>Just go to the gym bro, im sure women will love ur new body
Just go to the gym bro, im sure women will love ur new body
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what if I want to attract twinks but 75%+ of twinks are only attracted to other twinks and I don't have a suitable body?
only gays go to gym.
real men goes to the woods and chopping trees.
i want to put my willy inside him
i'm 150KG and have fucked qt twinks
just be hairy and have a deep voice
Dumbest thing ive heard all day
how are you alive
I didn't vocaroo or anything, How did you heard it? Gym goers are dumbshit.
quite tall and strong
i can lift 100KG
l i v e r p o o l
You are retarded. Are we suppose to carry around rocks and chop trees in our backyard?
Not everyone lives in shacks in the middle of nowhere, some countries have cities, you know, thing with big constructions where people live.
I V R Y - S U R - S E I N E
I said woods, not backyards. Yes.
>use of energy on something useful like removing rocks
>get fit and build muscles
>more real satisfaction for doing something beneficial for society instead of whoring for likes on instagrams for selfish interest (a huge turn off for girls)
>energy not wasted on something like DUMBells.
you've answered your own question.
real muscles on hardworking men are more aesthetics (for real females) than fake muscles build on ratting oneself in gym (aesthetic for gays).
>Lifting for meatholes
Never gonna make it
Let's say they all weigh 50kg, that's 200 + 10 from the bar, that's a lot no ?
Okay so you want me to drive an hour or however long to fucking lift rocks and chop down trees on public property? What the actual fuck?
I think the bar weights more. Yeah, he's a big guy.
Mens olympic bar is 20kg, the guy is using something longer and likely about the same weight or maybe few kg's heavier
He also weighs well over 100kgs, I believe over 120
I am too aurtist to go to gym ;_;
>tfw 176 cm
>tfw 12 cm penor
What's the point
Perfectly fine, most girls are smaller than you. The taller you are the harder to get a good physique.
Well, could've been worse. Find a >160cm girl.
It is not just going to the gym
You also have to eat well and sleep well
Anyway it changes your life, I've been working out for two months and my body has changed a lot
my brother is this tall, it's fine. Just wear some height soles
as for the dick it's not that bad. You're not gonna be a slayer but you can definitely get a gf.
You need about a year of training to get more or less fit. That means: you should easily bench your weight, squat your weight times 1.5, and pull your weight times 2.
dadbod best bod
>tfw 185cm and 18cm dick that's buried in 10cm of fat
That's repulsive
I have always been thin/fit so I did not have to worry about losing weight I basically hit the gym to gain some muscle and because my new job compels me to be sit several hours a day
Chill those rustled jimmies
Excuses are for bitches
It's not an excuse it just makes no sense.