Who here /nosocialmedia/?

Who here /nosocialmedia/?

only me?

Sup Forums is social media

Just no faces, no names

>tfw use social media to chat with my male and female friends

I started hating Facebook. Don't remember why, probably because I thought the biggest "fans" were complete retards.

You're on it now.

Meant for OP.

This place is like Facebook for extreme autists

Sup Forums is antisocial media

stopped using facebook like three years ago.

overall, I'd say it's very liberating, but there are some downsides. for example, students who study the same courses in uni usually make an fb group for that course, and then use these help each other out and organise study meets. it's a shame not being able to participate in that as much. the pros of quitting facebook still outweights the cons by far, though.


Sup Forums is about as social as wanking into a flannel
the best way to describe it would be anitsocial media but that sounds gay

No friends anyway. And my family don't use social media.

>no social media no problems

Not one social media, never had any (I'm 31 so I was in my twenties when the craze really started)
No smartphone, no instant messaging or chatting apps as well
This is the only way to do it

If you feel the need to bump your thread (to no effect) after 9 minutes on an average speed board, you're effectively using Sup Forums as social media. Apply yourself.


I do consider making one to keep in touch with relatives from time to time, I just despise kikebook


I'm used to have almost inmediate replies in every thread I make

It's a normie board, my man

Never had a social media account except bebo during high school where I made about 2 posts.

Never used any aside from myspace for a few months in middle school

We have an attention seeker on our hands. Instagram/Twitter would be good for you.

Sup Forums is my Facebook.

Probably not interesting enough for those. So he needs to make shitty bait threads on here.