Confess your sins, my child

Confess your sins, my child

I hate my parents for creating me

Similar flags

inb4 rare

You are forgiven

>on an international imageboard, a board where every culture has differents notions of morality, right or wrong

I....miss T*rk posters


i touch my willy when i see anime breasts

I can’t stop fucking eating
I want to recover

I suck off my own cock and addicted to it.

Convert or die
Not ok

I cheated my girlfiend many times, just love to flirt can't stop it

I'm a skinny fat

Eating what
Not ok cut penis off and repent

This is legit awful.

Bad unhealthy food
Help me

Is she aware?
A natural trait
Continue eating but eat less and be forgiven

I date a chinese girl

What is the path to God?

i'm dead inside

Submit to Allah scum

So just a fellow Hungarian?