You wake up in Denmark

You wake up in Denmark

I go back to sleep

Buy cheap cargo bicycle and backpack, ride to Puttgarden - Germany.
Buy several pallets or beer, couple cases of cheap vodka and whisky.
Ride home to Sweden, be home in a day or two at most.
Sell some of the booze with a big profit to my friends, drink the rest.

>know German
>know English
I should be fine unless I woke up in one of those silly tiny islands in the Baltic

Take nearest bus/taxi home.

Visit my sister, buy a plane ticket home for 9 euros, go have a beer at Charlie Scotts bar while I wait for my next day flights.

Kek this. I do that with a car every year but a bike would be fun to try.

>ywn live in Copenhagen

Why not?

good for you, it's a shithole

I live right outside Baltimore

>ooh neat, wait for night to fall, go to a rave party.
>Make friends with people
>get high, get drunk, pop some ecstasy
>total blackout
>wake up in rural Germany in a barn naked
>an overweight blonde woman barges in, wearing Bavarian clothes
>Ah ja! Guten morgen! Joo up? Gut! Time for ze frühstück!
>Mein Gott! Where ist deine clothes? Ich calling ze police!

Now what

Run across an Autobahn naked while a car with a dashcam films you so the driver will post it on YouTube

Learn their language, mate with their women and in time our differences will be resolved.

i commit suicide desu

introduce the tiny little wh*Te infected country to KARA BOĞA and breed all of their fragile pale women and ensure that the country will be a BLACK GOD majority by 2019 FUCK WH*TEOIDS

Start building a submarine.

Buy some beer & booze then take the boat home.

Go to Denmark

It's like the Netherlands.

But it's not the Netherlands

I would love to wake up in Denmark.
Can you get a shitty job only speaking English there?

English is the only language spoken in the UK (linguists generally consider d*nish a more primitive form of communication distinct from human languages) so yes you'll be fine with just English

you'll find that 90% of the population, from teenager to seniors, would speak English on a level that'll get you arround everyday life and basic conversations.

You just have to deal with a wierd accent, few people can speak it fluently, even thou they'll have a large vocabulary.

Also, consider Aarhus. Copenhagen is a capitol, with all the downsides two. Aarhus is a medium town, but heavily focused on open minded and creative traits. Would never be my cup of tea, i would go Aalborg instead. The latter would be comparable to a town but in a rural region. But it has a small international airport (with discount to london and other places.) and rail/motorway.

Do you reckon it's possible to get a shitty job there only speaking English?

get the fuck out of there, fuck continental g*rmanic shits

jokes aside, just take a ferry home.