Please permaban this fucking Californian edition
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
>another thread all about me
oh boy
i like the californian. he is nice.
heard that california seceded from california
alright, I'm bored with playing DIDF in the other thread, time to get some actual work done.
Fuck Yankees by the way
yeah what's up with the nu-California thing
>woke up
church in Little Rock
Pretty, but oddly similar to a church I've been to near here.
pretty standard interior for a neo-gothic cathedral, but it's got it's own nuances that make it unique
here's a basilica in St Louis, MO
thats where my friend's wedding was at
I didn't even know about it until someone showed me a video of a UCA chamber choir concert there.
I've only been to that Episcopalian church in LR
Daaamn. That's some trippy shit from that angle. I like it.
Random plant, rest is nice.
most stylish church in arkansas
ALL shit compared to European ones
I hate Rome, but god damn st. peter's basilica is staggering, and churches are just better
nevermind, this one is pretty sweet
do you still live with your bf in the trailer?
I hear that chapel has some pretty cool acoustics. Really need to get up there someday
everything I posted is based on European architecture though, but yeah I get that the average murrican church pales in comparison to the average euro church
>tfw no baroque architecture revival
I was at an airport in Kansas once
I don't live with him, he's in Texas for school
Kansas is barely considered Midwestern but okay
>tfw maryland
>tfw worst of dixie
Oh, what about Minnesota? I was at an airport there once, too
>I was at an airport in Kansas once
what was it like?
>pretty cool acoustics
I want to sing in it.
It was pretty exciting actually, my mom accidentally smuggled scissors onto the plane even though they went through our carry on looking for what set the alarm off. And while we were walking to the gate, we walked in the background of a local news broadcast. It was much better than Los Angeles, where we ended up
I know someone who did, she said it was cool
there's another church that looks like Thorncrown somewhere in AR, it was designed by the same guy
There's also a Frank Lloyd Wright building in a town not too far from there
that's where my checks came from when I worked at Target
All mine come from some shithole in California
Small world innit
don't bully north dakota and minnesota pls
How about we don't talk about the northern plains and instead talk about Dixie?
how can other states even compete
If every man is a GF, there will be no men left for them to date.
I'm addicted to drawing shitty pictures of Shaggy
That would be interesting.
dios el shaggy amarillo fusado...
there are worse hobbies.
>dios mios
>god (sg.) my (pl.)
That would be funny if it wasn't Israel's constant response to anybody disagreeing with it.
What did she mean by this?
>me trying to smooth with the ladies
>client's entire team slowly adding me on Facebook
Well then.
>Having facebook
Sasuga normie
they'll date the gf's duh
wait I misunderstood
disregard that post lads
That anything like "sausage"?
*floats in the water*
Cлип тaйт, cтpит лaйт.
no it means as of expected of you
Huh. TIL.
Those guys adding me on FB actually ended up being kind of convenient. They have a shared account on the site they hired me through but separate FB accounts (obviously), so now I can actually tell who's sending me what and where it needs to go.
the fat one is a tranny whose dick is too small for him to undergo SRS
the one in yellow went through it and he lies about dilation not being you driving a wedge into an open wound to keep it from closing up
every day we stray further from god
>he didn't see the George Takei post about the dating site set up by that 9 year old drag queen
ummm, what slippery slope sweaty :)))))))))))
i saw that
the tipping point is near
the day of the rope is coming
can jews cry?
>asking for a friend
my brazilian monkey told me that its illegal now to preach in bolivia
what's "cry"?
because communism
Blade.Runner.2049.1080p.HEVC.x265.10bit.BluRay.TrueHD.Atmos (5.91 GB)
What did he mean by this?
>he doesn't know
bitcucks on suicide watch
savannah btfo
It's like 45 degrees outside why would anything be canceled.
Also the Mercer Savannah campus is literally in a hospital
Blade Runner 2049 or Dunkirk?
it's snowing here
y-you too
I think I'm on the shitty gay boat for niggers today
blade runner
Found a cozy gif.
You are from Finland
yeah? you in the pic, brainiac
Death to America
reported to the patriot act
I'm already on a watchlist
Who care lmao
It's snowing quite a bit here.
man i'm a big fan of star wars too
looks like Northern Virginia is at it again.