed nation why fertile Zimbabwe is thriving?

>Stategov taxes the fuck out of everything in attempts to get money because our cyberpunk tier megacorps don't pay taxes and moonbeam needs his legacy projects.
>Poor regions that lack both a megacorp for stategov to bend over backwards for and a middle class to lose want out of a situation that doesn't suit them.
>"How dare they"

>I mean there's a thing called food
Just buy from China or South America m8. The US ag industry is an over-subsidised disaster anyway. Over time invest in techniques to work the little land or do urban growing. Won't cover your needs entirely but it'll help.

City states generally have a pretty easy time finding food, even in places like Singapore which had a hostile hinterland country.

>So, what you are saying is that without Urban money, they wouldn't being able to afford the level of infrastructure that they have today, which is bad to begin with, right?
It's just as good as your average city's infrastructure, so it isn't "bad"
Run down yes, but just as run down as any city, and even then these are extremely broad strokes
>That is called being dependent, not pulling their weight
It's called symbiosis, because cities don't produce commodities you fucking dipshit
Not just food, commodities
Iron, coal, oil, you name it
>but that can be imported
Which is why rural America is so run down and "Dependent"
Because cities don't buy American, they buy foreign because it's cheaper to buy foreign
They've been actively neglecting the other half of the country economically for what? Thirty, forty years and it's getting so run down that what you see as dependency is necessary to maintain a quality of life that can no longer be sustained by the rural folk's own means and tax money, because there's no fucking money there anymore
>The agricultural handout being one of the biggest in the country
Because it's really fucking hard to turn a profit with agriculture when you're competing with nations who can grow, harvest, and sell slightly lower quality agricultural products for less because their dollar is worth less
Hence while the majority of flyovers in nearly a continent's worth of land churn out millions of heads of cattle, you're probably eating Canadian beef

This is also why corn is so big in a lot of the "flyover" states, because it's a reliable source of income at a loss as a result of ethanol and a lot of companies needing high fructose corn syrup because the price of cane sugar is artificially high

These are complex issues and your smarmy shit-eating "Ur all welfare babies xd" attitude is more than likely a contributing factor to rural California, probably the most productive rural part of the country, wants to fucking secede

So, like Western Virginia?

I didn't know the commies had it in them. There really is hope for (New) Commiefornia if this gets legalized.

>This is actually because other states bus their hobos over here

Yes, it's "other states' hobos," not the millions of illegal immigrants residing in California, illegals the Democratic Party in your state offers sanctuary and, soon enough, health care.

Actually it's because transplants work for less and are willing to pay more for rent and houses and the people who lived in these cities in the first place get thrown out because of a really fucked up housing market
It's really fucked up but yeah sure keep believing these people are out-of-staters so you can keep justifying your shitty disposition