Japanese master race has high nose unlike subh*man Chinese.
Chinese flat nose monkey
Japanese master race has high nose unlike subh*man Chinese.
Chinese flat nose monkey
That's not very nice of you
That's not nice. So you think I'm a monkey just because I was born differently?
That's not nice. So you hate monkeys just because they were born differently?
>So you think I'm a monkey just because I was born differently?
Yes, that's precisely how it works. You born with different or standing out facial fatures and automatically get treated in a very special way.
If you were born black you were treated as a nigger.
She still looks classy though
I know that it's the reality. I'm just asking why it should be that way and saying OP shouldn't submit to it.
Well calling somebody a monkey is a way to dehumanize somebody as a subhuman. They aren't given the same rights as humans of course.
zitto animale
yeah she's too good for japs
wassup rapebaby
But what it you didn't take it as an insult and felt indifferent instead?
looks like the Northern Han ideal female desu
this is a Japanese noble
hell o
That's a Chinese immitator from Nanjing
I have high nose but I am of chinese heritage.
Wow. Japanese pure race very fine nose. Isolated on island kept purity long time. China filthy monkey people breeding with animals giving birth to abominations.
It is only that ethnic group in Japan that uses despoils such as monkeys.
I will not tell you any more and you will understand.
Russians are basically light skinned niggers.
This. It was also proven genetically.
Russians are literally closer related to certain african groups like eritreans, than to europeans such as bulgarians and poles.
face changes after getting old
It’s your taste. I prefer upturn noses.
Korea is better than Japan.
Abe works very well
Japanese rage ban when?
I wish more east Asians grew facial hair, they looked so good with the older styles in these old photos
agreed 2bh
Apparently jaoan has a strange history with facial hair, since Ainu and older samurai grew facial hair, which gave it an association with savagery and aggression. Eventually the transaction came and went but since the toothbrush moustaches in the 30s, it's gone largely out of style. Hopefully it comes back, just check how much better Kojima looks with facial hair
pic somewhat related
That's a painting. It's not accurate.
That's a photo. It is accurate.
There was a practice during the late Meiji era to brush up photos. Think of it as an early version of Photoshopping. So it's not very accurate.
Maybe, but they still grew facial hair, even today some do
Disregard that post. I assumed you were talking about Jomon/Yayoi crap at first, but you were talking about facial hair.
Don't worry, I thought you were talking about moustaches, so I guess we were both on opposite ends of the wrong book
Anyway, here's a bearded Kojima with De Niro
All asian noses are nigger tier
The average faces of netouyos