Why do eastern Europeans hate freedom so much?
Why do eastern Europeans hate freedom so much?
Democracy is a spook
>American 'freedom index' just so happens to rate American allies high and rivals low
Really makes you think
>Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It is the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave communism. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always be a commie.
"freedom" is a deception for opression.
shit map
That's because America is naturally a friend of all freedom loving peoples.
>implying communism isn't the ultimate liberation of man
reactionary tbqh
>Sweden, 100% free
>keeps official enemies of the people lists
>can't say anything about mudniggers for fear of losing you job and being socially ostracized
Really makes you think.
Slave mentality, they always need some master someone must always rule over them. Even their diaspora vote Authoritarian across the board
murder your entire family if serious
freedom is back, eg america
Turkey is in NATO
Immigrate to North Korea.
immigrate to czech republic and marry that obsessed cuck
I would gladly do that.
But you seriouly need North Korea that's one of last countries not under evil control of evil USA.
>1918-Allies wreck the Austro-Hungarian Empire and create a bunch of terrible fake states in Central Europe that are all race wars waiting to happen
>1945-the Red Army, known for not being American, liberates Czechoslovakia
>1989-Eastern Europe is liberated from the horrors of socialism and given the freedom to participate in the soulless bloodsucking global capitalist system
Thanks America
What the hell is "freedom"?
>soulless bloodsucking global capitalist system
oh, so their lives were much better before?
When you read some of these 'freedom indices' websites it actually comes across as parody.
>say shit like 'high levels of freedom' like you can fucking measure freedom in ppm or something lmao
Nice definition of freedom you've got there.
Despite that being completely unsourced, how retarded do you have to be to think literal soviet 2nd world conditions are better than whatever lackluster meme government they have now? It's not like they had access to ANYTHING at all non-commie countries enjoyed back when they were ruled by the commies, which means they likely wouldn't even have basic shit like internet access had the commies not been ousted. Not to mention all those famines and shortages.
Seems to me like they're just frustrated with their current regimes and being retardedly nostalgic for it, especially Russia.
It's from this 2009 pew poll which has some confusing and seemingly conflicting results.
Support for capitalism and 'democracy' seems to be down across the board (or at least it was a decade ago. Not sure how much things have changed since then for better or worse).
Freedom is a mistake. Every "democratic revolution" has been retarded peasants having a chimpout so that they can become oligarch slaves.
What are the criterions here?
Yeah, and the US is allied with its rivals.
LGBTQPZXY+ acceptance.
I don't remember US allying with Russia and Belarus.
Doubt it.
We have plenty of freedom.
Poland is Central Europe.
Submissive slave race
Kind of funny that the so-called iron curtain actually protected eastern europe from degeneracy
I wish we were...
they have more sandniggers at this point, so?
aren't you forgetting the revolution that, you know, created our country? the only democratic revolution that really succeeded?
What's up with all the Nato shills posting under Russian flags?
looks like soros started handing out proxies
What is this based on exactly?
well, there was no sex and aids in ussr
Not quite sure who you talkin about?
Russia has more muslims than all european countries.
there’s a difference between mudslimes and sandniggers, about time you realized that
Only difference is russian media not reporting most cases.
You were never communist yet you are still biggest shithole in south america